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6. Bibliographie

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Alabaster, J. S., Loyd, R., 1980: Water quality criteria for freshwater fish. FAO / Butterworths.

Banque mondiale, 1981: Socio-cultural aspects of developing small-scale fisheries: delivering services to the poor. World Bank Staff Working Paper 490.

Banque mondiale, 1984: Harvesting the waters - a review of bank experience with fisheries development. Report 4984.

Banque mondiale, 1985: Integrated resource recovery, aquaculture: a component of low coast sanitation technology. Technical Paper 36.

Beveridge, M. C. M., 1984: Cage and pen fish farming: carrying capacity models and environmental impact. FAO Fishery Technical Paper 255.

DANIDA, 1989: Environmental issues in fisheries development. Copenhague.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1980: Forschungsbericht: Methoden der Toxizitätsprüfung an Fischen ; Situation und Beurteilung. H. Boldt Verlag.

Dwippongo, A., 1987: Impacts of trawl ban on fisheries and demersal resources in the Java Sea. Ph. D. Thesis, Nihon University, Tokyo.

FAO, 1975-1983: Manual of methods in aquatic environment research. Part 1 - 9.

FAO, 1981: Conservation of the genetic resources of fish ; problems and recommendations. FAO Fish. Techn. Paper 217, 43 p.

FAO, 1981: The prevention of losses in cured fish. FIIU/T219.

FAO, 1987: The economic and social effects of the fishing industry - a comparative study. FIP/C314/Rev. 1.

ICLARM, 1982: Mismanagement of inland fisheries and some corrective measures. Contribution 110.

Johannes, R. E., 1981: Working with fishermen to improve coastal tropical fisheries and resource management. Bulletin of Marine Science 31.

Lasserre & Ruddle, 1983: Traditional knowledge and management of marine coastal systems. Biology International, Special Issue 4.

Metzner, G., 1983: Fischtests im Rahmen nationaler und internationaler Regelungen. In: Untersuchungsmethoden in der Wasserchemie und -biologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des wasserrechtlichen Vollzugs. Münchner Beiträge zur Abwasser-, Fischerei- und Flußbiologie 27, 47- 69.

Mienno, J. L., Polovinci, J. J., 1984: Artificial reef project - Thaïlande. ADB.

Nauen, C. E., 1983: Compilation of legal limits for hazardous substances in fish and fishery products. FAO Fishery Circular 764.

Pauly, D. & Tsukayama, I., 1987: The Peruvian anchoveta and its upwelling ecosystem: three decades of change. ICLARM Studies and Reviews 15. (IMARPE/GTZ/ICLARM).

Pauly, D., Muck, P., Mende, J., I. Tsukayama, 1989: The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 18. (IMARPE/GTZ/ICLARM).

Rosenthal, H., Weston, D., Gowen, R. & Black, E. (comité d'éd.), 1988: Report of the ad hoc Study Group on "Environmental impact of mariculture". ICES Cooperative Research Report 154. Copenhague.

Ruddle, K., Johannes, R. E., 1985: The traditional knowledge and management of coastal systems in Asia and the Pacific. UNESCO/ROSTSEA Regional Seminar. UNESCO Regional Office, Djakarta, Indonésie.

UNDP/FAO, 1982: Fish quarantaine and fish diseases in South-East Asia. UNDP/FAO South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordination Programme and IDRC.

UNESCO, 1984: Coastal zone resource development and conservation in South-East Asia with special reference to Indonesia.

UNIDO, 1987: Environmental assessment and management of the fish processing industry. Sectoral Studies Series 28.

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