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The label

The label

This section will help you understand what information is on a pesticide label. The label tells how to use the pesticide safely and correctly. It is a written law for the pesticide.

When you first look at a label you will see the Brand Name

When you first look at a label you will see the Brand Name. It is important to know the name of pesticide in case you or someone else is poisoned by the pesticide. You should take the label or the BRAND NAME to the doctor.

One of these words DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION will be on the front of the pesticide label

One of these words DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION will be on the front of the pesticide label. They are called signal words because they signal to you how poisonous a pesticide is if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed into your skin.

The signal word DANGER is used on highly poisonous pesticides

The signal word DANGER is used on highly poisonous pesticides. It would take only a few drops to one teaspoon to kill an adult. When DANGER is used, there will also be a skull and crossbones on the label and the word POISON printed in red.

WARNING is the signal word used for pesticides that are moderately poisonous

WARNING is the signal word used for pesticides that are moderately poisonous. It would take between one and three teaspoons to kill an adult. Pesticides that are less poisonous are marked with CAUTION. These pesticides are still poisonous though, as little as one ounce to one pint could kill an adult.

Most pesticide labels will have first aid directions to follow in case of an accident

Most pesticide labels will have first aid directions to follow in case of an accident. If an accident should happen get medical help immediately. If medical help is not available follow the first aid directions on the label.

All labels have a DIRECTIONS FOR USE section that tells you how to mix and apply the pesticide safely

All labels have a DIRECTIONS FOR USE section that tells you how to mix and apply the pesticide safely. This section also tells you what crops, animals or arcas the pesticide can be used on safely. The PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENT section on the label gives safety information to help prevent accidents to yourself, others and damage to the environment .

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