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Postharvest Institute For Perishables (PIP) NEWS

129 West Third Street, Moscow, ID 83843 Tel: (208) 885-6791 Far (208) 885 6624

Volume 3 Number 1 November 1992

The purpose of this newsletter is to inform interested persons of what is happening at PIP. We used to publish newsletters on a mom regular basis but (with more expenses than you can imagine) were compelled to drop the activity. Well, we're back in the newsletter business again and we hope to bring You up-to-date on our recent activities.

What is PIP?

PIP was established in 1981 under a multi-year cooperative agreement with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The goals of the cooperative agreement are to:

· Increase availability of perishable food commodities without increasing production areas.
· Improve basic diets of people in developing countries by reducing postharvest losses.
· Reduce the costs of perishables by improving the efficiency of marketing systems.
· Help develop private sector agribusinesses associated with marketing, processing, preserving, packaging, storing, transporting, and general handling of perishable commodities.

What Does PIP Do?

PIP provides technical assistance and training to developing countries, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union in many subject areas relating to the reduction of perishable food losses.

PIP's Information Center (PIPIC) provides documents on postharvest handling of perishables to clients around the world.

Where is PIP Located?

PIP is located at the University of Idaho's College of Agriculture, in Moscow, Idaho. The State of Idaho produces a wide array of perishable food commodities for domestic and export consumption, which provides an appropriate background for PIP's activities.

PIP's Network

PIP interacts with many international organizations and countries to pursue its mandate of reducing perishable food losses. For example, PIP collaborated with the ASEAN Food Handling Bureau in Malaysia and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in Costa Rica to produce and publish the Commodity Systems Assessment Methodology (CSAM) manual. PIP also works with some 100 countries through the PIP Information Center (PIPIC), which collects and stores relevant publications on perishable food commodities and sends them to agricultural and research organizations around the world. PIP often works directly with developing country governments, USAID missions, and ether donor organizations such as the World Bank on technical assistance/training projects.

PIP also collaborates with a number of consulting firms responsible for various long-term USAID projects abroad. PIP is a sub-contractor on several of these projects. Finally, PIP utilizes consultants at academic institutions and the private sector to complete assignments requested by donor agencies.

Where PIP Worked in 1992

PIP participated in technical assistance or training projects in the following countries in 1992:

· Hungary - Preparation of a project to finance commercial bank loans for entrepreneurs engaged in food distribution - World Bank

· The Gambia - Development of research and extension priorities in food processing, preservation, and storage for the Food and Nutrition Unit, Ministry of Agriculture - World Bank

· Sri Lanka/MARD Project - Postharvest assistance to the Mahaweli Agriculture and Rural Development Project - DAI/USAID

· Russia/Ukraine - Investigation of ways to reduce losses of stored potatoes - USAID/NIS Task Force

· Morocco/MAPP - Agribusiness Promotion Project to increase trade and investment links between U.S. and Moroccan firms - DAI/USAID

· Cameroon - Assessment of Fertilizer Sector Reform Program (FSSRP) - Abt Associates/USAID

· Africa - Agribusiness development and promotion, of private/public sector collaboration at ion - Abt Associates/USAID

· Morocco - Agribusiness Trade and Investment Conference - Coordinated simultaneous translation of conference and prepared conference proceedings in English and French - Abt Associates/USAID

· Niger - Onion Marketing Study-Updated information on domestic and export marketing of Nigerian onions and evaluated future market potential - Abt Associates/USAID

· Bolivia - Cochabamba Regional Development Project (CORDEP). Postharvest assistance in perishables - DAI/USAID

· Guatemala - Assessment of small farmer coffee production and marketing systems; training of coffee project personnel in CSAM methodology - USAID/Guatemala

CSAM Publication

The Commodity Systems Assessment Methodology (CSAM) is a systematic approach to identifying postharvest commodity system problems in developing countries. It is an effective training and information gathering tool to assist developing country personnel pinpoint important system constraints and develop appropriate solutions to those constraints.

The CSAM was developed by IICA, the ASEAN Food Handling Bureau and PIP. PIP published 1,000 English copies of the manual and has already sold about 900 copies to individuals and various international organizations.

The CSAM sells for US$25 and is available through PIP.

PIP and IICA are currently working on a Spanish version of the manual to be published in early 1993.

A Commodity Systems Assessment Methodology for Problem and Project Identification

by Jerry La Gra & Thomas V. Dechert

PIP Information Center (PIPIC)

PIPIC provides postharvest information to individuals and institutions around the world. PIPIC's database contains over 13,000 documents on postharvest handling, storage, processing, and handling of perishable products. New additions to the collection are announced through the New Titles which are issued three times yearly. Materials from other libraries and databases can also be accessed. PIPIC has distributed over 80,000 documents in its ten years of operation. Documents are free of charge to developing countries and are sent as paper copy or on microfiche. (see request form).

