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Annex 12 - Project profiles for papaya in Barbados

If one applies the information from the Barbados papaya example to the profile outline presented in Chapter 5, it is possible to generate at least two project profiles. These are based primarily on the objectives and expected outputs included within circles #1 and #2 shown in Figure 5.3 Since both projects are complementary, and form part of the same overall strategy, they will have the same Goal or General Objective.

Based on the information contained in circle #1 of Figure 5.3, Profile #1 has been prepared. Profile #2 is based on the information encompassed in circle #2 of the same figure.

Profile #1

Title: Institutional development for fruit production.

Definition of underlying problem: Due to the absence of disease resistant planting material, poor cultural practices brought about by the lack of a governmental policy in favor of commercial fruit production, and poor institutional services, fruit production in Barbados is low. This results in a high level of fruit imports and almost no fruit imports.

Goal: Increase the domestic supply and exports of good quality fruit from Barbados.

Specific objective: Improve the production and marketing services available to fruit producers in Barbados.

Expected outputs:

1. Improved planting material introduced for papaya and other fruits.
2. Research program established to maintain the quality of planting material.
3. Technical packages developed for the production, postharvest handling, and marketing of papaya and other fruits.
4. Effective mechanisms established for the production and distribution of planting material.
5. Staff in the planting material production unit trained.
6. Effective system implemented for the distribution of farm inputs.


1. Import and reproduce improved varieties of planting material of selected fruits.
2. Research proper production, postharvest handling and marketing techniques and initiate validation activities.
3. Prepare and reproduce technical packages for distribution to extension agents and farmers.
4. Establish pest- and disease-free nurseries for planting material.
5. Train Ministry of Agriculture agronomists and research staff in proper techniques for the production of planting material.
6. Set up the organizational structure through farmers' organizations for the distribution of farm inputs and planting material.

Expected duration: This project will have a duration of three (3) years.

Estimate of costs: (US$)

Type expenditure

Estimated cost

- import of plant materials

$ 3,000

- preparation of tech-packs

$ 40,000

- establishment of nursery

$ 120,000

- training

$ 20,000

- technical assistance

$ 25,000

- miscellaneous

$ 21,000


$ 229,000

Implementing agency: Ministry of Agriculture


As pointed out earlier, the nine elements included here represent the minimum information that should be included in a project profile. Some persons prefer to include other elements, such as Justification and Strategy.

Often, there are special conditions which might justify the execution of the project. There might include such things as changing market trends, positive or negative ecological conditions, good leadership potential, or availability of complementary support. Under Justification one should identify those items which emphasize the importance of the project.

Strategy is the description of how the project implementors are going to achieve the expected outputs identified in the project profile. In the description of strategy one should answer such questions as: Who is going to do what? When? and How? The activities are an essential part of the strategy.

A brief analysis of how the information presented in Profile #1 relates to the information presented in Chapter 5 results in the following:




Relates to specific objective but is more general.

Definition of underlying problem:

Is a summary of the problems found in the upper portion of the problem tree.


Relates to overall strategy and is the same for all projects falling within the same strategy. Was defined considering all the objectives in the higher levels of the objective tree.

Specific objective:

Was taken from the top objective in circle #1 of Figure 5.3 Has been reworded.

Expected outputs:

Were obtained from the lower levels of the objective tree (Figure 5.3). They have been reworded.


Are a logical extension of the expected outputs. They are the specific actions which have a cost element and must be implemented to achieve the desired outputs.

Estimate of costs:

By analyzing each one of the activities it is possible to identify the goods and equipment, finance, and manpower necessary to implement each activity. (Project finance does not include costs of goods, materials, or personnel but only those funds used as cash.) Manpower inputs are quantified as man-months and their value can be estimated. Given this breakdown of needs, a preliminary rough estimate of total costs can be made.

Expected duration:

Based on an analysis of the activities and a realistic assumption of the time required to effectively execute all of them.

Executing agency:

Is usually the institution or agent most interested in or most capable of executing the project.

Profile #2


Improving the productivity and quality of papaya in Barbados.

Definition of problem and/or justification:

Papayas are presently (1988) produced on a very small scale due to disease problems and market uncertainty. Production is scattered throughout the island. Farmers tend to let their plants grow naturally with little or no use of chemicals to control pests and disease problems. Irrigation and windbreaks are generally not good during production. Access to agricultural credit is difficult for small farmers, and little or no facilities or equipment are available for proper postharvest handling of fruit.


Increase the domestic supply and exports of good quality fruit from Barbados.

Specific objective:

1. Improve production/postharvest practices of selected fruit (papaya) farmers.
2. Facilitate access to agricultural credit and the necessary infrastructure for the production of good quality papaya.

Expected outputs:

1. A minimum of 50 fruit farmers trained in the proper methods and techniques of papaya production.
2. An effective mechanism established for small farmers to access credit from the agricultural development bank.
3. At least 10 irrigated papaya farms in operation.
4. Adequate postharvest handling facilities and equipment operating in major production zones.


1. Training of farmers in proper production and postharvest handling practices for papaya.
2. Establishment of credit facility for fruit farmers within the national Agricultural Development Bank.
3. Technical assistance for the design of irrigation systems and postharvest handling facilities and equipment.

Expected duration: This project will have a duration of five (5) years.

Estimate of costs: (US$)

Type expenditure

Estimated cost

- training costs

$ 25,000

- fruit production credit

$ 3,000,000

- technical assistance

$ 200,000

- miscellaneous

$ 322,000


$ 3,547,500

Executing agency: Agricultural Development Bank