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6. Bibliographie

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ADAMS, J.M. (1976) : A guide to objective and reliable estimation of food losses in small scale farmer storage - Trop. Stored Prod. Inf.; 32, 5-12.

ADAMS, J.M. (1977) : A review of the literature concerning losses in stored cereals and pulses, published since 1964 -Trop. Science; 19, 1-28.

ADAMS, J.M. and HARMAN G.V. (1977) : The evaluation of losses in mais stored on a selection of small farms in Zambia with particular reference to developement of methologie - TPI publication C 109; 148 pp.

ADAMS, J. K. and SCHULTEN G. G. X. (1978) : VI. Standard measurement techniques. B. Losses caused by insects, mites and microorganisms, in Postharvest Grain Loss Assesement Methods, Harris, K.L. and Lindblad, C.J. - Eds., Amer. Assoc. Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, Minn.; 83-93.

AN0N. (1969) : Rapport d'activité de la commission d'évaluation des pertes dans les denrées stockées crie à l'issue du Congress de Marseille sur la protection des cultures tropicales - L'agron. Trop., Nogent 24 (9), 872-876.

ANON. (1983) : Armut ist die Grundlage der Unterernährung / FAO-Yelternahrunesberlcht - Entwicklung u. länd. Raum; 8/9, 11.

ANON. (1985) : Umsetzungsdefizite zwischen Forschung und Praxis Entwickiung u. länd. Raum; 6, 7-10.

BALACHOWSKY, A.S. (1972) : Les Myelois Hb. (*) - Entomologie appliquée a l'agriculture, Tome II Lepidoptères, 1199-1210i Masson et Editeurs, Paris.

BRÜCKNER, C. (1951) : Über die Beziehung zwischen Hektolitergewicht und Wassergehalt - Die Müllerei, 36. 589-590.

COWLEY, R.J.; HOWARD, D.C. and SMITH, R.H. (1980): The effect of grain stability on damage caused by Prostephanus truncatus (HORS) and three other pests of stored maize - J. Stored Prod. Res., 16, 75-78.

DICHTER, D. (1978): Manual on improved farm and village level grain storage methods - GTZ-Publication, Eschborn; 243 pp.

FAO (1977) : An analys of an FAO survey of post-harvest food losses in developing coutries - AGP document, AGPP: KISC/27, Rome 1977.

FAO (1980) : Production Yearbook, Rome 1980.

FAO (1982) : Prevention of food losses programm - Report on the consultancy mission, V/QO 445, 19 pp. Rome 1982.

GILES, P.H. and LEON, D.S. (1974): Infestation problems in farm stored maize in Nicaragua. Proceedings of the 1st International Working Conference on Stored Products Entomology, Savannah, Georgia, USA; Oct. 7-11 th 1974, 68-76.

GOLOB, P. (1976) : Techniques of sampling bagged produce - Trop. Stored Prod. Inf.; 31., 37-48.

GOLOB, P. (1981) : A practical appraisal of on-farm storage losses and loss assessment methods in Malawi, 1: The Shire Valley agricultural development area - Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 40, 5-13.

GOLOB, P. (1981) : A practical appraisal of on-farm storage losses and loss assessment methods in Malawi, 2: The Lilongwe Land development programm area - Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 41, 5-11.

GOLOB, P. and HODGES, R.J. (1982): Study of an outbreak of Prosstephanus-truncatus (HORN) in Tanzania. Tropical Stored Products Institut, G 164. 23 pp.

HARNISCH, R. and KRALL, S. (1984) : Further distribution of the Larger Grain Borer in Africa - FAO Plant Prot. Bull., 32, 3, 113-114.

HARNISCH, R. and KRALL, S. (1986) : Instructions for building a fumigable warehouse - GTZ-Publiction, Eschborn; Post Harvest Projekt, Hamburg; 104 pp.

HARRIS, K.L. and LINDBLAD, C.J. (1978) : Post-harvest grain loss assessment methods - American Association of Agricultural Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota, xii + 193 pp.

HILL, D.S. (1983) : Agricultural insect pests of the tropics and their control - Cambridge University Press, ISBN - 0 - 521 24638 - 5., xi + 746 pp.

HODGES, R.J. (1986) : Review, The biology and control of Prostephanus truncatus (HORN) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) a destructive storage pest with increasing range - J. Stored Prod. Res., 1, 1-14.

HOPPE, T. (1986) : Storage insects of basic food grains in Honduras - Trop. Sci., 26, 25-38.

HYWARD A. (1983) : La mésure des pertes du mil infesté durant le stockage - Symposium sur la protection des stocks céréalièrs en zone sahelienne, Actes du seminaire de Dakar, 1983; 100-106.

IRAT-P.V. (1982) - Organisation de l'échantillonnage, II Methode d'échantillonnage du mais en spathe - Service Protection des Végétaux-Lomé, Togo.

NOHLEN, D. (1983) : Lexikon Dritte Welt. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, Hamburg - 1980-ISBN-3-499-16295-4., 636 pp.

NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (1978): Commission on International Relations. Postharvest food losses in developing countries - National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., viii + 202 pp.

PROCTOR, D.L. and ROWLEY, J.Q. (1983): The thousand grain mass (TGM): A basis for better assessment of weight losses in stored grain - Trop. stored Prod. Inf. 45, 19-23.

RABOUD, G.; NAVAREZ, M. and SIEBER, J. (1984) : Evaluation method for post production losses of basic grains (maize, beans, sorghum) for the small and medium producers in Honduras, Central Amerika - Secretaria de Recursos Naturales, Cooperacon Suiza al Desarrollo (Cosude) i+l4 pp.

ROWLEY, J.Q. (1984) : An assessment of losses during handling and storage of millet in Mali - Trop. Stored Prod. Inf., 47, 21-33.

SALUNKHE, D.K.; CHAVAN, J.K. and KADAM, S.S. (1985) : Postharvest biotechnology of cereals - CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida, xi + 208 pp.

ZEHRER, W. (1986) : Untersuchung über die Entwicklung von Sitophilus sp. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) und die durch ihn verursachten Verluste in einem kleinbäuerlichen traditionnellen Maislager in Südtogo - Service Protection des Végétaux, Projet Allemand, Togo; unveröffentlicht, 9 pp.

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