Botany |
achene | aquenio |
acorn | bellota |
agrostology | agrostología |
alder | aliso (Alnus) |
algae, green | alga verde |
ament | amento |
androecium | androceo |
anther | antera |
anthesis | antesis |
appressed | comprimido |
arborescent | arborescente |
arborescent | dendroideo, a |
arboretum | arboreto |
ash (Fraxinus) | fresno |
aspen | álamo temblón |
aster | amelo |
awned | aristoso, sa, aristado |
axil | axila |
bearing abundant fruit every year | cadanego, ga |
berry | baya |
biennial | bianual |
biferous | bífero, ra |
bifid | bífido, da |
billous | velloso, sa |
biparous | bíparo, ra |
biont | bionte |
biota | biota |
bipetalous | bipétalo |
bipinnate | bipinado, da |
birch | abedul |
bloom | florecer |
borne upon the stem | caulífero, ra |
botanical | botánico, ca |
botany | botánica |
botany | fitología |
bract | bráctea |
bracteate | bracteado, da |
bractlet | bracteola |
bryophyte | briófita |
buckthorn | aladierno (Rhamnus) |
bud | yema |
bud (adventitious) | yema adventicia |
bud, shoot | gromo |
bud (terminal) | yema terminal |
bulb | bulbo |
bulbous | bulboso, sa |
bunch/cluster of roots or flowers | macolla |
cactus | cacto, cactus |
calyx | cáliz |
cambium | cámbium |
cane, reed | caña |
carper | carpelo |
cattail, bulrush | anea |
cattail reed | bohordo |
caulescent | caulescente |
cedar | cedro |
cedar patch (small) | tarajal |
cell | célula |
cell lumen | cavidad celular |
cell plate | placa celular |
cherry | cerezo |
chlorophyll | clorofila |
chlorosis | caquexia or clorosis |
clover, trefoil | trébol |
cluster, umber | ramillete, umbela |
clustered | arracimado, da |
cluster of shoots | amacollar |
coleoptile | coleóptilo |
columbine | aguileña |
coniferous, conifer | conífero, ra |
cortex | corteza |
creeper | estolonífera |
cymose | cimoso, sa |
cypress | ciprés |
dehiscent | dehiscent |
dendrochronology | dendrocronología |
dermal | dermico |
dicotyledon | dicotiledón |
dioecious | dioico |
dipetalous | dipétalo, la |
disepalous | disépalo, la |
Douglas-fir | abeto de Douglas |
drupe, stone fruit | drupa |
elder | sabuco |
elder tree, elderberry | saúco |
elm | olmo (Ulmus) |
elm grove | olmeda |
elm grove, poplar grove | negrillera |
embedded | empotrado |
endodermis | endodermis |
ephedra (joint fir) | belcho, efedra |
epigynous | epigino |
epiphyte | epifito, a |
ethology | etología |
evergreen | perennifolia, siempre verde |
extruded | expulsado |
fasciation | fasciación |
feather | pluma |
female | hembra |
fern | helecho |
fibrous | fibroso |
fir | abeto (Abies) |
fir (Abies) | pinabete |
flora | flora |
florescence | florescencia |
floret | flósculo |
flower | flor |
flower stalk | rabo, tallo floral |
foliose | foliado |
follicle | folículo |
for leaves to turn yellow | alimonarse, amarillar |
formation | formación |
foxtail | almorejo |
frond, leaf | fronda |
fruit | fruta |
fungal | fungal, fungoso |
fungus | fungo |
geniculate | geniculado, da |
germination | germinación |
globule | glóbulo |
grama grass | navajitas |
gramineous | gramíneo, nea |
graniferous | granífero, ra |
gravel bar | depósito de grava |
guard cell | célula oclusiva |
gymnosperm | gimnosperma, ma |
having fleshy leaves | pencudo, da |
herbarium | herbario |
heterophyllous | haterófilo, la |
hydrophilous | hidrófilo, la |
hydrophytic | hidrófito, ta |
hypogyny | hipoginia |
imbricate | imbricado, da |
indehiscence | indehiscencia |
inferior, lower | infero, ra |
inflorescence | inflorescencia |
internode | entrenudo |
involucre | involucro |
involute | involuta |
juncaceous | juncáceo |
juniper | junípero, enebro |
juniper berry | nebrina, enebrina |
juniper grove | nebral, nebreda |
juniper resin | grasilla, resina |
juniper tree or shrub | nebro |
knotweed (Polygonum aviculave) | altamandria |
lanceolate | arrejonada, da |
lanceolate | lanceolado, da |
latifoliate | latifolio, a |
leaf, petal | pétalo |
leaflet | hojuela |
leafy | frondoso, sa |
legume | legumbre, cambute |
