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8. Bibliographie

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ADAMS, J.M. (1977a): The evaluation of losses in maize on a selection of small farms in Zambia, with particular reference to the methodology. Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 33, pp 1924.

ADAMS, J.M. (1977b): A review of literature concerning losses in stored cereals and pulses, published since 1964. Trop. Sci. 19 (1), pp 1-28.

ADAMS, J.M. (1976): A guide to the objektive and reliable estimation of food losses in small scale farmer storage. Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 32, pp 5-12.

ADAMS, J.M. and HARMAN, G.W. (1977): The evaluation of losses in maize stored on a selection of small farms in Zambia with particular reference to the development of methodology. Tropical Products Institute, G109, London, xi + 149 pp.

ADAMS, J.M. and SCHULTEN, G.G.M. (1978): Losses caused by insects, mites and microorganisms. In: HARRIS, K.L. and LINDBLAD, C.J. (1978): Postharvest grain loss assessment methods. American Association of Agricultural Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota, pp 83-93.

ADESUYI, S.A. (1982): Field trials with permethrin dust for the control of insect infestation on stored maize in southern Nigeria. J. stored Prod. Res.18, pp 125-130.

ADHIKARY, S. (1981): Le rôle des insecticides naturels d'origine végétale dans le contrôle des parasites de stockage en tenant compte tout particulièrement des produits dérivés de l'arbre de neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss. In: Problèmes de post-récolte, Documentation sur un séminaire OAU/GTZ, Lomé, Togo, GTZ-Publikation, Eschborn, pp 121 -132.

AKOU-EDI, D. (1984): Effects of neem seed powder and oil on Tribolium confusum and Sitophilus zeamais. In: Proceedings of the Second International Neem Conference, Rauischholzhausen, FRG, 25-28 May 1983, Schriftenreihe der GTZ, No. 161, GTZ, Eschborn, pp 445-451

ALBERT, H. (1991): Die Ökonomik des Vorratsschutzes bei der bäuerlichen Lagerhaltung dargestellt am Beispiel Mais in Sud-Togo; Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, Kiel xi + 359 pp.

ALBERT, H. (1990): Bericht ûber die Projektfortschrittskontrolle Bereich Vorratsschutz /Lagermanagement zum Projekt PN: 85.366.6 - 03.100, Ernährungssicherungsprogramm Burkina Faso, iv + 19 pp + 13 Anlagen.

ALBERT, H. (1988): "On-farm"-Versuche zur Ermittlung quantitativer Lagerverluste im Zeitverlauf unter Berucksichtigung verschiedener Methoden zur Verlustschätzung. Versuchsergebnisse, Service Protection des Végétaux, Lomé, Togo, 18 pp.

ALBRECHT, H.; BERGMANN, H.; DIEDRICH, E.; HOFFMANN, V.; KELLER, P.; PAYR, G. und SÜLZER, R. (1987): Landwirtschaftliche Beratung Band 1: Grundlagen und Methoden. Handbuchreihe Ländliche Entwicklung, BMZ, GTZ, 2. vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage, Eschborn.

ANON. (1969): Rapport d'activité de la commission d'évaluation des pertes dans les denréss stockées créé à l'issue du congrès de Marseille sur la protection des cultures tropicales. L'Agronomie Tropicale 24 (8), pp 872-76.

ARBOGAST, R.T. (1985): Biological control of stored product insects: Status and prospects. In: BAUR, T.J. (ed.): Insect management for food storage and processing. MCC, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2.Auflage, pp 226-238.

ATCHITIKI, A. (1988): Enquête-diagnostic sur la conservation traditionnelle du maïs dans la région de Notsé. Projet Fédérateur, Projet PDRN, IRAT-CIRAD, Lomé, Togo, 10 pp.

BEKON, K.A.; LE TORCH, J.M. et FLEURAT-LESSARD, F. (1988): Tolérance à la phosphine chez une race géographique de Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Col.: Tenebrionidae). L'Agronomie Tropicale 43 (1), pp 59-63.

BELL, R.J. and WATTERS, F.L. (1982): Environmental factors influencing the development and rate of increase of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) on stored maize. J. stored Prod. Res.18, pp 131-142.

