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Selected Bibliography on Food Losses in Perishable Produce

Adesiyan, S.O., R.A. Odihirin and M.O. Adeniji. 1975. Ristopathology studies of the yam tuber (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) infected with Scutellonema Bradys (Steiner & Le Hens) Inter. Bio. Bull. 11(2) : 48-55

Ahoussou, N., P. Piquepaiele, and B. Toure. 1978. Données Préliminaires concernant la variabilité phénoménologique chez Diseorea alta (CV Brazo Fuerte) Séminaire Igname, Buea.

Amesquita, R. and J. la Gra 1979. A methodological approach to identifying and reducing post-harvest food losses. Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences Miscellaneous Publication No. 219.

Anonymous. Post-harvest food conservation. 1979 Report on the INSA-US-NAS Joint Workshop, New Delhi' India.

Anonymous. 1975. 2,000 Abstracts on Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Vol. 1. Pub. by Cassava Information Center, Cali, Colombia.

Anonymous. 1975. Toxicological evaluation of some food colors, enzymes, flavor enhancers, thickening agents, and certain food additives. World Health Organization. Food Additives Series No. 6

Anonymous. 1977. Occupational exposure limits for airborne toxic substances. A tabulation of values from selected countries. Occupational Safety and Health Series. No. 37. International Labour Office, Geneva.

Anonymous. 1977. Protection of the environment parts 100 to 399. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Anonymous. 1977. Tolerances and exemptions from tolerances for pesticide chemicals in or on raw agricultural commodities. U.S. Federal Register July 1, 1977. pp. 308-413. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Anonymous . 1977. Identification, classification, and regulation of toxic substances posing a potential occupational carcinogenic risk. U.S. Federal Register October 4, 1977. pp. 54148-54247. U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Anonymous. 1977. Selected General Industry Safety and Health Standards. U.S. Federal Register. December 13, 1977. pp. 62734_62890. U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Anonymous. 1978. Food and Drug Regulations. Parts 100 to 199. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Anonymous. 1978. Report of the twelfth Session of the joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. FAO. Rome.

Anonymous. 1978. Selected General and Special (cooperage and laundry machinery' and bakery equipment) Industry Safety and Health Standards. U.S. Federal Register. October 24, 1978, pp. 49726-51760. U.S. Oocupational Safety and Health Administration.

Anonymous. 1979. Scientific Bases for Identification of Potential Carcinogens and Estimation of Risks. U.S. Federal Register) July 6, 1979. 44: 39858-98979.

Anonymous. 1979. Statement on regulation of chemical carcinogons; policy and request for public comments. U.S. Federal Register, Oct. 17, 1979. pp. 60038-60049. Regulatory Council (CPSC, EPA, FDA, FSQS, OSHA, MTB, NCL, NIEHS, NIOSH).

Araullo, E.V., B. Nestel and M. Campbell. 1974. Cassava processing and storage. Proceedings of an interdisciplinary workshop held in Pattaya, Thailand' published by International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.

Arrhenius, E. 1973. Mycotoxicosis - an old health hazard with new dimensions. Ambio 2: 49-56.

Barber, T.E. and E. Lee Husting. 1977. Plant and wood hazards. pp. 125, 126 in Occupational Diseases, A Guide to Their Recognition. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Beet, R. 1979. Cassava Drying, CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Series OS EC-4.

Booth, R.H. 1974. Post-harvest deterioration of tropical root crops; losses and their control. Tropical Science 16: 49-63.

Booth, R.H. 1975. Cassava Storage. Post-harvest deterioration and storage of fresh cassava roots. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Cali, Colombia.

Booth, R.H. and D.C. Coursey. 1972. Storage of tropical horticultural crops. SPAN 15(3): 1-3.

Booth, R.H. 1978. Post-harvest losses and their control. Second Regional Symposium on Pathogens and Pests of the Potato in the Tropics, Baguio City, Philippines.

Bourne, M.C. 1977. Post-harvest food losses - the neglected dimension in increasing the world food supply. Cornell University International Agriculture Mimeograph #53.

