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Secado de granos a altas temperaturas
1. ADEYMO, T.L Development of a natural convection dryer for use in developing countries. Manhattan, Kansas State University, 1979.68 p. (M.S. Thesis).
2. AHMADNIA, A. The quality of sofí wheat dried in a concurrent dryer. East Langing, Michigan State UnÍversity, 1977 (Relatorio Especial).
3. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. Resistance of airflow through grains, seeds, and perforated metal sheets. in: AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS YEARBOOK OF STANDARDS. St. Joseph, 1983-1984. Manual, St. Joseph, ASAE, 1983-1984. ASAE D272.1. pp. 302-306.
4. BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W.; BROOK, R.C.; BROOKER, D.B. Energy and capacity performance evaluation of grain dryers. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1978. (Trabajo no. 78-3523).
5. BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W.; BROOKER, D.B.; HALL, C.W. Comparison evaluation of crossflow and concurrentflow grain dryers. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1972. (Trabajo no. 72-849).
6. BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W.; FOSDICK, S.; NAYLOR, J.L. Testing of commercial crossflow grain dryers. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1979. (trabalho no. 79-3521).
7. BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W.; SOKHANSANJ, A.A.; GREEN, R. High temperatura wheat drying. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1977 (Trabajo no. 77-3572).
8. BAUER, W.W.; WALTER, L.P.; BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W. Testing of a commercial sized conventional crossflow and modified crossflow grain dryers. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1977. (trabalho no. 77-3014).
9. BERNAL, H.R.G. Construçao e evaliaçao de um secador de graos co». ar movimentado por convecçao natural. Viçosa, Uníversidade Federal de Viçosa, 1982. 59 p. (Tese M.S.).
10. BOLDUC, F. Development of a natural convection dryer for on farm use in developing countries. Manhattan, Kansas State Uníversity, 1978.99 p. (M.S. Thesis).
11. BROOK, J.A. A cheap crop dryer for the farmer. Trop. Stored Prod. Inst., (7): 257-68, 1964a.
12. BROOK, J.A. A cheap crop dryer for the farmer: results and recomendad design. Trop. StoredProd. Inst., (8): 301-7, 1964b.
13. BROOKER, D.B.; BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W.; HALL, C.W. Drying cereal grains. Westport, AVI, 1974. 265 p.
14. CONVERSE, J.O. A commercial crossflow grain dryer: the Hart-Carter dryer.St. Joseph, ASAE, 1972 (Trabajo no. 72-828).
15. DALPASQUALE, V.A. Continous-flow drying of soybeans. East Lansing, Michigan State Uníversity, 1979.108 p. (M.S. Thesis).
16. DALPASQUALE, V.A. Drying of soybeans in continous-flow and dixed-bed drying systems. East Lansing, Michigan State Uníversity, 1981,154 p. (M.S. Thesis).
17. HALL, C.W. Drying and storage of agricultural crops. Westport, AVI, 1980.381 PP
18. HAWK, A.L.; NOYES, R.T.; WESTELAKEN, C.M.; FOSTER, G.H.; BAKKERARKEMA, F.W. The present status of commercial grain drying. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1978 (Tranajo no. 78-3008).
19. KALCHIK, S.V. Drying soybeans in a pilot scale concurrent flow dryer. East Lansing, Michigan State Uníversity, 1977. (M.S. Thesis).
20. KEENER, H.M. &GLENN, T.L .Measuring performance of grain drying systems. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1978. (Trabajo no. 78-3521).
21. LEREW, L.E.; BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W.; BROOKER, R.C. Simulation of a commercial crossflow dryer - the Hart-Carter modal. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1972. (Trabajo no. 72-829).
22. LINDBLAND, C. 8 DRUBEN, L. Almacenamiento del grano. México, 13 D.F., Editorial Concepto S.A., 1979. 332 p.
23. MCKENZIE, B.A.; FOSTER, G.H.; NOYES, R.T.; THOMPSON, R.A. Dryeration-Better Corn Quality With Hight Speed Drying. Cooperative Extension Service, Bulletin AE-72, Purdue Uníversity, Lafayette, Indiana, 1972.
24. MOREY, R.V. & CLOUD, H.A. Simulation and evaluation of a multiple column crossflowdryer. Transactions of the ASAE, 16(5):984-7, 1973.
25. MOREY, R.V.; GUSTAFSON, R.J.; CLOUD, H.A.; WALTER, K.L. Energy conservation in grain (coro) drying with combination high-temperature, lowtemperature methods. U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Industrial Energy Conservation, Final Report, 1978.
26. MUHLBAUER, W.; KUPPINGER, H.; ISMCS, G.W. Design and operating conditions of single stege concurrent flow and two-stege concurrent-counter flow grain dryers. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1978. (Apendice B2).
27. MUHLBAUER, W.; SCHEUERMANN, A.; BLUMEL. Drying of corn in a concurrentflow dryer at high air temperatures. Grundlagen Landtechnic, 21(1): 1-5,1971.
28. PAULSEN, M.R. & THOMPSON, T.L. Effects of reversing the airflow in a crossflow grain dryer. Transactions of the ASAE, 16(3): 541-5,1970.
29. PEREIRA, J.A.M.; QUEIROZ, D.M.; RIBEIRO, A.L. Secador de granos com aire movimentado por conveccion natural. Post-cosecha, Vicosa-MC, no. 5, marzoljunio, 1985.
