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Organisation: Natural Resources Institute (NRI)
Author: Food Security Department
Edited by AGSI/FAO: Danilo Mejia (Technical), Beverly Lewis (Language&Style), Carolin Bothe (HTML transfer)

CHAPTER VII SORGHUM: Post-harvest Operations

6. References

Bennett, W.F., Tucker, B.B. and Maunder, A.B. (1990). Modern Grain Sorghum Production. First Edition. Iowa State University Press. Iowa, USA.

Codex Alimentarius Commission. (1989). Standard for sorghum. 172-1989.

Daiber, K.H. and Taylor, J.R.N. (1995). Opaque beers. Sorghum and millets: chemistry and technology. Dendy, D., ed. American Association of Cereal Chemists.

FAO. (1995) 1995 FAO statistics. Rome, Italy.

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Hallgren, L. (1995). Lager beers from sorghum. Sorghum and millets: chemistry and technology. Dendy, D., ed. American Association of Cereal Chemists.

Hulse, J.H., Laing, E.M. and Pearson, O.E. (1980). Sorghum and the millets: Their composition and nutritive value. Academic Press.

McFarlane, J.A., John, A.E. and Marder, R.C. (1995). Storage of sorghum and millets: including drying for storage with particular reference to tropical areas and the mycotoxin problem. pp. 169-183. Sorghum and millet: Chemistry and Technology. Dendy, D., ed. American Assoc Cereal Chemists Inc.

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Sautier, D. and O'Deye, M. (1989). Mil, Mais, Sorgho - Techniques et alimentation au Sahel. pp. 171. Harmattan. Paris, France.

Schmidt, O.G. (1988). Sorghum processing , Botswana. IDRC Monograph. The greening of aid sustainable livelihoods in practice. pp. 128-133. Earthspan Publications. London, UK.

Vogell, S. and Graham, M. (Editors). (1979). Sorghum and millet -Food production and use. Proceedings of a workshop held in Nairobi 4-7 July 1978. pp. 64. IDRC. Ottowa, Ontario, Canada.

Watson, S.A. (1970). Wet-milling and products. Sorghum Production and Utilisation. Wall, J.S. and Ross, W.M., eds. Avi Publ. Co. Westport, CT, USA.

Wood, J.F. and Thomson, M. Unpublished data. Natural Resources Institute (NRI). Chatham, Kent, England, UK.


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