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Annex 2 - Example questionnaires for collecting information on public sector institutions, farmer organizations, and development projects

Annex 2-A - Format for the collection of information on public sector institutions affecting agricultural commodity systems

1. Name of the institution:__________________________________________
Relevant subdivisions:_____________________________________________

2. Names/titles of key persons within the institutions who directly or indirectly affect the commodity system of interest, and how:

Name/Title ex: Sammy Jones/Project Officer

How person makes impact formulated potato project





3. List staff who work with or in some way affect the product of interest:

Type staff ex: entomologist

Number 2

Functions impacting product control of fruit flies







4. Total amount of institution's budget in most recent year:
Allocated: $_______________ Spent: $_____________

5. Percent of budget which affects the commodity of interest: %________________

6. Identify Institutionally provided infrastructure, equipment, materials, etc., which somehow affect the product of interest:

Description of item ex: cold storage

# Units 2

Location/other information southwest region










7. Identify and describe ongoing projects by this institution which affect the commodity:

Name of project

Begin date

End date


Source of $
















8. Identify and describe planned projects by this institution which will affect the commodity:

Name of project

Begin date

End date


Source of $
















9. Summarize principal institutional actions and activities which affect the product of interest (repeat for each action/activity):

Action/activity #1:__________________________________________
Effective dates: from_____________ to________________________

10. Summarize services provided by the institution which affect the commodity system (repeat for each service):

Service #1:_______________________________________________
Type service: ex: price information, credit, training________________

11. Summarize principal institutional constraints affecting the product (repeat for each constraint):

Constraint #1:_____________________________________________
Description of constraint:____________________________________
Impact of constraint (how it affects product):_____________________

12. Other observations:_____________________________________

Annex 2-B - Information on farmer organizations

1. Name of farmer organization:_______________________________
2. Year founded:___________________________________________
3. Address/location:_________________________________________
4. Name(s) and position(s) of key person(s):_____________________
5. Number of active members (most recent year):_________________
6. Type of products handled:__________________________________
7. Product sales most recent year (tons and $value): Year:__________


















8. Types of service offered to members (for product being studied):

Type Service




- credit

( )

( )


- technical assistance

( )

( )


- information

( )

( )


- farm inputs

( )

( )


- spraying

( )

( )


- processing

( )

( )


- marketing

( )

( )


- storage

( )

( )


- transport

( )

( )


- other_______

( )

( )


9. Identification of infrastructure/equipment/materials, etc. which may impact upon the product of interest:

Description ex: trucks

# Units 3

Location/other information







10. Briefly describe the relevant experiences of the farmer organization in the production, postharvest handling, marketing, processing, or distribution of the product of interest.

11. Identify and describe linkages/relationships with other organizations (public, private, bilateral, international, etc.)

a. Other farmer organizations:__________________________________
b. Public sector institutions:____________________________________
c. Support organizations:______________________________________
d. Donor organizations:_______________________________________
e. Others (specify):___________________________________________

12. Identify and describe ongoing projects impacting the product:

Name of project

Begin date

End date


Source of $
















13. Identify and describe planned projects which will affect the product:

Name of project

Begin date

End date


Source of $
















14. Principal institutional constraints impacting product (repeat for each constraint):

Constraint #1:_______________________________________________
Description of constraint:______________________________________
Impact of constraint (how it affects product):_______________________

15. Principal operational constraints impacting product (repeat for each constraint):

Constraint #1:_______________________________________________
Description of constraint:______________________________________
Impact of constraint (how it affects product):_______________________

16. Observations:_______________________________________________

Annex 2-C - Inventory of development projects and activities affecting the commodity system

1. Prepare a list of all projects and activities which may affect the product being studied.

2. For each project or activity, answer the following questions:

a. Name of the project or activity:___________________________________________
b. Beginning date:____________________ Ending date:_________________________
c. Sponsoring institution:__________________________________________________
d. Total cost: US $______________________ Local $__________________________
e. Objectives:___________________________________________________________
f. Status: ( )ahead of schedule, ( )on schedule, ( )behind schedule
g. Principal constraints affecting project:______________________________________
h. Expected impact on the product being studied:_______________________________

3. For each project activity, identify the technical personnel associated with the product of interest.


Area of expertise

Time to be in country