BILIWA, A.; VON BERG, A. et KRALL, S. (1988): Efficacité d'insecticides binaires en poudre sur le maïs égrené stocké en sacs, en prenant en considération la lutte contre Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coléoptera: Bostrichidae). Mimeo., Service de la Protection des Végétaux, Lomé-Cacaveli, 9 pp.

BILIWA, A. (1984): Rapport expérimental. Mimeo., Service de la Protection des Végétaux, Lomé-Cacaveli, Togo, 7 pp.

BOUGHDAD, Y. et GILLON, Y. (1989): Transformation du risque par la modernisation des méthodes de stockage. In: ELDIN, M. et MILLEVILLE, P. (1989): Le risque en agriculture. Edition de l'ORSTOM, Paris, pp 345-354.

BOURNE, M.C. (1977): Post-harvest food losses: The neglected dimensions in increasing the world food supply. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 49 pp.

BOXALL, R.A. and GILLETT, R. (1982): Farm level storage losses in Eastern Nepal. Tropical Products Institute G157, London, vi + 29 pp.

BOXALL, R.A.; GREELEY, M.; TYAGI, D.S.; LIPTON, M. and NEELAKANTA, J. (1977): The prevention of farm - level food grain storage losses in India: a social cost - benefit analysis. IDS Research Reports, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RE, UK, ix + 238 pp.

CALDERON, M. (1981): The ecosystem approach for apprehending the extent of postharvest grain losses. Phytoparasitica 9 (2), pp 157-167.

COWLEY, R.J.; HOWARD, D.C. and SMITH, R.S. (1980): The effect of grain stability on damage caused by Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) and three other beetle pests of stored maize. J. stored Prod. Res.16, pp 75-78.

CRUM, L. (1986): SAS System for Linear Models. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA, pp 159-198.

DE LIMA, C.P.F. (1979): The assessment of losses due to insects and rodents in maize stored for subsistence in Kenya. Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 38, pp 21-26.

DESA (1989): Production des principales cultures vivrières, campagne agricole 1988-89. Direction des Enquêtes et Statistiques Agricoles, Lomé, Togo, Vol. l, vii + 51 pp.

DESA (1984): Recensement Général de l'Agriculture Togolaise 1982/83, Résultats partiels. Direction des Enquêtes et Statistiques Agricoles, Lomé, Togo,114 pp.

DETMERS, H.-B. (1987): Untersuchungen zur biologischen Bedeutung des Holzes für den Großen Kornbohrer Prostephanus truncatus (Bostrichidae). Diplomarbeit der Universität Kiel, FB Phytopathologie, 58 pp.

DICHTER, D. (1978): Manual on improved farm & village-level grain storage methods. GTZ, Eschborn, 243 pp.

DIRECTION DE LA STATISTIQUE (1986): Aperçu des résultats d'ensemble du recensement général de la population et de l'habitat au Togo (Caractéristiques de la population). Bureau Central du Recensement, Lomé, Togo, 70 pp.

DOPPLER, W. (1991): Landwirtschattliche Betriebssysteme in den Tropen und Subtropen. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 216 pp.

DOPPLER, W. (1985): Planung, Evaluierung und Management von Entwicklungsprojekten. Kieler Wissenschattsverlag Vauk, ISBN 3-922 553-52-4, xv + 441 pp.

ENGELHARDT, T. (1989): Angewandte Projektökonomie für landwirtschattliche Vorhaben der Technischen Zusammenarbeit. GTZ, Eschborn, iii + 65 pp.

ENGELHARDT, T.; WAIBEL, H. und DOPPLER, W. (1986): Zur Ökonomie des Ptlanzenschutzes in TZ Vorhaben (mimeo). Universität Hohenheim, Institut 490,16 pp.

FAO (1990): Welternährungslage im Kurzüberblick - Fakten und Trends. FAO - Aktuell, Nachrichten über Welternährung und Weltwirtschatt 34/90,2 pp.

GARDNER, P.D.; BARITELLE, J.L. and LANZER, E. (1987): Rescarch on economic postharvest loss: an annotatod bibliography (1970 - 1982). Resources and Technology Division, Economic Research Service, U.S., Department of Agriculture. Bibliographies and Literature of Agriculture No. 56, ii + 67 pp.

