A 68-page collection of 293 annotated references to worldwide scientific literature on winged bean is available from the International Grain Legume Information Centre (c/o International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, P.M.B. 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria). Entitled The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) and other Psophocarpus species: abstracts of world literature 1900-1977, it includes published and unpublished papers on all aspects of the crop. The entries are classified by subject; items within each category are arranged alphabetically by author. An author and a detailed subject index are provided. A collection of papers presented at the first international conference onthe winged bean (Manila, Philippines, January 1978) has recently been published: The Winged Bean: Papers Presented in the 1st international Symposium on Developing the Potential of the Winged Bean, Manila, Philippines, January 1978. It is available from the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Agcaoili, F. 1929. Seguidillas bean. Philippine Journal of Science 40(4):513-514.
Aykroyd, W. R., and Doughty, J. 1964. Legumes in human nutrition. FAO Nutritional Studies No. 19. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Bailey, K. V. 1968. Composition of New Guinea highland foods. Tropical and Geographical Medicine 20(2):141-146.
Bairathi, R. C., Gupta, M. M., and Seth, P. P. 1974. Effect of different legume crop residues on oil properties, yield and nutrient uptake by succeeding wheat crop. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 22(4): 304-307.
Blagrove, R. J., and Gillespie, J. M. 1979. The proteins of winged bean seed. Food Technology in Australia 31:149.
Blagrove, R. J., and Gillespie, J. M. 1978. Variability of the seed globulins of winged bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 5:371375.
Blaise, D. S., and Okezie, B. O. 1980. Baking and organoleptic quality of composite flour bread with winged bean, triticale and wheat. Bakers Digest 54(6):22-24, 33-35.
Bourke, R. M. 1974. The role of legumes in soil fertility maintenance in the low lands of Papua New Guinea: a legume evaluation study at Keravat, New Britain. Science in New Guinea 2(1):63-69.
Brown, W. H. 1954. Useful Plants of the Philippines, vol. 2. Technical Bulletin No. 10. Bureau of Prints, Manila, Philippines.
Burkill, l. H. 1906. Goa beans in India.Agricultural Ledger 4:51-64.
Cavins, J. F., Kordylas, M., Pospisil, F., Svabensky, O. and ZaJic, B. 1971. Nutritive value of the winged bean (Psophocarpus palustris Desv.) British Journal of Nutrition 26: 293-299.
Cerny, K. 1980. Comparative nutritional and clinical aspects of the winged bean. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First international Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Cerny, K., and Addy, H. A. 1973. The winged bean (Psophocarpus palustris Desv.) in the treatment of kwashiorkor. British Journal of Nutrition 29:105-107.
Cerny, K., Kordylas, M., Pospisil, F., Svabensky, O, and Zajic, B. 1971. Nutritive value of the winged bean (Psophocarpus palustris Desv.). British Journal of Nutrition 26: 293-299. "Although entitled P. Palustris, the authors have pointed out in a later paper that the species tested was in fact P. tetragonolobus.]
Chubb, L.G. 1980. The winged bean in livestock feeds with particular reference to the U.K. and E.E.C. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Claydon, A.1980. The role of the winged bean in human nutrition. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Claydon, A. 1978. Winged bean-a food with many uses. Plant Foods for Man 2(2):203224.
Claydon, A. 1975. A review of the nutritional value of the winged bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.)DC, with special reference to Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 3(2):102-114.
de Lumen, B. O., and Salamat, L. A. 1980. Trypsin inhibitor activity in winged bean (Pso phocarpus tetragonolobus) and the possible role of tannin. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 28:533-536.
Dobie, P., van S. Greve, J. Hothi, K., and Kilminster, A. M. 1979. The inability of storage Bruchidae to infest winged beans (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 26(2): 68-174.
Dominguez, E., and Galiano, E. F. 1979. Revision del genero Tetragonolobus Scop. (Fabaceae). Lagascalia 8(2): 189-214.
Drew Foods. 1970. Natural fats and oils. Composition and chemical/physical properties. Drew Foods Technical Bulletin. Parsippany, New Jersey, USA.
