Assisting in Emergencies, a resource handbook for UNICEF, Geneva, May, 1986.
Food Storage: Handbook on good storage practices, World Food Programme, prepared by Tropical Stored Products Centre, Ministry of Overseas Development, Rome, 1979.
Food Storage Manual, 2nd Edition, World Food Programme, prepared and revised by the Tropical Development and Research Institute, Rome, 1983.
Guide to Incoterms (Publication No. 354, 1980), ICC Publishing Corporation Inc., New York.
ICRC Handbook for Donors, ICRC Relief Division, Geneva, 1983.
Policies and Procedures in the Programme for Afghan Refugees, North-West Frontier Province, prepared by OCAR/NWFP, UNHCR/SOP and WFP/SOP, January, 1988.
Red Cross Cargo, 2nd version, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, January, 1987.
UNHCR Essential Drug Policy, prepared by TSS, Geneva, 1988.
UNHCR Guide to In-Kind Contributions in Refugee Emergencies, prepared by the Emergency Unit, Geneva, 1986.
UNHCR Guide to Supplies and Food Aid, 1st Issue, UNHCR, Geneva, December, 1987.
UNHCR Handbook for Emergencies, UNHCR, Geneva, 1982.
UNHCR Manual, originally published in 1983 and subsequent revisions, Geneva.
Field Motor Vehicle Standards Catalogue, published periodically by the UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Services Unit, and available from SFAS, Geneva.
Heavy Vehicles-Trucks Catalogue, published periodically by the UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Services Unit, and available from SFAS, Geneva.
Specifications Catalog, UNHCR Supplies and Food Aid Service, 2nd Edition, November, 1987.
UNIPAC Catalogue, published by UNICEF Procurement and Assembly Centre in Copenhagen. Available from SFAS. Published periodically.
"Aspects of Logistics in the Somalia Refugee Relief Operation," a report of the International Disaster Institute, London, June 1983.
"Evaluation of the Food Storage Situation in Refugee Camps in Eastern Sudan," a report by Hendrikson Associierte Consultants GmbH, Eschborn, Khartoum, September 1987.
"Food/Nutrition Assessment Mission: Somalia (15 February - 20 May 1987)," a TSS Mission Report, 87/13, Geneva, 1987.
"Logistics Operation in South Sudan," a case study presented by Abid Zareef Khan, UNHCR/Islamabad, at a UNHCR regional emergency management seminar in 1987.
"Mission to Costa Rica (Procurement Exercise, 6-18 December 1987)," a report prepared by Bill Michalopulos, SFAS.
"Mission to Honduras (Purchasing/Logistical Issues, 3-21 August 1987)," a report prepared by Bill Michalopulos, SFAS.
"Mission to Somalia: (24 March - 15 April 1987)," a report prepared by E. Wyss, SFAS.
"Mission to Somalia: (8-20 December 1987)," a report prepared by J. van Boetzelaer, Shipping and Insurance Officer, SFAS.
"Report of the Joint WFP/UNHCR Mission to Pakistan in April/May 1987 to Assess the Food Aid Requirements for Afghan Refugees," WFP/UNHCR Mission Report, Pakistan.
"Report of the Joint WFP/UNHCR Mission to Somalia in July/August 1986 to Assess the 1987 Food Aid Requirements for Refugees," WFP/UNHCR Mission Report, Rome, 1986.
"Report No. 1 of the Logistics Officer, Branch Office Djibouti from 1 August to 31 December 1987."
"Review of UNHCR Food Aid Management," Dawson, March 1986.
"Sixth Annual Report of Operations, 1986 ELU/CARE - Somalia," submitted to UNHCR, Mogadishu, August 1987.
"Survey on the Relief Fund Transportation and Distribution System in Respect of the Refugee Programme in Pakistan," a final report by UNICONSULT for World Food Programme, Rome, June 1986.
"Survey on the Situation Concerning Maintenance and Repair of UNHCR-owned Vehicles in the Sudan," a draft report by Hendrikson Associierte Consultants GmbH, Khartoum, 1987.
"Technical Mission to Somalia (3 May - 3 June 1987)," a TSS Mission Report 87/24 on storage and workshop facilities, Geneva, 1987.
"The Role of Vehicles in UNHCR Operations," a TSS Mission Report 87/10 on vehicles used by UNHCR offices and implementing agencies, Geneva, 1987.
UNHCR Memoranda:
"Strengthening UNHCR/WFP Collaboration," UNHCR IOM/44/85/FOM/45/85, from the High Commissioner, 29 August 1985.
"Revision of Existing Procedures," UNHCR IOM/46/86/FOM/42/86, from the High Commissioner, 4 June 1986.
"The Operational Role of UNHCR," UNHCR IOM/62/86/FOM/54/86, from the High Commissioner, 2 July 1986.
"Procedures to be Followed When Taking Delivery of Goods," UNHCR IOM/86/86/FOM/73/86, from the Head, SFAS, 10 November 1986.
"Warehouse Improvement Programme (WIP)," UNHCR IOM/66/87/FOM/60/87, from the Deputy High Commissioner, 19 August 1987.
"Updating Project Submissions and Preparation of the 1988 Obligation Plan," UNHCR IOM/75/87/FOM/68/87, from the Head, PMS, 17 September 1987.
"New EEC Regulation on Mobilisation of EEC Food Aid," UNHCR IOM/84/87/FOM/77/87, from the Head, SFAS, 6 October 1987.
"Reporting on UNHCR Activities in 1987-88 and Programming for 1988-89," UNHCR IOM/112/87/FOM/103/87, from the High Commissioner, 18 December 1987.
"Guidelines on Management of Food Aid," UNHCR IOM/14/88/FOM/12/88, from the Head, PMS and the Head, SFAS, 29 February 1988.
"Costs for Insurance and Inspection for Goods Procured by the Supplies and Food Aid Service in 1988," UNHCR IOM/35/88/FOM/31/88, from the Head, SFAS, 9 March 1988.