GOLOB, P. (1984): Preliminary field and laboratory trials to control Prostephanus truncatus infestation of maize. In: GTZ (1984): GASGA-Workshop on the larger grain borer Prostaphanus truncatus. GTZ, Eschborn, pp 62-70.

GOLOB, P. (1981): A practical assessment of food losses sustained during storage by smallholder farmers in the Shire Valley Agricultural Development Project Area of Malawi 1978/79. Tropical Products Institute, London, vi + 47 pp.

GOLOB, P.; CHANGJAROEN, P., AHMED, A. and COX, J. (1985): Susceptibility of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) to insecticides. J. stored Prod. Res. 21 (3), pp 141-150.

GOLOB, P.; DUNSTAN, U.R.; EVANS,N.; MEIK, J.; REES, D. and MAGAZINI, I. (1983): Preliminary field trials to control Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) in Tanzania. Trop. stored Prod. Inf.45, pp 15-17.

GOLOB, P. and HANKS, C. (1990): Protection of farm stored maize against infestation by Prostophanus truncatus (Horn) and Sitophilus species in Tanzania. J. stored Prod. Res. 26 (2), pp 187-1990.

GOLOB, P.; MWAMBULA, J.; MHANGO, V. and NGULUBE, F. (1982): The use of localy available materials as protectants of maize grain against insect infestation during storage in Malawi. J. stored Prod. Res.18, pp 67-74.

GREELEY, M. (1987): Postharvest losses, technology and employment. The case of rice in Bangladesh. Westview Press / Bouider and London, xi + 345 pp.

GREELEY, M. (1985): Post harvest food losses in Tanzania. IDS, University of Sussex, report prepared for UNICEF, 41 pp.

GTZ (1975): Séminaire ouest-africain sur le rôle des volontaires dans le stockage des grains au niveau de la ferme et du village, Cotonou, Dahomey, 13-21 décembre 1974, 267 pp.

HANF, C.-H. and SCHIEFER, G.W. (1983): Introduction to planning and decision models. In: HANF, C.-H. and SCHIEFER, G.W. (eds.): Planning and decision in agrobusiness: principles and experiences. A case study approach to the use of models in decision planning. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Oxford - New York, pp 7-81.

HARNISCH, R. (1981): Examen de l'effet de substances naturelles sur le mais infesté par Sitophilus zeamais. In: Problèmes de post-récolte. Documentation sur un seminaire OAU/GTZ, Lomé, Togo, GTZ-Publikation, Eschborn, pp 133-137.

HARNISCH, R. und KRALL, S. (1986): Instructions for building a fumigable wareNouse Directives pour la construction d'un magasin fumigable. GTZ-Publication, Eschborn. Post Harvest Project, Hamburg, 104 pp.

HARRIS, K.L. and LINDBLAD, C.J. (1978): Postharvest grain loss assessment methods. American Association of Agricultural Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota, xii + 193 pp.

HAUBRUGE, E. (1987): Contribution à la connaissance du mode de vie du Grand Capucin du Grain Prostephanus truncatus (Horn), (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) et à son contrôle. Diplomarbeit an der Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de l'Etat, B-5800 Gembloux (Belgique), 104 pp.

HINDMARSH, P.S. and MACDONALD, I.A. (1980): Field trials to control insect pests of farmstored maize in Zambia. J. stored Prod. Res.16, pp 9-18.

HLBS (1986): Landwirtschaftliche Begriffe für die landwirtschaftliche Buchführung und Beratung, Heft 14, 8. Auflage, Hauptverband der landwirtschaftlichen Buchstellen und Sachverstàndigen e.V., Verlag Pflug und Feder GmbH, St. Augustin, 101 pp.

HODGES, R.J. (1986): The biology and control of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) - a destructive storage pest with an increasing range. J stored Prod. Res.22 (1), pp 1-14.

HODGES, R.J. (1982): A review of the biology and control of the greater grain borer Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 43, pp 39.

HODGES, R.J.; MEIK, J. and DENTON, H. (1985): Infestation of dried cassava (Manihot esculenta, Cranz) by Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). J. stored Prod. Res. 21 (2), pp 73-77.