Drinkall, M. J. 1978. False rust disease of the winged bean. Pest Abstracts and News Summaries 24:160-166.
Drinkall, M., and Price, T. V. 1979. Studies of Synchytrium psophocarpi on winged bean in Papua New Guinea. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 72:1,91-98.
Eagleton, G. L., Thurling, N. and Khan, T. N. 1980. Variation in flowering habit in the winged bean and its implication for subtropical and Mediterranean conditions. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Ekpenyong, T. E., and Borchers, R. L. 1980. The fatty acid composition of the oil of the winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) seeds. Journal of the Americal Oil Chemists Society 57(5): 147-149.
Ekpenyong, T. E., and Borchers, R. L. 1980. Nutritional aspects of the winged bean. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the [First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978' Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Elmes, R. P. T. 1976. Cross-inoculation relationships of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus and its Rhizobium with other legumes and Rhizobia. Papua New Guinea Agricultural Journal 27(3) :53-57.
Erskine, W., and Bala A. A. 1976. Crossing technique in winged bean. Tropical Grain Legume Bulletin 3:;03-114.
Erskine, W., and Khan, T. N. 1977. Inheritance of pigmentation and pod shape in winged bean (Psophacarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) Euphytica 26:829-831.
Food and Agriculture Organization/United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. 1972. Food Composition Table Recommended for Use in East Asia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Fauquet, C., Lamy, D., and Thouvend, J. C. 1979. Viral diseases of the winged bean in the Ivory Coast. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 27(3): 1-7.
Fortuner, R., Fauquet, C., and Lourd, M. 1979. Diseases of the winged bean in Ivory Coast. Plant Disease Reporter 63: 194-199.
Garcia, V. V., and Palmer, J. K. 1979. Fatty acid composition of the oil of winged bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Journal of American Oil Chemists'Society. 56 :931-932.
Gillespie, J. M. and Blagrove, R. J. 1980. The proteins of winged bean seed. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Gillespie, J. M., and Blagrove, R. J. 1977. The proteins of winged bean seed. Australian Biochemistry Society Proceedings 10:23.
Herath, H. M. W., and Fernandez, G. C. J. 1980. Effect of cultural practices on the yield of seeds and tubers in winged beans. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Herath, H. M. W., and Ormrod, D. P. 1979. Effects of temperature and photo-period on winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.Annals of Botany 43:729-736.
Herklots, G. A. C. 1972. Vegatables in South East Asia. George Allen and Unwin Ltd. London, England.
Hilditch, T. P. C., and Williams, P. N. 1964. The Chemical Composition of Natural Fats, 4th edition. Chapman and Hall, London, England.
Hymowitz, T., and Boyd, J. 1977. Origin, ethnobotany and agricultural potential of the winged bean-Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Economic Botany 31(2):180-188.
Hymowitz T., and Newell, C. A. 1979. The winged bean as an agricultural crop. In New Agricultural Crops, edited by G. Ritchie. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Ikram, A., and Broughton, W. J. 1980. Rhizobia in tropical legumes. IX. Pot and field trials with inoculants for Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 12:203-209.
Ikram, A., and Broughton, W. J. 1980. Rhizobia in tropical legumes. XII. Inoculation of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.)DC. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Committee for Southeast Asia. 1979. Descriptors for Winged Bean. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. 1971-74. Grain Legume Improvement: 1971, 1972, and 1973 Reports. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Institute of Nutrition, Philippines. 1957. Handbook No. 1. Manila, Philippines.
Jaffe, W. G., and Korte, R. 1976. Nutritional characteristics of the winged bean in rats. Nutrition Reports International 14(4) :449455.
Jimenez, F. 1976. Performance of vegetables at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico during the rainy season, 1975. Vegetables for the Hot, Humid Tropics 1 :27-34.
Rapsiotis, G. D. 1968. Chemical Analysis on Winged Beans. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Karikari, S. K. 1980. An integrated approach toward agronomic and other research needs on winged bean: a case study of winged bean collaborative program in Ghana. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Karikari, S. K. 1972. Pollination requirements of winged beans (Psophocarpus spp. Neck) in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 5(3):235-239.
