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Addis,P.B. (1986) Occurrence of lipid oxidation oxidation in food. Food Chem. Toxic 24. 1021.

Ainger, S. (1991) Hybrid deer - basis for "New Animal.. The Gazette, University of Sydney, Vol. 19, No. 1 .

Anderson, B.A (1988) Composition and Nutritional Value of Edible Meat By-products. pp 1545 in Edible Meat By-products, Advances in Meat Research Vol. 5. Ed. AM. Pearson and T.R. Dutson. Elsevier Applied Science.

APO (1976) Report of Asian Productivity Organisation. Livestock Production in Asian Context of Agricultural Diversification. p 361, Tokyo, Japan.

APO (1990) Report of Asian Productivity Organisation Symposium on Animal Feed Resources, 24-29 Aug. (1987), (SYP/IV/87)

Bachman, K.L. and Paulino, LA (1979) Rapid Food Production Growth in selected developing countries. A comparative analysis of underlying trends (1961-76) Research Rpt. No. 11, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington.

Bender, AK. (1978) The effect of heat on protein-rich foods. pp 411-426 in Food Quality and Nutrition. Ed. W.K Downey. Applied Science Publishers.

Bender, AK. and Zia, M. (1976) Meat quality and protein quality. 1. Fd. Technol. 11. 495498.

Blaxter, K.L. (1975) Increasing Output of Animal Products - Technical Measures for increasing productivity. In Man Food and Nutrition. Ed. Rechcigl CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Byerly, T.C. (1975) Effects of agricultural practices on foods of animal origin. In Nutritional Evaluation of Food Processing. Ed. R.S. Harris and E. Karmas. Avi Publishing Co. Westport. pp 58-97.

Chang, H.S. (1981) Problems and Challenge of Agriculture in a rapidly Developing Economy: The Taiwan Experience, Taipei, Taiwan. Food and Fertilizer Technology Centre, Extension Bulletin No. 160.

Codex (1983) Recommended International Code of Practice for Production, Storage and Composition of Mechanically Separated Meat and Poultry meat intended for further processing. CAC/RCP 32-1983. 1st Ed. Rome.

Codex (1984A) "General Standards for Irradiated Floods" and "Recommended International Code of Practice for the operation of radiation facilities used for treatment of food" CAC Vol. XV Edition 1. Rome.

Codex (1991A) Report of the Sixth Session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods. ALINORM 93/31 Joint FAD/WHO Food Standards Programme. Rome

Codex (1991B) Committee on Meat Hygiene ALINORM 93/16

Crawford, M.A (1975) Meat as a source of lipids, in "Meat", Eds D.J.A. De Boer (1982) Livestock in Asia. Ed J.C. Fine and R.G. Lattimore. IDRC Report 202

de Janvry, A and Sadoulet, E. (1986) The Condition for Harmony between Third World Agricultural Development and US Farm Exports. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 68(5), 1340-1346

De Ritter, E., Osadca, M., Scheiner, M. and Keating, J. (1974) Vitamins in frozen convenience dinners and pot pies. J. Amer. Dietet. Assoc. 64. 391-397

Egan, H., Kirk, R.S. and Sawyer, R. (1981) Pearson's Chemical Analysis of Foods. Churchill Livingstone

FAO (1976) Integration of Livestock with Crop Production at Small Farm Level. Vols.I and II, Bangkok, Thailand, FAO RAPA Publication No. RAFE 27

FAO (1984) Food Balance Sheets 1979-81 FAO Rome

FAO (1985) The Fifth World Food Survey. FAO Rome

FAO (1990A) World Meat Situation and Outlook. Commodities and Trades Division. ME 90/1. FAO Rome

FAO (1990B) Workshop. Traditional and low cost methods of meat preparation in Asia and Pacific. FAO Rome

FAO (1990c) Manual on Simple Methods of Meat Preservation. Health Paper No. 79. FAO, Rome.

FAD/WHO (1991) Protein Quality Evaluation. Report of Joint FAD/WHO Expert Consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 51. Rome

FAD/WHO (1985) Energy and Protein Requirements. Tech. Rpt. Series 724 WHO, Geneva

FAO (1991) Guidelines for Slaughtering, Meat Cutting and further processing. Animal Production and Health Paper No 91. FAO, Rome.

Fennema, O. (1975) Effect of freeze-preservation of food processing. pp 244-288. Ed. R.S. Harris and Karmas, E. Avi Publishing Co. Westport, Conn.

