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Appendix 3: Bibliography

AL-QUDSI, S.S. (1989) Returns to Education, Sectoral Pay Differentials and Determinants in Kuwait, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 8, No. 3.

BECKER, G. (1974) Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with special reference to Education. (Princeton University Press).

EHRMAN, J.R. and BIRDSALL, N., The Quality of Schooling: Quantity Alone is Misleading, American Economic Review, 1983, Vol. 73

BEHRMAN, J.R., and BIRDSALL, N., The Quality of School: Reply, American Economic Review, 1985, Vol. 75.

BIRCH, D, and CALVERT, J. (1974) How Profitable is Teaching? Higher Education Review.

BISHOP, J. (1989) Occupational Training in High School: When does it pay off? Economics of Education Review, Vol. 8. No. 11.

BLAUG, M. (1970) An introduction to the Economics of Education. (Penguin)

BLAUG, M., LAYARD, R., WOODHALL, M. (1969), Causes of Graduate Unemployment in India (Allen Lane the Pengiun Press).

BOURGUIGNON, F., and LANG, C.(1991), Education and Development: some Research Directions (International Institute for Educational Planning, UNESCO)

BOWEN, H.R. (1977), Investment in Learning: The Individual and Social Value of American Higher Education (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass).

BOWLES, S, and GINTIS, H., (1976) Schooling in Capitalist America. (Basic Books, New York).

BUTTON, K, and BAKER, P. (1975) Case Studies in Cost Benefit Analysis. (Heinemann).

COHN, E, and GESKE, T. (1990) The Economics of Education, 3rd edition (Pegamon)

COHN, E. and HUGHES, J. (1988) Social Internal Rates of Return to College Education in the United States.(University of South Carolina).

DEMETRIADES, E.I. (1989), Methods of Educational Planning and Applications in Cyprus, Int. J. Educational Development, Vol. 9, No. 1.

DENISON, E. (1964) Measuring the Contribution of Education to Economic Growth (OECD)

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (1985), White Paper on Higher Education. Cmnd. 9524 (HMSO).

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (1988), White Paper on Top-Up Loans for Students (Cmd.520).

DOUGHERTY, C. (1971), The Optimal Allocation of Investment in Education, in Chenery, H., ea., Studies in Development Planning (Harvard University Press)

FULLER, B., Raising School Quality in Developing Countries, Ch.4. What School Characteristics Boost Efficiency?, (World Bank Discussion Paper, 1986)

FULLER, B., (1987), What School Factors Raise Achievement in the Third World?, Review of Educational Research, Vol. 57, No. 3.

FULLER, B., HEYNEMAN, S.P. (1989), Third World School Quality: Current Collapse, Future Potential, Educational Researcher, Vol. 18, No. 2.

GOMEZ-CASTELLANOS, B., and PSACHAROPOULOS, G., (1990), Earnings and Education in Ecuador: Evidence from the 1987 Household Survey, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 9, No. 3.

GRIFFIN, L. (1976), Specification Biases in Estimates of Socioeconomic Returns to School, Sociology of Education, Vol. 49 (April: 121-139).

GROOTAERT, C., (1990), Returns to Formal and Informal Education in Cote d'Ivoire: The Role of the Structure of the Labor Market, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 9, No. 4.

GUISINGER, S. et al. (1984) Earnings, Rates of Return to Education and the Earnings Distribution in Pakistan Economics of Education Review, Vol. 3, No. 4.

HALLS, W.D., ea., Comparative Education: Contemporary Issues and Trends. Jessica Kingsley/UNESCO, 1990.

HANDA, M., and SKOLNIK, M., (1975) What Good is Benefit-Cost Analysis in Education? Educational Planning, Vol. 1., No. 4.

HEYNEMAN, S. (1984), Educational Investment and Economic Productivity: Evidence From Malawi, Int. J. Educational Development, Vol. 4, No. 1.

HINCHLIFFE, K., (1990), The Returns to Vocational Training in Botswana - Research Note, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 9., No. 4.

HOUGH, J.R., (1967) Aspects of School Costs (The Open University).

HOUGH, J.R., (1987) Education and the National Economy, (Croom Helm).

HOUGH, J.R., (1991) An Economist looks at Education, (Loughborough University).

JAIN, B., (1991), Returns to Education: Further Analysis of Cross Country Data, Economics of Education Review Vol. 10, No. 3.

JAMISON, D. and LAU, L. (1982), Farmer Education and Farm Efficiency (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press).

KNIGHT, J.B., and SABOT, R.H. (1987) The Rate of Return on Educational Expansion, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 6, No. 3.

KNIGHT, J.B. and SABOT, R.H. (1990), Education, Productivity and Inequality, The East African Natural Experiment (Oxford University Press).

LAYARD, R. (1972), Cost-Benefit Analysis (Penguin)

LAYARD, R. and ICING, J., (1968) The Impact of Robbins, Higher Education Review, Autumn.

LESLIE, L.L. (1990), Rates of Return as Informer of Public Policy, Higher Education 20.

LITTLE, A.(1986), Planning the Education-Employment Link: A Brief Guide to Current Methods, Int. J. Educational Development, 6,2.

McGAVIN, P.A., (1991), Policy Evaluation of Investment in Education: a Papua New Guinea Study, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 19, No. 3.

McMAHON, W.J.(1988), The Economics of Vocational and Technical Education: Do the Benefits outweigh the costs? International Review of Education, 34,2.

McMAHON, W., and WAGNER, A., (1982) Monetary Returns to Education as Partial Social Efficiency Criteria, in McMahon, W., and Geske, T., Financing Education: Overcoming Inefficiency and Inequality, (University of Illinois Press).

MAGLEN, L.R.(1990), The Impact of Bilateral Aid on Educational Development: the case of Australia and the South Pacific, Comparative Education, 26, 1.

MARAR, R.P., and FRASER, S.E., (1986), A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Harijan Education Program of Kerala, India, Int. J. Educational Development, Vol. 6, No. 1.

MIDDLETON, J. (1988), Changing Patterns in World Bank Investments in Vocational Education and Training: Implications for Secondary Vocational Schools, Int. J. Educational Development, 8,3.

MINCER, J., (1974) Schooling, Experience and Earnings, (National Bureau of Economic Research/Columbia University Press, New York).

MISHAN, E. (1971), Cost-Benefit Analysis (Unwin)

MORRIS, V., (1973) Investment in Higher Education in England and Wales: A subject Analysis, in Fowler, et al., eds., Decision Making in British Education, (Heinemann).

MURPHY, K., and WELCH, F., (1989) Wage Premiums for College Graduates: Recent Growth and Possible Explanations, Educational Researcher, Vol. 18, No. 4.

OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION (1990), Into the Nineties, An Education Policy for British Aid (ODA)

PARNES, H., (1962), Planning Education for Economic and Social Development, in Parnes, H., ea., Forecasting Educational Needs for Economic and Social Development,(OECD).

PETERS, G.H. (1973), Cost-benefit Analysis and Public Expenditure (Eaton Paper No. 8, Institute of Economic Affairs).

PREST, A., and TURVEY, R., (1965), Cost-Benefit Analysis, a Survey, Economic Journal, December.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1973) Returns to Education: an International Comparison, (Elsevier-Jossey Bass).

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1981) Returns to Education: an updated international comparison. Comparative Education, Vol. 17, No. 3.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1982), The Economics of Higher Education in Developing Countries, Comparative Education Review, Vol. 26, No. 2.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1985a), Returns to Education: A Further International Update and Implications, The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 20, No. 4.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1985b), Synthetic Educational Planning Models, in Husen, T. & Postlethwaite, N., eds., International Encyclopedia of Education (Pergamon).

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1988), Education and Development, A Review, Research Observer, 3,1.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1989), Time Trends of the Returns to Education: Cross-National Evidence, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 8, No. 3.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. (1991), From Manpower Planning to Labor Market Analysis (The World Bank).

PSACHAROPOULOS, G., and ALAM, A., (1991), Earnings and Education in Venezuela: An Update from the 1987 House-hold Survey, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 10, No.1.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G., and STEIER, F., (1988), Education and the Labor Market in Venezuela, 19751984, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 7, No. 3.

PSACHAROPOULOS, G. and WOODHALL, M. (1985), Education for Development, Oxford University Press.

RIVEROS, L.A., (1990), The Economic Return to Schooling in Chile. An Analysis of its long-term Fluctuations, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 9, No.2.

ROBBINS REPORT (1983) Report of the Committee on Higher education. Cmnd. 2154 (HMSO).

SCHIEFELBEIN, E., and SIMMONS, J., (1981), The Determinants of School Achievement: A Review of the Research for Developing Countries, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.

TAN, J-P., and PAQUEO, V.B., (1989), The Economic Returns to Education in the Philippines, Int. J. Educational Development, Vol. 9, No. 3.

TANNEN, M.B., (1991), New Estimates of the Returns to Schooling in Brazil, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 10, No. 2.

THOMAS, R.M., ed., International Comparative Education, Pergamon, 1990.

TOMASKE, J., (1974) Private and Social Rates of Return to Education of Academicians. American Economic Review, Vol. 64, March.

TSANG, M.C., (1988), Cost Analysis for Educational Policymaking: A Review of Cost Studies in Education in Developing Countries, Review of Educational Research, Vol. 58, No. 2.

VAIZEY, J., (1972) The Political Economy of Education. (Duckworth).

VAIZEY, J, and SHEEHAN, J. (1972), Resources for Education: an Economic Study of Education in the United Kingdom. (Allen & Unwin).

WILLIAMS, G. (1974), The Events of 1973-74 in a long-term Planning Perspective, in Higher Education Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 1.

WOODHALL, M. (1973), The Economic Returns to Investment in Women's Education, Higher Education, Vol. 2.

WOODHALL, M.(1970), Cost-Benefit Analysis in Educational Planning (Paris: UNESCO/IIEP).

WORLD BANK (1986), Financing Education in Developing Countries (The World Bank).

WORLD BANK (1988), Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (The World Bank).

ZIDERMAN, A. (1973), Does it pay to take a degree? The profitability of private investment in higher education in Britain, Oxford Economic Papers, July.


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