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12. Literature, references and training supports
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12.1. List of practical guides, tests and
references on post-harvest technology and marketing of fresh
The following list is not
intended to be an exhaustive bibliography of literature and
references on the very diverse and complex field of post-harvest
technology and marketing of fresh produce. On the other hand, the
contents of the manual can not supply all the information needs
for all crops and marketing situations in the Eastern Caribbean.
The references given below are
reasonably upto-date and encompass, in the author's opinion, a
good selection of practical and essential information to suit the
needs of trainers and specialists alike. The texts covering
predominantly temperate agriculture are included because of their
good coverage of the principles of post-harvest technology rather
than for their immediate relevance to the Eastern Caribbean.
- ABBOTT, J. C., (1970) -
Marketing fruit and vegetables. FAO Marketing Guide No.
2, 2nd edition. FAO, Rome 181 pp. (available through FAO
Office in Barbados).
- ABBOTT, J. C., (1979).
Agricultural economics and marketing in the tropics.
Intermediate Tropical Agriculture Series. Longman Group
Ltd., London 168 pp.
- BURTON, W. G., (1982).
Post-harvest physiology of food crops. Longman Group
Ltd., London 339 pp.
- DIXIE, G., (1988).
Horticultural marketing. A resource and training manual
for extension officers. FAO. 110 pp.
- GIULIANO, M. A., (1987).
Fresh and freign : A complete guide to marketing produce
from the Caribbean and Latin America. Walker A. Williams
and Company, Inc., Washington DC 76 pp.
- HAARD, N. F. and SALUNKE, D.
K., (1975). Symposium: Post-harvest biology and handling
of fruits and vegetables. AVI Publishing Co. Inc.,
Westport, Connecticut. 193 pp.
- HARRIS, S. R., (1986).
Improvement of post-harvest fresh fruits and vegetables
handling. A manual. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the
Pacific, and Association of Food Marketing Agencies in
Asia and the Pacific. 229 pp.
- HORTON, D., (1987).
Potatoes. Production, marketing and programs for
developing countries. Westview Press. 243 pp.
REFRIGERATION (various) (1976) Guide to refrigerated
storage. 190 pp. (1976) Refrigeration techniques in
developing countries, 2nd Edition. 170 pp. (1976) Current
trends in the refrigerated storage and transport of
perishable foodstuffs. 241 pp. (1976) Towards an ideal
refrigerated food chain. 193pp. (1979) Recommended
conditions for chilled storage of perishable produce. 148
and CANTWELL, M., (1979). Post-harvest handling and
physiology of horticultural crops. A list of selected
references. Vegetable Crops Series No.169 (revised
edition). Division of Agricultural Sciences, University
of California, Davis, California. 44 pp.
F., MITCHELL, F. G., REID, M. S., SOMMER, N. F. and
THOMPSON, J. F., (1985). Postharvest Technology of
Horticultural Crops. Cooperative Extension, University of
California, Division of Agriculture and Natural
Resources. 192 pp.
R. E., (1968). The commercial storage of fruits,
vegetables and florist and nursery stocks. Agriculture
Handbook No. 66, US Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
94 pp.
- McGREGOR, B. M., (1987).
Tropical products transport handbook. Agriculture
Handbook No. 668, Office of Transportation, US Dept.
Agriculture, Washington DC. 148 pp.
- MAFF (1979). Refrigerated
storage of fruit and vegetables. Reference Book No. 324,
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), HMSO
Stationary Office, London. 148 pp.
- MENDOZA, D. B. and WILLS, R.
B. H. (Editors), (1984). Mango. Fruit development,
postharvest physiology and marketing in ASEAN. ASEAN Food
Handling Bureau, 8th Floor, Syed Kechik Foundation
Building, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- MOLINE, H. E. (Editor),
(1984). Postharvest pathology of fruits and vegetables :
Postharvest losses in perishable crops. Agricultural
Experiment Station, Division of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, University of California, Berkeley,
California. 80 pp.
SCIENCES,(1978). Postharvest food losses in developing
countries. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
206 pp.
C.,(1985). Guide to extension training. FAO Training
Series No. 11, FAD/UN. 144 pp.
- PANTASTICO, Er. B., (1975).
Post-harvest physiology, handling and utilization of
tropical and sub-tropical fruits and vegetables. AVI
Publishing Co. Inc., Westport, Connecticut. 587 pp.
- PURSEGLOVE, J. W.,(1968).
Tropical crops : Dicotyledons. Longman Scientific and
Technical Press, Harlow, England. 719 pp.