30. QUEIROZ, D.M. Simulacao de Secagem de Milho (Zea mays L.) em secadores de fluxos concorrentes. Viccosa, Universidade Federal de Viccosa, 1 984. 69 p. (Tese M.S.).
31. RIU, K.H. Factors effecting drying performance of a natural convection dryer for developing countries. Manhattan, Kansas State University, std. 88 p. (M.S. Thesis).
32. SHEDD, C.K. Resistence of grains and seeds to airflow. Agr. Eng., 34: 616-9, 1953.
33. SILVA, J.S.; LACERDA FILHO, A.F. Construcao de secador pare produtos agricolas. Vicosa-MG, Universidade Federal de Vicosa. Informe Tecnico, 5(41): 17,1984.
34. WESTELAKEN, C. M. & BAKKER-ARKEMA, F.W. Concurrent-flow grain drying. St. Joseph, ASAE, 1978. (Trabajo no. 78-0712).
Calentamiento del aire
1. ALMEIDA NETO, J.T.P. Equipamentos. CENTREINAR. (Mimeografado). 45 p. 1980.
2. ANDRADE, E.B. Combustiveis e Fornalhas. CENTREINAR. (Mimeografado). Vicosa-MG. 78 p.1982.
3. ANDRADE, E.B.: SASSERON, J.L.: OLIVEIRA FILHO, D. Principios sobre Combustiveis, Combustao e Fornalhas. (Mimeografado). p. 32, 1984. Vicosa-MG, CENTREINAR.
5. CLAAR II, P.W.; BUCHELE, W.F.; MARLEY, S.J. Crop. Residue Fired Furnace for Drying Grain, ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan, USA, pp. 450.1981.
6. CLAAR II, P.W.; COLVIN, T.S.; MARLEY, S.J. Economic and Energy Analysis of Potential Corn Resiciue Harvesting Systems. Agricultural Energy, ASAE, pp. 273279. 1981.
7. DECOURT, R.R. Combustiveis sólicios. Manual de Engenheiro. Globo Editora, Porto Alegre (KS) 3 (2) pp. 179-237. 1977.
8. DINIZ, V.Y. Caldeiras a Lenha. En: Gaseificaçao de Madeira e Carvao Vegetal. CTEC Belo Horizonte, pp.116-131.1981.
9. FUNDAC,AO CENTRO TECNOLOGICO DE MINAS GERAIS - CETEC - Manual para Construçao e Operaçao de Biodigestores, Belo Horizonte. p.37.1981.
11. GONZALES, M. Combustiveis e Fornalhas. CIENTEC, Porto Alegre (RS). (Notas de Aulas). p. 20. 1980.
12. GOSS, J.R. Producer Gas: Another Fuel for MotorTransport National Academy. Washington, E.U.A. 101 p.19-3.
13. JUVILLAR, J.B. Tecnologías de Transformaçao da Madeira em Carvao. Uso da Madeira para Fins Energéticos. Fundaçao Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais - CETEC, SPT-001 pp. 67-82.
14. KREITH, F. Principios de Transmissao de Calor. Ed. Edgard Blucher, Sao Paulo (SP). p. 550.1977.
15. LASSERAN, J.C. Combustiveis e Geradores de Ar Ouente. Revista Brasileira de Armazenamento. CENTREINAR. Viçosa - Minas Gerais, 4 (2), pp. 75-88. 1977.
16. LIMA, L.R. Elementos de Engenharia Qu(mica. Sao Paulo (SP) Mc Graw Hill do Brasil, pp. 55-142. 1978.
17. MAGALHAES, J.G.R. Tecnología na Obtençao de Madeira, Uso da Madeira para Fins Energéticos. Fundaçao Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais (CETEC). Belo Horizonte (MG). pp. 55-66.1980.
18. MANUAL DO ENGENHEIRO. Editora Globo, Porto Alegre (RS), 7 (2) pp. 581-624.1979.
19. MARK'S. Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers McGrawill.8a ed.1978.
20. MARTINS, H. Madeira como Fonte de Energía. Uso da Madeira para Fins Energéticos. Fundaçao Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais - CETEC. SPT-001. pp. 10-26.1980.
21. MITRE, M.N. Caldeiras para a Queima de Madeira e Bagaço. En: Produçao e Utilizaçao de Carvao Vegetal, CETEC - Belo Horizonte, pp. 319-348.1982.
22. PENEDO, W.R. Madeira, Carvao e Gasa. En: Uso da Madeira para Fins Energéticos. Fundaçao Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais, pp. 113-142. Belo Horizonte, MG,1980.
23. PlTAKARNNOP, N. Production and Evaluation of Rice Husk Briguettes in Thailand. In: Agricultural Wastes and Solar Technologies For Energy Needs in Farms. FAO, Bangkok Thailand, pp.120-128.1983.
24. RENAUD, G. Cyciones et Chanbres a Poussiéres, Journees Techniques, pp. 9-18.1979.
25. RIBEIRO, M.A. 8 OLIVEIRA FILHO, D. Florestas Sociais. Problemas, Perspectivas e Tarefas. Fundaçao Joáo Pinheiro. Belo Horizonte (MG), 10 (1). pp. 2-18.1980.
26. SILVA, J.S. Adaptacao da Fornalha de Fogo Direto Descendente, UFV III, pasa secagem de Cereais. Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Informe Técnico, no. 28. p. 8. 1982.
27. SIQUEIRA, B.A. Gasogenio para Motores. En: Gaseificaçao de Madeira e Carvao Vegetal. Fundaçao Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais, pp. 103112. Belo Horizonte, MG,1981.