Buckle, T.S., H. Castelbanco, L.E. Zapata, M.F. Bocanegra, L.E. Rodriguez and D. Rocha. 1973. Preservacion de yuca freasca for el metodo de parafinado. Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Bogota, Colombia.

Claypool, L. 1976. Consultancy report on post-harvest physiology and technological problems in some countries of the Near East and North Africa. FAO Proj. REM/74/015. 31 pp.

Coursey, D.G. 1964. The storage behaviour of yams. Tropical Stored Products Information 7: 269-275.

Coursey, D. C. 1968. Biodeteriorative losses in tropical horticultural produce. Biodeterioration of Materials ed. by Waters and Elphich. Applied Science Publishers, England.

Coursey, D. G. and R.H. Booth . 1972. The poet-harvest phytopathology of perishable tropical produce. Rev. Plant Pathology 51: 751-765.

Coursey, D.G. and F.J. Proctor. 1975. Towards the quantification of the post-harvest [oases in horticultural produce. Acta Hort. 49: 55-63.

Coursey, D.C. and R.H. Booth. 1977. Post-harvest problems of non-grain staples. Acta Hort. 53: 23-33.

Dalal, V.B. and H. Subrahmanyan. 1970. Refrigerated Storage of fresh fruits and vegetables. Climate control 3 p. 37

Dalal, V.B., W.E. Eipeson and N.S. Singh. 1971. Wax emulsion for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Demeaux, M., K.D. Bahacauh and P.H. Vinier. 1978. Problèmes posés par la conservation des ignames en Côte d'Ivoire et Essais techniques pour les résoudre: International Seminar on Yams, Buea, Cameroun.

Diaz, R.O. and Per Pinstrup-Andersen. 1977. Descripción Agro-Económica del Proceso de Producción de Yuca en Colombia. Mimeo. CIAT, Cali, Colombia.

Eckert, J. W. 1975. Post-harvest diseases of fresh fruits and vegetables

Etiology and control. In "Post-harvest biology and Handling of Fruits and Vegetables". N.F. Haard and D.K. Salunkhe (Eds.) Avi Publishing Co., Westport, CT

Eckert, J.W. 1977. Control of post-harvest diseases, In "Antifungal Compounds". M.R. Siegel and H.D. Sisler (eds.) Vol. 1, pp. 269-352. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.

Eckert, J.W. 1978. Pathological diseases of fresh fruits and vegetables. pp. 161-209. In "Poet-harvest Biology and Biotechnology". H. Hultin and M. Milner (Eds.) Food and Nutrition Press, Westport, CT.

Enmac. 1976. Development of a Plan for the Prevention of Post-harvesting Losses in Agricultural Food Products. Prepared by Engineering Manager and Agricultural Consultants by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Imperial Government of Iran. 158 pp.

FAO. 1979. Preliminary report on the Study Agriculture Towards 2000.

FAO/UNEP. 1979. Recommended Practices for the Prevention of Mycotoxins in Food, Feed, and their Products.

Fidler, J.C. and D.G. Coursey, 1969. Low temperature injury in tropical fruits. Proc, Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, Tropical Products Institute, London 103-110.

Franco, E., D. Hortors and F. Tardien. 1979, Producción y Utilización de la Papa en el Valle del Mantaro, Peru. Unidad de Ciencias Sociales, Documento de Trabajo No. 1979-1. Mimeo pp. 116. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru.

Franklin, E.W. 1977. Post-harvest horticulture in Iran. FAO. Consultancy report Proj. IRA/72/103.

Grace, M.R. 1977. Cassava Processing. FAO.

Guillermo, A.F. 1979. Producción y utilizatión de la Papa en Chile, CENDERCO: INIA. mimeo 92 pp. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru.

Hardenburg, R.E. 1967. Wax and related coatings for horticultural products a bibliography. U.S. Department of Agriculture. ARS51-15.

Harris, K.L. and C.J. Lindblad. 1978. Post-harvest Grain Loss Assessment Methods. Am. Assoc. Cereal Chemists.

Harvey, J.M. 1978. Reduction of losses in fresh fruits and vegetables. Ann Rev. Phytopathology 16: 321-341.

