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The authors would like to express their appreciation to, Beatrice Daniel our principal research assistant for her very conscientious efforts in the compilation of information during the research phase, Susan Camm for her daily typing during the field study and to Hororata Fungo for accurately transcribing the data. Further thanks to Shirley Brace and Susan Lonergan the secretaries from CSSME, Leeds who typed the original data.

We would like to thank our respective institutions, the Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education, University of Leeds and the Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Faculty of Education, University of Dar es Salaam. In particular to colleagues who have provided advice and assistance over the last two years.

To the British Council in Dar es Salaam, especially Grace Kimaro, for assisting us in numerous ways.

We would like to acknowledge the assistance and co-operation of officers from Ministries, local and national NGO's, and the Principals, Headteachers, staff and informal sector artisans who contributed to this study.

We also thank Gren Jones, Digby Swift, Terry Allsop and Graham Larkbey of the Overseas Development Administration for providing the funding and other assistance that has enabled us to carry out this study.

Another valued contributor was Susan Kent who patiently checked the text, offered critical comments and gave moral support to the writers. To Maria and Susan for their forbearance, understanding and support during our safaris, thank you!