HOFER, J. (1983): Untersuchungen zur Gestaltung und Wirksamkeit von Beratungshiltsmittein in der Pflanzenschutzberatung in Togo. Diplomarbeit, Institut fur Agrarsoziologie, Landwirtschaftliche Beratung und angewandte Psychologie. Universität Hohenheim, 64 pp.

HULSE, J.H. (1981): Research and postproduction systems. In: MANASSAH, J.T. and BRISKEY, E.J. (ed.): Advances in food - producing systems for arid and semiarid lands, Part B. Academic Press, New York, USA, pp 1127-1178.

HUYSMANS, A.A.C. (1981): Postharvest losses and research potentials. In: MANASSAH, J.T. and BRISKEY, E.J. (ed.): Advances in food - producing systems for arid and semiarid lands, Part B. Academic Press, New York, USA, pp 1099-1125.

JOYCE, J. (1921): Ulysses; 1914 - 1921. Suhrkamp Verlag, einmalige Sonderausgabe 1979, erste Auflage, 1015 pp.

KELBER, E. (1975): Moglichkeiten der Entwicklung von Befalls-Verlust-Relationen für Pflanzenkrankheiten aus Sekundärdaten. Dissertation der Universität Gießen, FB Angewandte Biologie, 126 pp.

KENKOU, G.K. (1988): Stockage de mais dans la Région Maritime - rapport d'étude. Projet GTZ / Protection des Végétaux, Cacaveli, Lomé, Togo, vi + 73 pp.

KOUDOHA, K.A. (1986): Etude bio-écologique et recherche de moyens de lutte contre le Grand Capucin des stocks de maïs: Prostophanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) au sud du Togo. Mémoire, Université du Bénin, Ecole Supérieure d'Agronomie, Lomé, Togo, xii + 86 pp.

KRALL, S. (1988): Test d'efficacité de traitements insecticides contre les parasites du maïs stocké, en particulier Prostephanus truncatus HORN (Coléoptera, Bostrichidae). Mimeo., Service de la Protection des Végétaux, Porto Novo, Bénin,9 pp.

KRALL, S. (1984): A new threat to farm level maize storage in West Africa: P.truncatus (Horn), (Col., Bostrichidae). Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 50, pp 26-31.

KRALL, S. (1982): Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1975 - 1981 durchgeführten Versuche zur Lagerung von Mais auf dörflicher Ebene in Südtopo. Mimeo., Service de la Protection des Végétaux, Lomé-Cacaveli, Togo, 4 pp.

KRANZ, J. und HAU, B. (1981): Wie gewinnt man wirtschaftliche Schadensschwellen? DLGMitteilungen 12, pp 667-669.

LABORIUS, G.A. (1987): Zur aktuellen Situation des Großen Kornbohrers (Prostephanus truncatus Horn) in Afrika. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschukd. (Braunschweig) 39, p 143.

LABORIUS, G.A. (1986): Laboratory tests on the efficiency of various store pest insecticides against Prostephanus truncatus (Horn). In: Minutes of the eighteenth annual meeting of GASGA held at FAO, Rome, 29-30 May 1986, Annex IV, 4 pp.

LABORIUS, G.A.; LELIVELDT, B. und KEIL, H. (1985): Der Große Kornbohrer, Prostophanus truncatus (Horn); Ein neuer Vorratsschädling in Afrika. Der praktische Schädlingsbekämpfer 9, pp 179-186).

LAUSMANN, H. (1981): Arbeitsplanung für den Arbeitsbereich Beratung im Rahmen des Pflanzenschukprojektes Cacaveli (mimeo). Service Protection des Végétaux, Lomé, Togo, 34 pp.

LELIVELDT, B.; LABORIUS, G.A. and SCHULZ, F.A. (1988): The distribution of Mattesia sp. (Neogregarinida: Ophryocystidae), a pathogen of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in Togo. J. stored Prod. res.24 No.4, pp 241-243.

LESPINOIS, P.; KENKOU, G.K. et TINKOUA, F. (1981): Etude socio-économique dans la Région Maritime. Rapport général. Bureau pour le Développement de la Production Agricole, Société Togolaise d'Etudes de Développement, Lomé/Togo, iv + 115 pp.

