Individual countries
Annotations - Sub-Saharan Africa
Individual countries
General | |
Gender | |
ADEPOJU, Aderanti & OPPONG, Christine (eds.) (1994) |
Gender, Work and Population in Sub-Saharan Africa, International Labour Office, J. Currey, Geneva. |
'Women and Mass Media in Africa: a Case of Sierra Leone, the Niger and Egypt' in Journal of Eastern African Research and Development, 15, 198-221. |
AKEROYD, Anne V. (1996) |
Some Gendered and Occupational Aspects of HIV and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa: Changes, Continuities and Issues for Further Consideration at the End of the First Decade, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. |
COMHAIRE, Sylvain Suzanne (1963) |
Participation of Women in Industry and Commerce in African Towns South of the Sahara, United Nations Commission, Lagos. |
COULSON, Brenda Mary (1994) |
The Impact of Development Upon the Health of Women and Children in Sub-Saharan Africa, Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Hull, United Kingdom. |
CREEVEY, Lucy E. (ed.) (1986) |
Women Farmers in Africa: Rural Development in Mali and the Sahel, Syracuse University. |
EMEAGWALI, Gloria Thomas (ed.) (1995) |
Women Pay the Price: Structural Adjustment in Africa and the Caribbean, Africa World Press. |
Thematic Evaluation on the Integration of Women in Rural Development: Evaluation of Nine Projects Financed by the European Development Fund in Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Kenya, Niger, Swaziland, Togo and Zambia, Synthesis Report by BMB and FEMCONSULT, Brussels European Commission. |
All in Good Time: Women's Agricultural Production in Sub-Saharan Africa, Natural Resources Institute. |
HAY, Margaret Jean & STICHTER, Sharon, 2nd Edition (1995) |
African Women South of the Sahara, Longman, London. |
NEWMAN, Jeanne S. (1984) |
Women of the World: Sub-Saharan Africa, Agency for International Development (IDCA), Washington D.C. |
PALRIWALA, Ranji & RISSEEUW, Carla (eds.) (1995) |
Shifting Circles of Support: Conceptualising Gender and Kinship in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, Sage Publications. |
SMITH, E. Nan (1988) |
Women in Sub-Saharan Africa, Minority Rights Group, London. |
UNESCO (1993) |
The education of girls: the Ougadougou declaration and framework for action: Pan-African conference on the education of girls, Pan-African Conference, Ougadougou. |
Gender and Education | |
ABEL (1990) |
Les Impacts Économiques et Sociaux de L'Éducation Primaire Pour les Filles dans les Pays en Voie de Développement, USAID Office of Education and Women, Washington D. C. |
ADAMCHAK, D. J. & NTSEANE, P. G. (1992) |
'Gender, Education and Fertility - A Cross National Analysis of Sub-Saharan Nations' in Sociological Spectrum, 12 (2), 167-182. |
ADAMS, Milton N. & KRUPPENBACH, S. E. (1987) |
'Gender and Access in the African School', in International Review of Education, 33 (4), 437-455. |
AINSWORTH, Martha (et al.) (1995) |
The Impact of Female Schooling on Fertility and Contraceptive Use: A Study of Fourteen Sub-Saharan African Countries, Living Standards Measurement Study, Working Paper No. 110, World Bank, Washington D.C. |
APPLETON, Simon (et al.) (1995) |
Gender Differences in the Returns to Schooling in Three African Countries, Development Working Papers 83, Centre of African Economics, Oxford. |
BOUYA, Alphonsine (1994) |
'Education des Filles: Quelles Perspectives Pour L'Afrique Sub- Saharienne au XXI Siècle?' in African Development, XIX (4), 11-34.-IIEP, Paris. |
BROCK, C. & CAMMISH N. (1994) |
Factors Affecting Female Participation in Education in six Developing Countries, Overseas Development Administration, ODA Research Project 4532 Serial No. 9, London (includes Cameroon and Sierra Leone). |
BOWN, Lalage (1985) |
'Without Women No Development: The Role of Non Formal Education for Women in African Development' in Kevin M. LILLIS (ed.) School and Community in Less Developed Areas, Croom Helm, London, 258-276. |
BROWNE, Angela W. & BARRETT, Hazel R. (1991) |
'Female Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Key to Development' in Comparative Education, 27 (3), 275-85. |
De GRAUWE, Anton (1994) |
'Why does Franky Go to School while Aminata Stays at Home? Supply and Demand Constraints on Enrolment on Education in Africa' in UNESCO- Africa, 9, 12-19. |
ELIOU, Marie (1973) |
'Scolarisation et Promotion Féminines en Afrique Francophone (Cote d'Ivoire, Haute - Volta, Sénégal)' in International Review of Education, 19 (1), 30-44. |
HALL, Eve (1988) |
Vocational Training for Women Refugees in Africa: Guidelines from Selected Field Projects, ILO, Geneva. |
HALLAM, S (1994) |
Crimes without punishment: sexual harassment and violence against female students in schools and universities in Africa, Discussion Paper No. 4, Africa Rights, London. |
HARTNETT, Teresa (1993) |
Statistical Indicators of Female Participation in Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, Human Resources Division, World Bank, Washington D.C. |
HYDE, Karin A. L. (1989) |
Improving Women's Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of the Literature, PHREE Background Paper Series, Document No. PHREE/89/15, Education and Employment Division, World Bank. |
KERENGE, Apollonia (1992) |
Women in Development: Training Experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa, Pan African Institute of Development, Douala. |
MACHILA, Margaret (1989) |
'Women, Peace and Development in Southern Africa' in Convergence 22 (1), 75-81. |
ODAGA, Adhiambo & HENEVELD, Ward (1995) |
Girls and Schools in Sub- Saharan Africa: From Analysis to Action, World Bank, African Technical Department Series, World Bank, Washington D. C. |
ROUSSEAU, I. F. (1975) |
'African women: Identity crisis? Some Observations on Education and the Changing Role of Women in Sierra Leone and Zaire' in ROHRICH-LEAVITT, R. (ed.) Women Cross- Culturally: Challenge and Change, Mouton Publishers, Hague. |
UNESCO (1995) |
Educating girls and women in Africa, UNESCO, Paris. |