- PURSEGLOVE. J. U., (1972).
Tropical crops : Monocotyledons. Volumes 1 and 2. Longman
Scientific and Technical Press, Harlow, England. 607 pp.
- RYALL, A. L. and LIPTON, W.
J.,(1979). Handling, transportation and storage of fruits
and vegetables. Volume 1. Vegetables and melons. 2nd.
Edition, AVI Publishing Co. Inc.,, Westport, Connecticut.
587 pp.
W.T.,(1974). Handling, transportation and storage of
fruits and vegetables. Volume 2. Fruits. AVI Publishing
Co. Inc., Westport, Connecticut. 436 pp.
- SAMSON, J. A.,(1980).
Tropical fruits. Tropical Agriculture Series, Longman
Press, London and New York. 250 pp.
- SCHUUR, C. C. M., (1988)
Packaging for fruits, vegetables and root crops. FAO
Project PFL/RLA/001/PFL, FAO Representative Office in
Barbados, FAD/UN. 58 pp.
J.,(1988). Trade of fresh produce in the Eastern
Caribbean. FAO Project PFL/RLA/001/PFL, FAO
Representative Office in Barbados, FAD/UN. 242 pp.
N. W., (1987). Bananas. 3rd Edition, Tropical Agriculture
Series, Longman Scientific and Technical Press, Harlow,
England. 468 pp.
- UNIDO,(1972). Wood as a
packaging material in the developing countries. ID/72.
UNIDO, Vienna. 111 pp.
and GRIERSON, W.(Editors),(1983). Citrus fruits. AVI
Publishing Co. Inc., Westport, Connecticut.
D., McGLASSON, B. and HALL, E., (1981). Postharvest: An
introduction to the physiology and handling of fruit and
vegetables. New South Wales University Press, Kensington,
New South Wales, Australia. 176 pp.
List of slide sets/visual aids and suppliers addresses
There are a considerable quantity
available internationally of slide sets and series covering
post-harvest technology and marketing of fresh produce.
Unfortunately, most are inappropriate or indeed irrelevant to the
needs of trainers and trainees in the developing countries,
including the Eastern Caribbean.
The list below indicates those
slide sets are considered useful by the author when organising
training sessions for extension workers, farmers, and in some
circumstances specialists or policy makers. Attention is drawn in
particular to the slide series created by CARIRI/IICA especially
for the Eastern Caribbean. This four volume series, complete with
audio cassettes, combines original slides with other
reproductions from various texts and sources.
The CARIRI/IICA slide sets are
beyond the economic range of many if not all trainers and
government institutes in the region. However, one complete set is
possessed by each of the CARDI/CARDATS offices in the Eastern
Caribbean, another with the Ministry of Agriculture in Barbados,
and yet another with the FAO Representatives Office in Barbados.
Provided that enquiries are made well in advance, it should be
possible to borrow the slides and cassettes for official training
1. Postharvest Handling of
Tropical Produce.
- Volume 1. Overview.
- Volume 2. Harvesting and
Field Handling.
- Volume 3. Cooling, Storage
and Postharvest Treatments.
- Volume 4. Packaging,
Transport and Handling.
Series available through
Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) in Trinidad, and
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA)
offices throughout the region.
2. A Guide to Quality
Requirements for Fruits and Vegetables in Western Europe.
50 slide set produced by and
available from Overseas Development and Natural Resources
Institute (ODNRI), 56 -62, Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8LU,
England. (Formerly known as TPI or TORI, the address will change
later in 1989, consult British Commission for details.)
3. Postharvest Cooling Methods.
80 slide set produced by
University of California at Davis, and available from Eugene
Memmler, 3287 Dunsmere Road, Glendale, California, CA 91206, USA.
Many other slide sets are
available through Eugene Memmler, and although most are not
suitable for the Eastern Cartibbean, some may be of specialist
interest. Write to Eugene Memmler for an updated listing of
available slide sets.
Some slide sets have been
prepared in the region, or are being prepared at the moment, but
may have a very limited distribution. For example, the slide set
on post-harvest handling and marketing produced by the CENTENO
Post-Harvest Research Unit of the Ministry of Food Production in
Trinidad, or the slide set being prepared between Dr. Michael
Griffin at CARDATS in Grenada and Dr. David Crucefix at the
Ministry of Agriculture Produce Chemist's Laboratory in Dominica.
The trainer should try to stay in touch with such developments
wherever possible and persuade other institutions to share their
visual aid resources at every opportunity.
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