LIPA, J.J. and WOHLGEMUTH, R. (1986): A new neogregarine infection of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera, Bostrichidae) caused by Mattesia sp. (Ophryocystinae, Neogregarinida). Acta Protozoologica 25 (2), pp 219-222.

LIPTON, M.; COOK, I. and NAIR, N. (1974): Cost - benelit analysis of crop storage improvements: a South Indian Pilot Study. EPPO Bu11.4 (4), pp 447-453.

LISCHKA, G. (1982): Bericht zur Wirtschaftlichkeit von Pflanzenschutzmalßnahmen in Togo. Projekt: Unterstützung des Pflanzonschutzdienstes Cacaveli/Togo, PN 71.358.7, Institut für landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.

LITTLE, I.M.D. and MIRRLEES, J.A. (1974): Project appraisal and planning for developing countries. Heinemann Educational Bocks, London, xii + 388 pp.

MÄRZ, U. (1989): The economics of neem production and its use in pest control. Farming Systems and Resource Economics in the Tropics Vol. 5, Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, Kiel, 154 pp.

MAKANJUOLA, W.A. (1989): Evaluation of extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) for the control of some stored product pests. J. stored Prod. Res. 25 (4), pp 231-237.

MAY, R.M. (1977): Food lost to pests. Nature 267, pp 669-670.

McFARLANE, J.A. (1988): Pest management strategies for Prostophanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera; Bostrichidae) as a pest of stored maize grain: present status and prospects. Tropical Pest Managment 34 (2), pp 121-132.

MIDOHOE, K. (1983): Technologietransfer im Bereich Agrartechnik - Teilprojekt Anpassung von Agrartechnologien - Arbeitszeitstudien und Mechanisierungsmodelle in kleinbäuerlichen Betrieben in Togo/Westafrika. Institut fär Landtechnik der JustusLiebigUniversitat Gielßen, 214 pp.

MOOSBRUGGER, H. (1978): Multivariate statistische Analyseverfahren. Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 165 pp.

MORRIS, R.F. (1978): Postharvest food losses in developing countries: A bibliography. National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., ix + 317 pp.

MULTON, J.L. (coord.), (1982a): Conservation et stockage des grains et graines et produits dérivés, Vol. 1 +2. Technique et documentation Lavoisier, Paris, Vol. 1 xxiv + 576 pp, Vol. 2 xiv + pp 577-1155.

MULTON, J.L. (1982b): Les mécanismes d'altération des grains et graines dans l'écosystème post-récolte, les pertes qui en résultent et les stratégies de défense des stocks. In: MULTON, J.L. (coord.), (1982): Conservation et stockage des grains et graines et produits dérivés, Technique et documentation Lavoisier, Paris, Vol. 1, pp 157.

MUMFORD, J.D. and NORTON, G.A. (1984): Economics of decision making in pest management. Ann.Rev.Entomol.29, pp 157-174.

NARVAEZ, M.; COMPOSLOBO, R.; GUILLEN, L.A. and AVANTHAY, R.G. (1985): Evaluation and comparison of losses expressed in monetary terms of a selection of small and medium farmers storing maize in the traditional system or metallic silos. Natural Resources Ministry, Directorate of Swiss Development Cooperation, Tegucipalpa, D.C., Honduras, C.A., iii + 35 pp.

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (1978): Postharvest food losses in developing countries. National Research Council, Washington, D.C., viii + 202 pp.

NORTON, G.A. (1976): Analysis of decision making in crop protection. Agro-Ecosystems 3, pp 27-44.

PALTI, J. (1981): Entwicklung des Beratungswasens im Rahmen des Pflanzonschukprojektes 71.3538.7 in Togo. GTZ, Eschborn, iii + 56 pp.

PANTENIUS, C.U. (1987): Verlustanalyse in kleinbàuerlichen Maislagerungssystemen der Tropen, dargestelit am Beispiel Togo. Dissertation der Universität Kiel, FB Phytopathologie, xiii + 249 pp.