Groenewold, H.H. and Crossing, P.R. (1975) The Place of Livestock in Small Farm Development. World Animal Review, 15. 2-6

Harries, J.M., Hubbard, A W., Alder, F.E., Kay, M. and Williams, D.R.(1968) Studies on the composition of food. 3. The nutritive value of beef from intensively reared animals. Br. J. Nutr. 22. 21-31

Hershom, A.C. and Hulland,E.D. (1980) Canned Foods, Themal Processing and Microbiology. Churchill-Livingstone

Hudson, R.J. (1976) Potential for Meat Production from Marginal Land Resources. Misc. Publ. Dept. of Animal Science. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

James,W.P.D.(1988) Healthy Nutrition. WHO Regional Publications, European Series No.24, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jensen, J.H. (1981) Meat in International Dietary Pattern pp 35-56. In Meat in Nutrition and Health. Eds. R.R. Franklin and P.N. Davis, National Livestock and Meat Board. Chicago, USA.

Jobling, A. and Jobling, CA (1983) In Upgrading waste for Feeds and Food. Eds. D A, Ledward, A.J. Taylor and R.A. Lawrie, Butterworths, London

Karmas, E. and Harris,R.S. (1988) Nutritional Evaluation of Food Processing. VNR 1988

Kritchevsky, D. (1990) Meat and Cancer pp 89-104. In Pearson and Dutson.

Lawrie, R.A. (1981) In Meat in Nutrition and Health. Ed.KR. Franklin and P.N. Davis. National Livestock and Meat Board, Chicago, USA

Lawrie, R.A. (1991) Meat Science 5th Ed. Pergamon, Oxford

Mayfield, H.L and Hedrick, M.T. (1949) The effect of canning, roasting and coming on the biological value of the proteins of western beef, finished on either grass or grain. J. Nutr. 37. 487-494

McCance and Widdowson (1991) The Composition of Foods. 5th Ed. Holland, B. Welch, AA., Unwin, I.D., Buss, D.H., Paul, AA. and Southgate, D.A.T. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, U.K

Mikkelsen, K., Rasmussen, E.L and Zinck, O. (1984). Retention of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 in frozen meats. pp 777-781. In Thermal Processing and Quality of Foods. Ed. P. Zeuthen, et al. Elsevier Applied Science

Noble, I. (1965) Thiamin and riboflavin retention in braised meat. J. Amer. Dietet. Assoc. 47. 205

Pearson, L.J. and Dutson, T.R. Eds. (1990) Meat and Health. Advances in Meat Research. Vol 6 Elsevier Applied Science

Pellet, P.L and Young, V.R. (1990) Role of meat as a source of protein and essential amino acids in human nutrition. pp 329-370 in Pearson and Dutson.

Pence, J.W., Miller, R.C, Dutcher, R.A. and Ziegler, P.T. (1945) Storage of thiamine in pork muscle. J. Amer. Sci. 4. 141-145

Phillips, R.L, Snowdon, D.A. and Brin, B.H. (1983) Cancer in vegetarians. In "Environmental Aspects of Cancer. The role of the macro and micro components of foods". Ed E.L Wynder, GA Leveille, J.H. Weisburger and G.E. Livingston. Food and Nutrition Press, Westport, CT.

Preston, T.R. (1977) A Strategy for Cattle Production in the Tropics. World Animal Review, 21. 11-17.

Ramaswamy, N. (1980) Report of Draft Animal Power as a Source of Renewable Energy. FAO, Rome.

Reiser, R. and Shorland, F.B. (1990) Meat Fats and Fatty Acids. pp 21-62 in Pearson and Dutson

Reiter, LA and Driskell, J.A. (1985) Vitamin B6 content of selected foods served in dining halls. J. Amer. Dietet.Assoc. 85. 1625

Rice, E.E. (1978) The nutritional content of meat and meat products. In "The Science of Meat Products". 2nd Ed. J.F. Price and B.S. Schweigert, p 287. Food and Nutrition Press, Westport, CT

Rockefeller (1975) The Role of Animals in meeting the World Food Needs. New York, USA, Rockefeller Foundation

Rogowski, B. (1980) Meat in Human Nutrition. World Rev. Nutr. Dietet. 34. 46. Ed. G.H. Bourne. Karger

Sarma, J.S. and Young, P. (1985) Livestock Products in the Third World: Past Trends and Projections to 1990-2000. Research Report No. 49. Washington International Food Policy,Lnstitute

Sawyer, R. (1975) "The Composition of Meat; Analytical Aspects" in "Meat". pp. 287-301 Ed. D.J.A Cole and R.A Lawrie, Butterworths.

Spedding, C.R.W. and Hoxey, A M. (1975) The potential for conventional meat animals". pp 483-506 in "Meat". Ed.Cole and Lawrie.

Watt, B.K. and Merrill A.L. (1975) The Composition of Foods. Agricultural Handbook No 8. US Dept. of Agriculture

Watts, G.F., Ahmed, W., Quiney, J., Houlston, R. et al (1988) Effective lipid-lowering diets including lean meat. Brit. Med. J. 296. 235-237.

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