IIR (International Institute of Refrigeration), Paris Recommendations for the chilled storage of perishable produce, 1979 (bilingual' French/English)

IIR Refrigeration techniques in developing countries, 1976 (English and French)

IIR Refrigeration applications to fish, fruits and vegetables in South East Asia, 1974 (English)

IIR Applications du froid aux produits périssables en Afrique 1980 (French)

IIT 1978. Evaluación de Péridas Post-cosecha en Yuca y Platano. Informe Final. Instituto de Investigaciones Techológicas, Bogotá, Colombia.

Kader, A. 1979. FAO consultancy report on poet-harvest handling of fruits and vegetables in the Middle East. 133 pp.

Kader, A.A., L.L. Morris, and M. Cantwell. 1979. Post-harvest handling and physiology of horticultural crops. A list of selected references. Vegetable Crops series 169, University of California, Davis.

Karikari, S.K. 1969. Problems of plantain (Muse paradinaca Linn.) Production in Ghana. Ghana Farmer XIV(2): 52-55.

Keeford, N.D. and W.T. Harada. 1979. Papaya Industry Analysis. No. 2 College of Trop. Agric. and Human Resources. Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. 27 pp.

Kuhr, R.J. 1979. Integrated peat management. A new strategy in an old war. New York's Food and Life Science 12(2): 3.

Lutz, J.M. and R.E. Hardenburg. 1968. The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stock. Agriculture Handbook No. 66. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

MA. 1965. Marketing of grapes in India. Marketing Series No. 162. Directorate of Min. of Agric. Givt. of India, Nagpur Mktg.

MA. 1965. Marketing of mangoes in India. Marketing Series No. 153. Min. of Agric. Govt. of India. Nagpur.

MA. 1965. Marketing of pineapple in India. Marketing Series No. 160. Min. of Agric. Govt. of India, Nagpur.

MA. 1965. Marketing of guava, papaya and litchi. Marketing Series No, 152. Min. of Agric. Govt. of India. Nagpur.

MA. 1965. Marketing of tomatoes in India. Marketing Series No. 152. Min. of Agric. Covt. of India. Nagpur.

MA. 1965. Marketing of garden peas and French lemons in India. Marketing Series No. 154. Min. of Agric. Govt. of India. Nagpur.

MA. 1965. Marketing of row crops and some important vegetables and root crops in India. Marketing Series. No 159. Min. of Agric. Govt. of India. Nagpur.

ML 1965. Marketing of potatoes in India. Marketing Series No. 165. Min. of Agric. Govt. of India, Nagpur.

Marius, M.T. 1974. Contribution a l'étude des parasites de l'igname. Mimeo pp. 45. Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique d'Abidjan

Martin, E.K. 1979. Survey on the marketing of fruits and vegetables in Nigeria. Mktg. Tech. Comm. No. I, UNDP-FAO. NIHORTS, Ibadan, Nigeria. 117 pp.

Martin, E K. 1979. An evaluation of existing methods of packaging for certain fruits and vegetables, and comparison with proposed now containers. Mktg. Tech. Comm. No. II. UNDP-FAO, NIHORTS, Ibadan, Nigeria. 39 pp.

Martin, E.K. 1979. A feasibility study into the economic viability for constructing refrigerated cold stores in Nigeria for onions and oranges. Mktg. Tech. Comm. III. UNDP-FAO, NIHORTS, ibadan, Nigeria. 24 pp.

Martin, F.W. 1976. Tropical yams and their potential. Part 3. Dioscorea alata. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook No.495.

Martin, F.W. and S. Sadik. 1977. Tropical yams and their potential. Part 4. Dioscorea rotundata and Dioscorea cayenensis. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 502.

Martin, F.W. and L. Degras. 1978. Tropical yams and their potential. Part 5. Dioacorea trifida. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No.522.

Martin, F.W. and L. Degras. 1978. Tropical yams and their potential Part 6. Minor cultivated Dioscorea species. U.S. Department of Agriculture' Agriculture Handbook No. 538.

Maxie, E.C., N.F. Sommer and F.G. Mitchell. 1971. Infeasibility of irradiating fresh fruits and vegetables. Hortscience 6: 202-204.

