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6. Referencias bibliográficas seleccionadas

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BENTLEY, E. W. - 1972 - A review of anticoagulant rodenticidcs in cuurent use.. Bulletin 1972 of The World Health Organization 47: 275-280.

CORBET, G. B. and J. E. HILL.- 1980 - A World List of Mammalian Species. British Museum (Natural History). Comstock Publishing Associates, London. 226 pp.

DRUMMOND, D. C. and K. D. TAYLOR.- 1970 - Practical rodent control. Chap. 25 in 1970 Part III, Food Storage Manual. Tropical Stored Products Centre, Ministry of Overseas Development. Slough, England.

DUBOCK, A. C. - 1978 - Kodent Control in crop stores. Outlook on Agriculture 9: 220 1978 224.

DUBOCK, A. C. - 1982 - Pulsed baiting a new technique for high potency, slow acting 1982 rodenticides. Proc. Vertebr. Pest. Conf. 10: 123- 136.

GREAVES, J. H. - 1982 - Rodent control in agricultura. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper N° 40. Food and Agric. Organ. of the United Nations. Rome. 88 pp.

HAINES, C. P.- 1982 - Pest management in stored producís. Protection Ecology 4: 3211982 330

HALL, D. W. - 1970 - Handling and storage of food grains in tropical and subtropical areas. 1970 FAO Agricultural Development Paper N° 90. Food and Agric. Organ. of the United Nations. Rome. 350 pp.

HOPF, H. S. G. E. J. MORLEY, and J. R. O. HUMPHRIES (eds.). - 1976 - Rodent damage 1976 to growing crops and to farm and village storage in tropical and subtropical regions. Centre for Overseas Pest Research and Tropical Products Institute. Ministry ot Overseas Development, London.

JOHNSON, W. H. and B. F. BJORNSON.- 1964 - Rodent eradication and poisoning programs. USDA HEW, PHS. Atlanta. 75 pp.

PRATT, H. D. and R. Z. BROWN. - 1977 - Biological factors in domestic rodent control. 1977 HEW Pubi. N°. (CDC) 77 - 8144. U. S. Dept. Health, Educ. and Welfare. Publ. Health Ser., Center for Disease Control, Atlanta. 30 pp.

ROWE, F. P. and K. D. TAYLOR. - 1970 - Rodent biology. Chap. 3 in Part 1, Food Storage 1970 Manual. Tropical Stored Products Centre, Ministry of Overseas Development, Slough, England.

VALENCIA, D. y D. J. ELIAS. - 1975 - Control de ratas y ratones domésticos. lCA Infor mu. Bogotá. Hoja Divulgatoria N° S. 4 pp.

VALENCIA GUTIERREZ, D. y E. ORTIZ DE FINKE.- 1981 - Guía para el control de ratas y ratones. Boletín Didáctico N° 10, Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario. Bogotá, 30 pp.

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