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Sub-Saharan Africa

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Annotations - Sub-Saharan Africa
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ADEPOJU, Aderanti & OPPONG, Christine (eds.) (1994)

Gender, Work and Population in Sub-Saharan Africa, International Labour Office, J. Currey, Geneva.


'Women and Mass Media in Africa: a Case of Sierra Leone, the Niger and Egypt' in Journal of Eastern African Research and Development, 15, 198-221.

AKEROYD, Anne V. (1996)

Some Gendered and Occupational Aspects of HIV and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa: Changes, Continuities and Issues for Further Consideration at the End of the First Decade, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.

COMHAIRE, Sylvain Suzanne (1963)

Participation of Women in Industry and Commerce in African Towns South of the Sahara, United Nations Commission, Lagos.

COULSON, Brenda Mary (1994)

The Impact of Development Upon the Health of Women and Children in Sub-Saharan Africa, Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Hull, United Kingdom.

CREEVEY, Lucy E. (ed.) (1986)

Women Farmers in Africa: Rural Development in Mali and the Sahel, Syracuse University.

EMEAGWALI, Gloria Thomas (ed.) (1995)

Women Pay the Price: Structural Adjustment in Africa and the Caribbean, Africa World Press.


Thematic Evaluation on the Integration of Women in Rural Development: Evaluation of Nine Projects Financed by the European Development Fund in Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Kenya, Niger, Swaziland, Togo and Zambia, Synthesis Report by BMB and FEMCONSULT, Brussels European Commission.


All in Good Time: Women's Agricultural Production in Sub-Saharan Africa, Natural Resources Institute.

HAY, Margaret Jean & STICHTER, Sharon, 2nd Edition (1995)

African Women South of the Sahara, Longman, London.

NEWMAN, Jeanne S. (1984)

Women of the World: Sub-Saharan Africa, Agency for International Development (IDCA), Washington D.C.

PALRIWALA, Ranji & RISSEEUW, Carla (eds.) (1995)

Shifting Circles of Support: Conceptualising Gender and Kinship in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, Sage Publications.

SMITH, E. Nan (1988)

Women in Sub-Saharan Africa, Minority Rights Group, London.

UNESCO (1993)

The education of girls: the Ougadougou declaration and framework for action: Pan-African conference on the education of girls, Pan-African Conference, Ougadougou.

Gender and Education

ABEL (1990)

Les Impacts Économiques et Sociaux de L'Éducation Primaire Pour les Filles dans les Pays en Voie de Développement, USAID Office of Education and Women, Washington D. C.

ADAMCHAK, D. J. & NTSEANE, P. G. (1992)

'Gender, Education and Fertility - A Cross National Analysis of Sub-Saharan Nations' in Sociological Spectrum, 12 (2), 167-182.

ADAMS, Milton N. & KRUPPENBACH, S. E. (1987)

'Gender and Access in the African School', in International Review of Education, 33 (4), 437-455.

AINSWORTH, Martha (et al.) (1995)

The Impact of Female Schooling on Fertility and Contraceptive Use: A Study of Fourteen Sub-Saharan African Countries, Living Standards Measurement Study, Working Paper No. 110, World Bank, Washington D.C.

APPLETON, Simon (et al.) (1995)

Gender Differences in the Returns to Schooling in Three African Countries, Development Working Papers 83, Centre of African Economics, Oxford.

BOUYA, Alphonsine (1994)

'Education des Filles: Quelles Perspectives Pour L'Afrique Sub- Saharienne au XXI Siècle?' in African Development, XIX (4), 11-34.-IIEP, Paris.

BROCK, C. & CAMMISH N. (1994)

Factors Affecting Female Participation in Education in six Developing Countries, Overseas Development Administration, ODA Research Project 4532 Serial No. 9, London (includes Cameroon and Sierra Leone).

BOWN, Lalage (1985)

'Without Women No Development: The Role of Non Formal Education for Women in African Development' in Kevin M. LILLIS (ed.) School and Community in Less Developed Areas, Croom Helm, London, 258-276.

BROWNE, Angela W. & BARRETT, Hazel R. (1991)

'Female Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Key to Development' in Comparative Education, 27 (3), 275-85.

De GRAUWE, Anton (1994)

'Why does Franky Go to School while Aminata Stays at Home? Supply and Demand Constraints on Enrolment on Education in Africa' in UNESCO- Africa, 9, 12-19.

ELIOU, Marie (1973)

'Scolarisation et Promotion Féminines en Afrique Francophone (Cote d'Ivoire, Haute - Volta, Sénégal)' in International Review of Education, 19 (1), 30-44.

HALL, Eve (1988)

Vocational Training for Women Refugees in Africa: Guidelines from Selected Field Projects, ILO, Geneva.

HALLAM, S (1994)

Crimes without punishment: sexual harassment and violence against female students in schools and universities in Africa, Discussion Paper No. 4, Africa Rights, London.

HARTNETT, Teresa (1993)

Statistical Indicators of Female Participation in Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Human Resources Division, World Bank, Washington D.C.

HYDE, Karin A. L. (1989)

Improving Women's Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of the Literature, PHREE Background Paper Series, Document No. PHREE/89/15, Education and Employment Division, World Bank.

KERENGE, Apollonia (1992)

Women in Development: Training Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa, Pan African Institute of Development, Douala.

MACHILA, Margaret (1989)

'Women, Peace and Development in Southern Africa' in Convergence 22 (1), 75-81.

ODAGA, Adhiambo & HENEVELD, Ward (1995)

Girls and Schools in Sub- Saharan Africa: From Analysis to Action, World Bank, African Technical Department Series, World Bank, Washington D. C.

ROUSSEAU, I. F. (1975)

'African women: Identity crisis? Some Observations on Education and the Changing Role of Women in Sierra Leone and Zaire' in ROHRICH-LEAVITT, R. (ed.) Women Cross- Culturally: Challenge and Change, Mouton Publishers, Hague.

UNESCO (1995)

Educating girls and women in Africa, UNESCO, Paris.