Karikari, S. K. 1969. Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobusJ as a fallow crop in cocoyams. Annual Report, University of Ghana. Agriculture Research Station, Kade, Ghana.
Keane, P. J. 1974. Diseases of legumes relevant to Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 2(1):112-125.
Khan, T. N. 1980. Variation, ecology and cultural practices of the winged bean. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Khan, T. N. 1976. Papua New Guinea: a center of genetic diversity in winged bean [Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.)DC ] . Euphytica 25 :693-706.
Khan, T. N. 1976. Programs on winged bean in Papua New Guinea and their implications. Tropical Grain Legume Bulletin 5 :24-26.
Khan, T. N. 1976. The wonder 'winged bean.' Modern Asia Jan/Feb:53-56.
Khan, T. N. 1975. Comparison of winged bean and other tropical legumes. Science in New Guinea 3(2):108-109.
Khan, T. N. 1975. Variation of winged bean in Papua New Guinea. In: Southeast Asian Plant Genetic Resources. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Bogor, Indonesia.
Khan, T. N., Bohn, J. C., and Stephenson, R. A. 1977. Winged beans: cultivation in Papua New Guinea. World Crops 29(5):208-214.
Khan, T. N., and Eagleton, G. 1978. The winged bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. ln Advances in Legume Science. Proceedings of the International Legume Conference, July-August 1978, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey, England.
Khan, T. N., and Erskine, W. 1978. Adaptation of winged bean [Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC] in Papua New Guinea.Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 29:281.
Khan, T. N. and Erskine, W. 1975. Conservation of winged bean germplasm. Australian Plant Introduction Review 10(4) :4-10.
Khan, T. N., and Erskine, W. 1975. Production and improvement of food legumes in Papua New Guinea and its implication to Malaysia food self-sufficiency. In: Proceedings of the Conference of Malaysian Food Self-Sufficiency. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Khan, T. N., Erskine, W., Lamb, K. P., and Keane, P. J. 1974. Improvement of beans winged beans and cowpeas. Science in New Guinea 2(1) :90-96.
Korte, R. 1974. The role of legumes in alleviating protein deficiency in Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 2(1) :6-14.
Kortt, A. A. 1980. Isolation and properties of a chymotrypsin inhibitor from winged bean seed (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 624:237-248.
Kortt, A. A. 1979. Isolation and characterization of the trypsin inhibitors from winged bean seed (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 577:371-382
Lamb, K. P. 1978. Pests of winged bean and their control in Papua New Guinea. In: Pests of Grain Legumes: Ecology and Control, edited by S. R. Singh, H. F. van Embden, and T. A. Taylor, Academic Press, New York, New York, USA.
Liener, I. E. 1973. Toxic factors in protein foods. In: Proteins in Human Nutrition, edited by J. W. G. Rools and B. A. Porter. Academic Press, London, England.
Liener, I. E. 1972. Nutritional value of food protein products. In: Soybeans Chemistry and Technology, edited by A.K. Smith and S.J. Circle. AVI Publishing, Co., Westport Connecticut, USA.
Martin, F. W. 1980. Observations and experiences with winged bean in Puerto Rico. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Martin, F. W., and Ruberte, R. M. 1980. A simple technique to make dried winged bean seeds edible. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippime Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Masefield, G. B. 1973. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, a crop with a future? Field Crop Abstracts 26(4):157-160.
Masefield, G. B. 1961. Root nodulation and agricultural potential of the leguminous genus Psophocarpus Tropical Agriculture, Trinidad 38:225-229.
Masefield, G. B. 1957. The nodulation of annual legumes in Malaya. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture 25:139-150.
Masefield, G. B. 1952. The nodulation of annual legumes in England and Nigeria: preliminary observations. Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture 20:175-186.
n'Zi, G. K., Sylla, B. S., and Ravelli, G. P. 1980. Introduction du haricot aile (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) dans la cuisine traditionnelle d' une population rurale de Cote d'lvoire (Afrique Occidentale). Cahiers de Nutrition et de Dietetique 15(3).
