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Abel-Smith B. & P. Rawal, Can the poor afford 'free' health services? A case study of Tanzania, Health Policy and Planning, Vol. 7 Nr 4 1992, pp 329-341

Agrawal N. & al, Structural Adjustment, Economic Performance, and Aid Dependency in Tanzania, Policy Research Working Paper WPS 1204, World Bank, October 1993

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Bray M, Community Financing of Schools in Less Developed Countries: Rationales, Mechanisms and Policy Implications, paper prepared for the Workshop on the Social and Economic Effects of Alternative Methods of Financing Education and Health Services in Developing Countries, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, March 1994

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Bray, M, Counting the Full Cost: Parental and Community Financing of Education in East Asia, World Bank, 1996

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Carnoy M. and C. Torres, Educational Change and Structural Adjustment: A Case Study of Costa Rica, UNESCO, September 1992

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Cooksey B. & al, A Survey of Living and Working Conditions of Primary and Secondary School Teachers on Mainland Tanzania, 1991

Creese A, User Charges for Health Care: A Review of Recent Experience, in Health Policy and Planning, Vol. 6 Nr 4, 1991, pp 309 - 319

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Curtin T. The Economics of Public Investment in Education in Papua New Guinea, University of Papua New Guinea Press, 1991

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Glewwe P. Schooling, Skills, and the Returns to Government Investment in Education: An Exploration Using Data from Ghana, LSMS Working Paper Nr 76, World Bank, 1991

Gordon D. F. Debt, Conditionality and Reform, in Callaghy T. M. & J. Ravenhill (eds), Hemmed In Responses to Africa's Economic Decline, Columbia University Press, 1993

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Johnes G, The Economics of Education, MacMillan, 1993

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Loasby B. Equilibrium and Evolution: An Exploration of the Connecting Principles in Economics, Manchester University Press, 1991

Lockheed M. E, Verspoor A. M. and associates, Improving Primary Education in Developing Countries, OUP/World Bank, 1991

Malekela G. A., Teacher Quality and Motivation, UDSM Dept of Educational Foundations, paper prepared for the TADREG workshop 'Quality and Equity Issues in Tanzanian Education Policy and Practice: Insights from Recent Research', December 1993

Maliyamkono T. L. & M. S. Bagachwa, The Second Economy in Tanzania, James Currey, 1990

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Ndabi D. M. & S. A. C. Waane, School Quality and Performance, paper prepared for the TADREG workshop on 'Qualify and Equity Issues in Tanzanian Education Policy & Practice: Insights from Recent Research', DSM, December 1993

Omari I, P. N. Materu & T. Mteleka, Rationalisation of the Tertiary Education and Training Sector in Tanzania, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Draft, March 1996

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Palme M, Being Respected but Teaching Hieroglyphs addressing the question of the primary school teacher, culture and local community in rural Mozambique, paper presented to the conference 'Tensions Between Economics and Culture', University of London Institute of Education, 1994

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Serpell R. The Significance of Schooling: Life-journeys in an African society, Cambridge University Press, 1996

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Stirrat R. L, Economics and Culture. Notes Towards an Anthropology of Economics, School of African and Asian Studies, University of Sussex, 1994, paper presented to the conference 'Tensions Between Economics and Culture', University of London Institute of Education, 1994

Sumra S, Primary Education and the Urban Poor: A Study of Parental Attitudes Towards Schooling in the Buguruni and Vinguguti Wards in Dar-es-Salaam, PLAN International, 1993

Sumra, S, Democratising School Management: Making Community Participation a Reality in Primary Schooling in Tanzania, Faculty of Education, UDSM, 1993, paper prepared for the TADREG workshop on 'Qualify and Equity Issues in Tanzanian Education Policy & Practice: Insights from Recent Research', DSM, December 1993

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