McDonald, R.E. and H.K. Wutscher. 1974. Root stocks affect poet-harvest decay of grapefruit. Hortscience 9: 455, 456.

Mendoza, D.B., Jr., and R.B. Pantastico. 1978. Appropriate post-harvest technology for the small farmers. Paper delivered during the Symp. on Agricultural Strategies in Countryside Development: Focus on the Small Farmers. NRCP, sponsored at UPLB, College, Laguna, Philippines. 18 Nov. 1978. 16 pp.

National Academy of Sciences. 1978. Post-harvest Food Losses in Developing Countries. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.

National Academy of Sciences. 1978. Post-harvest Food Losses in Developing Countries. A Bibliography. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.

Ndubizu, T.Q.C. 1975. Delaying ripening in harvested Nigerian green plantain. 1st Nat. Seminar on Fruits and Vegetables NIHORTS, Ibadan, 13-17 Oct. p. 213.

Olorunda, S.O. and MAcklon, E.S. 1976. Effects of storage and chilling temperature on low absorption salt retention capacity and respiratory pattern in yam tubers. J. of Science and Agriculture. 27: 405-412.

Onayami, O. and N. N. Potter. 1974. Preparation and storage properties of drum dried white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) flakes. J. Food Science 39: 559-561.

Pantastico, E.P. 1975. Post-harvest Physiology, Handling and Utilization of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits and Vegetables. Avi Pub. Co., Westport, CT.

Pantastico, E.P. 1577. Minimizing post-harvest losses. Paper delivered during the inaugural SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture' College, Laguna, Philippines. 19 pp.

Parpia, H.A.B. 1977. More than food should be saved. Ceres Nov.-Dec. 19-24.

Philips, A.L. 1975. Post-harvest crop protection. Proceedings of the planning meeting. Sept. 15-19. East-West Food Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii. 107 pp.

Plucknett, D.L. ed. Tropical Root and Tuber Crops Tomorrow. Vol. 1 Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Tropical Root and Tuber Crops. pub. by University of Hawaii.

Plucknett, D.L. 1979. Small-scale Processing and Storage of Tropical Root Crops. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.

Reusse, E. 1976. Economic and marketing aspects of pest-harvest system in small farmer economies. FAO Monthly Bulletin of Agric. Economics and Statistics. 2$(9): 17 pp.

Rickard, J.E., O.J. Burden and D.G Coursey. 1973. Studies on isolation of tropical horticultural product Acta Hort. 84: 115-122.

Shivdasani, I.H. 1975. Problems of marketing and distribution of fruit a and vegetables in Southern Nigeria. 1st Nat. Seminar in Fruits and Vegetables. NIHORTS, Ibadan. 13-17 Oct. p. 132.

Singh, M. and S.C. Verma. 1979. Post-harvest Technology and Utilization, of Potato. International Symposium on Post-harvest Technology and Utilization of Potato, ICAR-CIP, Smila, New Delhi.

Smith, W.L., Jr. and J.B. Wilson. 1978. Market Diseases of Potatoes. Agriculture Handbook No. 479. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Subramanyam, H. 1976. Post-harvest Physiology, Handling and Storage of Tropical Fruits. FAO Report on proj. BRA/71/555. 57 pp.

Talburt, W.F. and Ora Smith. 1975. Potato processing. 3d ed. Avi Pub. Co., Westport, CT.

Tropical Products Institute. 1970. Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Proceedings of a Conference held at Tropical Products Institute, London, Sept. 1969.

Vas, K. 1977. Food irradiation. Technical sad legal aspects. FAO Food and Nutrition 3(3): 2-8.

Werge, R.W. 1977. Potato storage systems in the Mantaro Valley Region of Peru' mimeo; pp. 49. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru.

Werge, R.W. 1978. Evaluation of solar dehydration techniques. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru.

Werge, R.W. 1978. Potato Processing in the Central Highlands of Peru: Ecology of Food and Nutrition 7: 229-234.

Zapata, L. E. and H. Riveros S. 1978. Preservación de Yuca Presca. Revista Technológica del Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Bogotá, Colombia.

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