PASCUAL, N.; MARCO, M.-P. and BELLES, X. (1990): Azadirachtin induced imaginal moult deficiencies in Tenebrio moltor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). J.stored Prod. Res. 26 (1), pp53 57.

PEREIRA, J. and WOHLGEMUTH, R.( 1982): Neem (Azadirachta indica A. JUSS) of West African origin as a protectant of stored maize. Z. ang. Ent. 94, pp 204-214.

PREVETT, P.F. (1982): Assessment of losses due to infestation of stored products. Cah. Rech. Agron. 39, pp 239-251.

PROCTOR, D.L. and ROWLEY, J.Q. (1983): The thousand grain mass (TGM): a basis for better assessment of weight losses in stored grain. Trop. stored Prod. Inf. 45, pp 1923.

RASSMANN, W. (1988): Insektizidresistenz bei Vorratsschädlingen. Gesunde Pflanzen, 40. Jahrg. (1), pp 39-42.

REED, C. (1987): The precision and accuracy of the standard volume weight method of estimating dry weight losses in wheat, grain sorghum and maize, and a comparison with the thousand grain mass method in wheat containing fine material. J. stored Prod. Res. 23 (4), pp 223-231.

REED, C. (1986): Characteristics and limitations of methods to estimate losses in stored grain. Postharvest Grain Systems R&D, Special Report No. 16, Food & Feed Grain Institute, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, iii + 23 pp.

REES, D.P. (1985): Life history of Teretriosoma nigrescens Lewis (Coleoptera: Histeridae) and its ability to suppress populations of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). J. stored Prod. Res. 21 (3), pp 115-118.

REES, D.P. (1987): Laboratory studies on predation by Teretriosoma nigrescens Lewis (Coleoptera: Histeridae) on Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) infesting maize cobs in the presence of other maize pests. J. stored Prod. Res. 23 (4), pp 191-195.

REISCH, E. und ZEDDIES, J. (1983): Eintuhrung in die landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre, Band 2: Spezieller Teil. 2. Auflage, Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart, 245 pp.

REUSSE, E. (1976a): Economic and marketing aspects of post-harvest systems in small farmer economies. Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statistics 25 (9), pp 1 -7.

REUSSE, E. (1976b): Economic and marketing aspects of post-harvest systems in small farmer economies. Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statistics 25 (10), pp 1-11.

ROWLEY, J.Q. (1984): An assessment of losses during handling and storage of millet in Mali. Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 47, pp 21-33.

RUTHENBERG, H. (1979): Ein Rahmen zur Planung und Beurteilung landwirtschaftlicher Entwicklungsprojekte, Teil 1. Zeitschrift fär Ausländische Landwirtschaft, Materialsammlung Hett 27, Teil I, DLG-Verlag Frankfurt (Main), 2. verbesserte Auflage, 224 pp.

SALUNKHE, D.K.; CHAVAN, J.K. and KADAM, S.S. (1985): Postharvest blotechnology of cereales. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida, xi + 208 pp.

SAMSON, P.R. and PARKER, R.J. (1989): Laboratory studies on protectants for control of coleoptera in maize. J. stored Prod. Res. 25 (1), pp 49-55.

SCHIFFERS, 8.C.; FRASELLE, J; HAUBRUGE, E. et VERSTRAETEN, C. (1987): Etude de la persistance d'efficacité de quelques insecticides à l'égard de trois coléoptères des denrses entreposées: Acanthoscelides (Say) (Bruchidae), Trogoderma granarium (Everts) (Dermestidae) et Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Bostrichidae). Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent 52 (2a), pp 507-514.

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SCHMUTTERER, H.; ASCHER, K.R.S. and REMBOLD, H. (1982): Natural pesticides from the neem tree and other tropical plants. Proceedings of the 1st International Neem Conference. Rottach-Egern,16- 18.6.1980, Eschborn.

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SHIRES, S.W. (1980): Life history of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) at optimum conditions of temperature and humidity. J. stored Prod. Res. 16, pp 147-150.

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SIGHAMONY, S.; ANEES, I.; CHANDRAKALA, T. and OSMANI, Z. (1986): Efficacy of certain indigenius plant products as grain protectants against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.). J. stored Prod. Res.22 (1), pp 21-23.

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