Odor, D. R. B. 1980. Feasibility of winged bean in Venezuela. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Phillipines.
Poole, M. M. 1979. Pollen morphology of Psophocarpus (Leguminosae) in relation to its taxonomy. Kew Bulletin 34:211-220.
Pospisil, F., and Cerny, K. 1973. Testing and breeding vegetables.Annual Report of the University of Ghana. Agricultural Research Station, Kade, Ghana.
Pospisil, F., Karikari, S. K., and Boamah-Mensah, E. 1971. Investigations of winged bean in Ghana. World Crops 23(5):260-264.
Powell, J. M. 1974. Traditional legumes of the Papua New Guinea highlands. Science in New Guinea 2(1):48-63.
Price, T. V. 1980. Diseases of the winged bean. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Price, T. V. 1977. Powdery mildew: a new disease of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) in Papua New Guinea. Plant Disease Reporter 61: 384 -385.
Price, T. V. 1976. Diseases of winged bean in Papua New Guinea. Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter 5(1).
Price, T. V., and Linge, D.S. 1979. Studies of the root-knot nematodes of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) in Papua New Guinea. Tropical Agriculture 56:345352.
Price, T. V., and Munro, P. E. 1978. Fungi associated with collar rot of winged bean in Papua New Guinea. Pest Abstracts and News Summaries 24:5 3-56.
Price, T. V., and Munro, P. E. 1978. Pseudocercospora psophocarpi on winged bean in Papua New Guinea. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 70:47-55.
Purseglove, J. W. 1968. Tropical Crops: Dicotyledons, 2 vol. Longmans Group Ltd., England.
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Rockland, L. B. 1979. Quick-cooking winged beans (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) Journal of Food Science 44:1004-1007.
Sastrapradja, S., and Aminah Lubis, S. H. 1975. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus as a minor garden vegetable in Java. In: Southeast Asian Plant Genetic Resources. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Bogor, Indonesia.
Schery, R. W. 1972. Plants for Man. Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
Senanayake, Y. D. A. 1976. Leaf protein content of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Journal of the National Agriculture Society of Ceylon 13:119-121.
Senanayake, Y. D. A. 1976. Winged bean-Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC-a multi-role second crop for rubber small holdings. Bulletin of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka 11: 16-25.
Senanayake, Y. D. A., and Sumanasinghe, V. A. D. 1976. Fruit growth in Psophacarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Journal of the National Agricultural Society of Ceylon 13: 115-118.
Singh, R. B., editor. 1981. Special issue on winged bean: an underutilized plant With great potentials. IBPGR Regional Committee for Southeast Asia Newsletter 5(2). (International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy.)
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Sri Kantha, S., Hettiarachehy, N. S., Herath, H. M. W., and Wickramanayake, T. W. 1978. Studies on the nutritional characteristics of winged bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, tubers and leaves. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Stephenson, R. A. 1980. Field studies on winged bean growth and yield. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Stephenson, R. A., Kesavan V., Claydon, A., Bala, A. A., and Kaiulo J. 1979. Preliminary studies on tuber production in winged bean root tuber crops, Manila, July 1979.
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Thompson, A. E., and Haryono, S. K. 1979. Sources of resistance to two important diseases of winged bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. Horticultural Science 14(4):532-533.
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Vietmeyer, N. D. 1978. Advances in Winged Bean Research: Trip Report. Report on the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Los Banos, Philippines. (Copies available from N. Vietmeyer, JH215, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418, USA)
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Wong, K. C. 1980. Agronomy of the winged bean in Malaysia. In: The Winged Bean. Papers presented in the First International Symposium on Developing the Potentials of the Winged Bean, January 1978, Manila. Sponsored by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
Wong, K. C. 1976. The potential for four-angled bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC) in Malaysia to increase food supply. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Malaysian Food Self-Sufficiency. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Wong, K. C., and Schwabe, W. W. 1979. Effects of daylength and day/night temperature on the growth, flowering and tuber formation of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC). In Proceedings of the Conference on Legumes in the Tropics, University Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia.