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CLOSE THIS BOOKWorking on Grinding Machines (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 12 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTPreliminary Remarks
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 07.1.: Stool Plate
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 07.2.: Stool Plate
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 07.3.: Stool Plate
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 07.4.: Door-Frame

Preliminary Remarks

The present material includes 4 instruction examples where you can train polishing of wide surfaces by grinding of different pieces of work.

The manufacturing of a good surface is the precondition for a further working on surfaces by varnishing, dulling, veneering and polishing.

To ease the preparation and realization of the exercises for each instruction example the necessary materials, machines and tools, measuring and testing means and the auxiliaries are mentioned.

The basic knowledge which is necessary to prepare and to carry through the instruction examples is mentioned, too. The working process includes the steps for the realization of the exercises.

The remarks give hints on the separate steps of the working process and on the control of the realized exercise.

Because the instruction examples are not intended to manufacture pieces of work but to trear their surfaces only, working sketches were renounced.

As instruction examples pieces of exercise were selected which after finishing will give useful things.