Alnwick, D., Moses, S. and Schmidt, O.G. (Editors). (1987). Improving Young-Child Feeding in Eastern and Southern Africa: household-level food technology. Proceedings of a workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya, 12-16 October 1987. IDRC-265e, or -265f. pp. 376. IDRC. Ottawa, Canada.
Anonymous. (1987). Research and Development Issues in Grain Post-harvest Problems in Africa. GASGA Executive Seminar Series No. 1. pp. 43. Group for Assistance on Systems Relating to Grain After Harvest (GASGA). (Copy can be found in FAO library).
Anonymous. (1990). Pearled Sorghum Market Survey (Kenya). Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute, P.O. Box 30650, Nairobi, Kenya.
Anonymous. (1991). Policy Issues in the Small Grains Sector of Southern Africa. GASGA Executive Seminar Series No. 5. pp. 37. Group for Assistance on Systems Relating to Grain After Harvest (GASGA). (Copy can be found in FAO library).
Bassey, Michael W., and Schmidt, O.G. (1989). Guidelines for Executing and Documenting Small-Scale Milling Projects. Proceedings of the meeting held in Dakar, Senegal, 1-4 May, 1988. IDRC-224e (in English) or 224-f (in French). pp. 34. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
Bassey, Michael W., and Schmidt, O.G. (1989). Abrasive-disk dehullers in Africa: from research to dissemination. IDRC-270e. pp. 98. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
Cecil, J.E. (1986). Roller Milling Sorghum and Millet Grain Using a Semi-wet Process. November 1986. Tropical Development and Research Institute, now the Natural Resources Institute (NRI). Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TB, UK.
Dendy, D.A.V. (1995). A Study of Millet (Mahangu) Processing in Namibia: the way forward. Report prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, Namibia. The David Dendy Partnership, Grains After Harvest, Church Street, Upton, OX110JB, Oxfordshire, UK.
Forrest, R.S., Edwardson, W., Vogel, S. and Yaciuk, G. (1979). Food Systems: an account of the postproduction systems program supported by the International Development Research Centre. IDRC-146e. pp. 72. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
Gueye, B. and Schoonmaker-Freudenberger, K. (1990). Introduction a la methode acceleree de recherche participative (MARP): quelques notes pour appuyer und formation pratique. October 1990. Copy can be obtained from IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
Hallgren, L. (1985). Physical and structural properties of cereals, sorghum in particular, in relation to milling methods and product use (vol. 1). Research Report 96. pp. 161. Department of Biotechnology, Carlsberg Research Laboratory, and Department of Technical Biochemistry, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hay, R., Dendy, D.A.V., Martin, A.M.S. and Witcombe, J.R. (1991). Report on a visit to Namibia to carry out a feasibility study of the production and marketing of pearl millet and its products. Natural Resources Institute (NRI), Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TB, UK.
Kashyap, P. and Young, R.H. (1989). Rapid assessment of community nutrition problems: a case study of Parbhanig, India. IDRC-274e. pp. 59. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
Luhila, F.M. and Tembo, D. (1989). Acceptance and the Use of Germinated Cereal Flour in Complementary Foods. August 1989. National Food and Nutrition Commission, P.O. Box 32669, Lusaka, Zambia.
Mahamadou, S.A., Nass, L., Ouedraogo, Z and Edgar, L. (1990). Les elements de base pur l'insertion des systemes de mouture et de decorticage in zone rurale: Cas les cinq villages de l'Arondissement de Filingue. Proceedings of the IDRC Milling Systems Workshop 14-16 November, 1990, Dakar, Senegal. July 1990. pp. 19. Institut pour L'Etude et L'Application du Developpement Integre. Institute for the Study and Application of Integrated Development (ISAID). B.P 2821, Niamey, Republiqe du Niger.
Mbengue, H.M. (1990). Creation d'un decortiqueur au Senegal: resultats techniques et socio-economiques. Proceedings of the IDRC Milling Systems Workshop 14-16 November, 1990, Dakar, Senegal. pp. 19. Centre National de Recherches Agronomiques (CNRA). B.P. 53, Bambey, Senegal.
Mwangi, W., Rohrbach, D. and Heisey, P. (1993). Cereal Grain Policy Analysis in the National Agricultural Research Systems of Eastern and Southern Africa. Published by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, P.O. Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Southern Africa Development Community/ International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, P.O Box 776, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Navarro, L, and Schmidt, O. (1993). Production to Consumption System: an approach to improving research design decisions. Advances in Small Millets. pp. 183-199. Riley, ed.
Navarro, L, Schmidt, O. and Zulberti, C. (1992). Production to Consumption System: a Complementary Perspective for Farming Systems Research and Extension. Proceedings of the Asian Farming Systems Symposium 1991. Sustainable Agriculture: Meeting the Challenge Today, 2-5 November, BMICH-Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Note: Proceedings were not published). Copy of the paper can be obtained from Dr. Navarro, at IDRC, Box 62084, Nairobi, Kenya.
Pushpamma, P. (1993). Sorghum as food in the semi-arid tropics: studies in the dryland communities of Andhra Pradesh, India. pp. 74. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
Pushpamma, P. (1994). Sorghum and the Nutrition of the Poorest in Andhra Pradesh, India: a case study. Volume II in a series on DMR Training Aids. pp. 28. Development Market Research (DMR) and Social Marketing (SM), BBC World Service, International Broadcasting and Audience Research, Bush House, London WC2B 4PH.
Riley, K.W., Gupta, S.C., Seetharam, A. and Mushonga, J.N. (1993). Advances in Small Millets. pp. 552. Mohan Printers for Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 66 Janpath, New Delhi 110 00s, India.
Rohrbach, D. (1990). Marketing Constraints and Opportunities for Sorghum and Millet in Southern and Eastern Africa. Proceedings of the Ninth Regional Workshop on Sorghum and Millet Improvement in Eastern Africa, 24-28 June 1990. Nairobi, Kenya. SADC/SMIP, P.O Box 776, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Rukovo, A. and Gwitira, J. (1994). Small Grains Policy in Zimbabwe under Economic Structural Adjustment. January 1994. Enda-Zimbabwe. P.O. Box 3492, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Schmidt, O.G. (1992). An Analysis of Progress and Achievements in Regional Dehulling Projects. Utilisation of sorghum and millets. pp. 9-18. Gomez, M.I., House, L.R., Rooney, L.W., and Dendy, D.A.V., eds. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India.
Schoonmaker-Freudenberger, K. (1990). Dehuller Research in West Africa: what have we learned and whither the research agenda?. Proceedings of the IDRC Milling Systems Workshop 14-16 November, 1990, Dakar, Senegal. pp. 25. IDRC. Ottawa, Canada
Seck, I. (1990). Mise au point d'un decortiqueur au Senegal: comment les resultats de suivi en station et en milieu rural reel peuvent-ils guider las mise au point the l'equipement? Proceedings of the IDRC Milling Systems Workshop 14-16 November, 1990, Dakar, Senegal. pp. 23. Societe Industrielle Sahelienne de Mecaniques de materiels Agricoles (SISMAR), BP3214, Dakar, Senegal.
Singh, L., Mukuru, S.Z., Silim, S.N. and S.B. King. (Editors). (1992). Proceedings of the Consultative Group Meeting on Production and Agro-Processing of Sorghum and Pigeonpea in Kenya, 18-19 September 1991. pp. 73. Eastern Africa Regional Cereals and Legumes Program (EARCAL) of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), and the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). P.O. Box 39063, Nairobi, Kenya.