lemma | lema |
lichen | liquen |
ligule | lígula |
lobed | lobulado |
locust | robinia (Robinia) |
maple | arce, maple |
maple tree | sácere |
membrane | membrana |
mesocarp | mesocarpio |
mesophyll | mesofilo |
mesophyte | mesófito |
microphyte | micrófito |
mistletoe | muérdago |
monocotyledon | monocotiledon |
monoecious | monoico |
moss | musco, musgo |
multifid | multífido, da |
multiflora | multiflor |
mushroom | champiñón, nanacate, seta |
mushroom, toad stool | hongo |
mycelium | micelio |
mycology | micología |
nerve, vein | nervio, vena |
nodule | nódulo |
nopal, prickly pear | nopal |
notched, indented | recortado, da |
nut, of any tree | nuez |
oak | encino |
oak | roble |
oak grove or forest | robleda |
oat, wild | ballueca, avena silvestre |
obovate | obovado, da |
onion, wild | ceborrincha |
panicle | panícula |
paniculate | paniculado, da |
pecan tree, pecan nut | nogal |
pedicel | pedicelo |
pedicellate | pedicelado, da |
pedicle | pedículo |
peduncle | pedúnculo |
perianth | periantio |
petal | pétalo |
petiole | pecíolo |
phanerophyte | fanerófita |
phenology | fenología |
phycology | ficología |
physiognomy | fisonomía |
phyton | fitón |
phytoplankton | fitoplancton |
pine, pine tree | pino |
pine cone, pine nut | piña |
pine grove or forest | pineda, pinar |
pine needle | pinocha |
pine needles | alhumajo |
pinnate | pinado, da |
pinnatifid | pinatífido, da |
pinon nut | piñon |
pistil | pistilo |
pistillate | pistilado, da |
plant | planta |
plant sap | savia |
plants (collectively) | plantas, plantaje |
plasmodesmata | plasmodesmos |
pod | vaina |
pointed | puntiagudo, aleznado, da |
pollen | polen |
poplar | álamo |
prickly pear fruit | tuna |
prickly pear growth or thicket | nopalera, tunal |
primary wall | membrana primaria |
pteridophyte | pteridófito |
pubescent, hairy | pubescente |
raceme | racimo |
rachis | raquis |
radiate | radiado, da |
radicle | radícula |
relic | reliquia |
reticulate | reticulada, da |
rhizome | rizoma |
root | raíz |
rootcap | cofia |
roots, matted | raigambre |
salicaceous | salicáceo |
salt cedar | taraje, tamarix |
saxicolous, growing among rocks | saxícolo |
seed | semilla |
semifloret | semiflósculo |
sepal | sépalo |
septum | septo |
sessile | sésil |
shoot, scion | vástago, vástiga |
shoot, sprout, sucker | retoño |
shoots, having many | multicaule |
shrub | arbusto |
spike | espiga |
spikelet | espiguilla |
spore | espora |
sprig, twig | ramilla |
stalk, having only one | unicaule |
stalk, stem | cabillo |
staminate | estaminado, da |
stipule | estípula |
substomatal chamber | camara subestomática |
sunflower | girasol |
sycamore | sicómoro |
sympetalous | simpétalo, la |
tamarix | tamarisco, tamariz |
taproot | raíz pivotante |
taxaceous | taxaceo, a |
tendril | zarcillo |
terminal shoot | guía terminal |
tetrandrous | tetrapétalo, a |
tetrapetalous | tetrapétalo, la |
thallophyte | talofita |
thallus | talo |
thorn, caltrop, thistle | abrojo |
thorn, spine on plants | pincho, espina |
timothy | fleo |
to blossom, flower | florecer |
tomentose | tomentoso, sa |
tree | árbol |
trembling poplar, aspen | temblón |
trifid | trífido, da |
trifoliate | trifoliado, da |
tuber, tubercle | tubérculo |
tuberose, tuberous | tuberosa, sa |
umber | umbela |
uniparous | uníparo, ra |
vegetation | vegetación |
vein | vena |
vernation | vernación |
verticil | verticilo |
verticil or whorl of leaves | calicillo |
vesicule | vesícula |
vine | viña |
vine tendril | pleguete |
walnut | nocedal |
walnut grove | noceda, nogueral |
walnut tree, walnut wood | nocedal |
weeping willow | sauce llorón |
white fir | abeto blanco |
wild grapevine | parrón |
wild plants | rusticano, na, plantas silvestres |
willow | salguera, ro, sauce |
willow grove | sauceda, salceda, do |
willow (Salix incana) | saciña |
xerophilous | xerófilo, la |
xerophytic, xerophyte | xerófito, ta |
xylem | xilema |
yarrow (Achillea millefolium) | altarreina |