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The Physical Appearance of Different Types of Biogas Plants

The three main types of simple biogas plants are shown in figure 1:

More information about the different types of biogas plants is provided under digester types.

Balloon plants

[IMAGE] Small "foil-plant" (Ivory Coast)
Photo: Henning

The balloon plant consists of a digester bag (e.g. PVC) in the upper part of which the gas is stored. The inlet and outlet are attached directly to the plastic skin of the balloon. The gas pressure is achieved through the elasticity of the balloon and by added weights placed on the balloon.

Advantages are low cost, ease of transportation, low construction sophistication, high digester temperatures, uncomplicated cleaning, emptying and maintenance.

Disadvantages can be the relatively short life span, high susceptibility to damage, little creation of local employment and, therefore, limited self-help potential.

A variation of the balloon plant is the channel-type digester, which is usually covered with plastic sheeting and a sunshade (fig.1-E). Balloon plants can be recommended wherever the balloon skin is not likely to be damaged and where the temperature is even and high.

[IMAGE] Fig. 1: Simple biogas plants. Floating-drum plant (A), fixed-dome plant (B), fixed-dome plant with separate gas holder (C), balloon plant (D), channel-type digester with plastic sheeting and sunshade (E).
Source: Biogas Plants, L. Sasse, GATE, 1988, p. 14

Fixed-dome plants

The fixed-dome plant consists of a digester with a fixed, non-movable gas holder, which sits on top of the digester. When gas production starts, the slurry is displaced into the compensation tank. Gas pressure increases with the volume of gas stored and the height difference between the slurry level in the digester and the slurry level in the compensation tank.

Advantages are the relatively low construction costs, the absence of moving parts and rusting steel parts. If well constructed, fixed dome plants have a long life span. The underground construction saves space and protects the digester from temperature changes. The construction provides opportunities for skilled local employment.

Disadvantages are mainly the frequent problems with the gas-tightness of the brickwork gas holder (a small crack in the upper brickwork can cause heavy losses of biogas). Fixed-dome plants are, therefore, recommended only where construction can be supervised by experienced biogas technicians. The gas pressure fluctuates substantially depending on the volume of the stored gas. Even though the underground construction buffers temperature extremes, digester temperatures are generally low.

Floating-drum plants

Floating-drum plants consist of an underground digester and a moving gas-holder. The gas-holder floats either directly on the fermentation slurry or in a water jacket of its own. The gas is collected in the gas drum, which rises or moves down, according to the amount of gas stored. The gas drum is prevented from tilting by a guiding frame. If the drum floats in a water jacket, it cannot get stuck, even in substrate with high solid content.

Advantages are the simple, easily understood operation - the volume of stored gas is directly visible. The gas pressure is constant, determined by the weight of the gas holder. The construction is relatively easy, construction mistakes do not lead to major problems in operation and gas yield.

Disadvantages are high material costs of the steel drum, the susceptibility of steel parts to corrosion. Because of this, floating drum plants have a shorter life span than fixed-dome plants and regular maintenance costs for the painting of the drum.

To contrast these simple biogas plants, figure 2 gives an impression about dimensions of industrial plants which are, for example, built in Europe.

[IMAGE] Fig. 2: Industrial biogas plant with utilization of domestic organic wastes
Source: TBW