New Independent States (NIS) Agribusiness Conference

In July, PIP sent a five person team to Russia/Ukraine to investigate ways of reducing postharvest losses of potatoes. In September, the results of the mission and joint venture/investment opportunities for U.S. agribusinesses in potato and grain storage and handling were presented at a conference held in Washington, D.C. Approximately 100 representatives of U.S. agribusinesses attended.

PIP/WSU Co-Sponsor New Shortcourse

In July 1993, PIP/UI and Washington State University will co-sponsor a two week short course on cold storage management. The course will address the practical, hands-on aspects of cold storage facilities management for developing country personnel through classroom lectures and on-site demonstration. More information on the course content and cost is available from PIP.

1992 Visitors to PIP

· Mary Linehan of USAID's Vitamin A Field Support Project (VITAL) visited with PIP and UI faculty to discuss VITAL and PIP solar drying activities. Both organizations are in the process of finalizing a solar drying manual and many useful ideas and experiences were exchanged on setting up solar drying projects in developing countries.

· PIP recently organized a four day visit for two representatives of a joint U.S.-Thailand project to promote development of Thai agribusinesses and U.S. markets for Thai food products. The project representatives are in the process of preparing a proposal to develop production and processing of tropical fruits in the Chiang Mai region of Thailand, and are investigating potential linkages with U.S. public and private sector firms. The visit included meetings at PIP, the University of Idaho and Washington State University to discuss opportunities for institutional linkages, and - -visits to fruit-and potato processing operations in Eastern Washington.

PIP Consultant Roster Continues to Grow

Since its beginning in 1981, PIP has solicited the services of experts in all areas of postharvest loss prevention. We continue to need more assistance as PIP's program grows and we participate in more projects around the world. If you have not completed a consultant roster form and wish to do so, or if you have new information which you would like changed or added to the roster, please complete the following form and return it to the PIP office. Those with foreign language skills (French, Spanish, Eastern European languages) are particularly encouraged to apply.

Roster Interest Form


_______ The above address is new.
_______ Please remove my name from the Roster.
_______ Please send me new roster forms.
_______ Please send the forms to the following address:

_______ Add the following information (degrees, foreign experience, language capabilities, etc.) to my file.

PIP Staff Contacts

If you have any questions regarding the Postharvest Institute, please contact:

Main Office
Tel: (208) 885-6791
Fax: (208) 885-6624
Harvey C. Neese, Director
Judith A. Edmister, Field Director
Richard Abbott, Market Analyst (301) 215-7005
Tom Scherer, Program Assistant
Susan Peterson, Secretary

PIP Information Center
Tel: (208) 885-7059
Fax: (208) 885-6624
Karri Meister, Acting Information Specialist
Don Thomas, Library Assistant II

PIPIC Use only
Sent on_________

Bibliographic Request Form
PIP News, v. 3, no. 1

Requestor's name:____________________________________________
Complete address:____________________________________________
Telephone: Telex/cable: Fax____________________________________


Explain the topic. Be sure to specify any crops or organisms important to the subject. Define any pertinent key words or special terms used. State points not to be included. USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH DIFFERENT TOPIC

Example: Please send information on the storage of sweet potatoes and yams. Postharvest information is needed on the prevention of losses due to diseases, nematodes, insects, and sprouting. I do not need anything on potatoes



Language Restrictions

Geographic Restrictions


___All languages

___All countries

___I expect a limited amount of information

___English only

___Specific region or country (list)

___Specific language (list)



___I expect a moderate amount of information





___I expect a great deal of information


Postharvest Institute for Perishables
University of Idaho Library
Moscow ID 83843 USA


Postharvest Institute for Perishables
129 West Third Street
Moscow, ID 83843


Postharvest Inst. for Perishables
Information Center
University of Idaho Library
Moscow, Idaho 83843

Postharvest Institute for Perishables Information Center (PIPIC)
University of Idaho Library
Moscow, Idaho 83843

December, 1992

Your name_____________________________________________________
Full address____________________________________________________

Do you have access to a microfiche reader? yes______ no______

1. What other research sources (i.e. libraries, information centers, etc.) do you have access to? (be specific)
2. Is PIPIC meeting your resource needs?_____________________________

3. If you are receiving the New Titles publication as microfiche, do you find that you use it less than when it was sent as paper copy? yes____ no____ additional comments:_____________________

4. Approximately how many documents or bibliographies do you order from PIPIC per year?_________________________________________________________

Comments or suggestions:________________________________________