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Taira, H., Nakagahra, M. & Nagamine, T. 1988. Fatty acid composition of indica, sinica, japonica, and japonica groups of nonglutinous brown rice. J. Agric. Food Chem., 36: 45-47.

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Villareal, C.P. & Juliano, B.O. 1987. Varietal differences in quality characteristics of puffed rice. Cereal Chem., 64: 337-342.

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Watanabe, M., Miyakawa, J., Ikezawa, Z., Suzuki, Y., Hirao, T., Yoshizawa, T. & Arai, S. 1990a. Production of hypoallergenic rice by enzymatic decomposition of constituent proteins. J. Food Sci., 55: 781-783.

Watanabe, M., Yoshizawa, T., Miyakawa, J., Ikezawa, Z., Abe, K., Yanagesawa, T. & Arai, S. 1990b. Quality improvement and evaluation of hypoallergenic rice grains. J. Food Sci., 55: 1105-1107.

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Villareal, C.P. & Juliano, B.0. 1989a. Variability in contents of thiamine and riboflavin in brown rice, crude oil in brown rice and bran-polish, and silicon in hull of IR rices. Plant Foods Hum. Nutr., 39: 287-297.

Villareal, C.P. & Juliano, B.0. 1989b. Comparative level of waxy gene product of endosperm starch granules of different rice ecotypes. Starch, 41: 369-371.

Villareal, C.P., Juliano, B.O. & Sauphanor, B. 1990. Grain quality of rices grown in irrigated and upland cultures. Plant Foods Hum. Nutr., 40: 37-47.

Villareal, C.P., Maranville, J.W. & Juliano, B.O. 1991. Nutrient content and retention during milling of brown rices from the International Rice Research Institute. Cereal Chem., 68: 437-439.

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Watanabe, M., Miyakawa, J., Ikezawa, Z., Suzuki, Y., Hirao, T., Yoshizawa, T. & Arai, S. 1990a. Production of hypoallergenic rice by enzymatic decomposition of constituent proteins. J. Food Sci., 55: 781 -783.

Watanabe, M., Yoshizawa, T., Miyakawa, J., Ikezawa, Z., Abe, K., Yanagesawa, T. & Arai, S. 1990b. Quality improvement and evaluation of hypoallergenic rice grains. J. Food Sci., 55: 1105-1107.

Watt, B.K. & Merrill, A.L. 1963. Composition of foods. Agric. Handbook 8. Washington, D.C., US Dept. Agric. Consumer and Food Economics Res. Div. 190 pp.

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Yamagata, H., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, K. & Kasai, Z. 1982. Biosynthesis of storage proteins in developing rice seeds. Plant Physiol., 70: 10941100.

Yap, A.B., Ilag, L.L., Juliano, B.O. & Perez, C.M. 1987. Soaking in Aspergillus parasiticus-inoculated water and aflatoxin in parboiled rice. Hum. Nutr: Food Sci. Nutr., 41F: 225-229.

Yap, A.B., Perez, C.M. & Juliano, B.O. 1990. Artificial yellowing of rice at 60ºC. In J.O. Naewbanij, ed. Advances in grain postharvest technology generation and utilization. Proceedings 11th ASEAN Technical Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology, Kuala Lumpur, 23-26 August 1988, p. 3-20. Bangkok, ASEAN Crops Postharvest Programme.

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