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An Expert Consultation on Planning the Development of Sundrying Techniques in Africa was organised by the Food and Agricultural Industries Service (AGSI), of the Agricultural Services Division' FAO and financed by the FAO Regular Programme. The Consultation was hosted by the FAO Headquarters, Rome from 12 to 16 December 1983.

Two fact-finding missions organised by FAO visited the following countries: Ivory Coast, Morocco, Nigeria and Senegal (July 1983) and Kenya, Sudan, Upper Volta and Zaire (August/September 1983). The findings of these missions contributed in an important way to the preparation and results of the Expert Consultation.

Apart from the FAD staff, the Expert Consultation was attended by 15 representatives from 11 African countries (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Zaire), as well as 5 observers from international institutions (France, Israel, Italy, U.K.). In all, 28 participants studied 26 different documents (13 Technical Papers and 13 Country Status Reports), held discussions and exchanged experiences for five days under the Chairman-ship of Mrs. M.T. Basse, Technical Adviser to the Presidency, General Secretariate, Dakar, Senegal.

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