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1.2 Importance of fruit and vegetables in world agriculture

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Fruit and vegetables represent an important part of world agriculture production; some figures are seen in Table 1.1.

TABLE 1.1 Fruit and Vegetable World Production, 1991

Crop (Fruit) Production, 1000 T
Total World all
Appies 39404 14847
Apricots 2224 1147
Avocados 2036 1757
Bananas 47660 46753
Citrus fruits NES 1622 1231
Cantaloupes and other melons 12182 8733
Dates 3192 3146
Grapes 57188 14257
Grapefruit and pomelo 4655 2073
Lemons and limes 6786 4457
Mangoes 16127 16075
Oranges 55308 40325
Peaches and nectarines 8682 2684
Pears 9359 4431
Papayas 4265 4205
Plantains 26847 26847
Plums 5651 1806
Pineapples 10076 9183
Raisins 1041 470
Tangerines, mandarines, clementines 8951 4379
Watermelons 28943 19038
Currants 536009  
Raspberries 369087  
Strawberries 2469117 342009
Beans, green 3213 1702
Cabbages 36649 15569
Cauliflower 5258 2269
Carrots 13511 4545
Chilies + peppers, green 9145 6440
Cucumbers and gherkins 13619 7931
Eggplants 5797 4608
Garlic 3102 2446
Onions, dry 27977 17128
Peas, green 4856 1038
Pumpkins, squash, gourds 7933 6245

( = Developing countries) Source: FAO Yearbook, 1991, FAO Production Yearbook, 1992

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