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Aboagye, A.A., (1985). An Analysis of Par es Salaam's Informal Sector Survey (unpublished), Addis Ababa, ILO/JASPA.

Bagachwa, M.S.D. and Ndulu, B.J., (1975). The Urban Informal Sector in Tanzania, in Bulletin of the Institute of Development Studies, 7(3), University of Sussex.

Barker C.E, Bhagavan M.R., Mitchke-Collande P.V. & Wield D.V., (1986). African Industrialisation, Technology and Change in Tanzania, Gower.

Biersteker T.J., (1990). Reducing the Role of the State in the Economy: A Conceptual Exploration of IMF and World Bank Prescriptions, California.

Carelse X.A., (1988). in Layton D. (ed), Innovations in Science and Technology Education, Vol II. Unesco, Paris, pp. 106-107.

CHANGE, (1993). The Tanzania Magazine of Business Politics and Economics. Issue No. 2 February, 1993.

Channon, A., (1987). FEU/PICKUP Project Report: Marketing Skills Gap for the Crafts People, Further Education Unit, London.

Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT), (1977). Rural Vocational Education in Tanzania (unpublished), CCT Secretariat, Tabora, Tanzania.

Collier, P. et al., (1986). Labour and Poverty in Rural Tanzania, Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Commonwealth Secretariat, (1982). Innovation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Islands Developing and Other Specially Disadvantaged States. Report of Commonwealth Caribbean and Other Specially Disadvantage States, London.

Coombs, P.H. & Ahmed, M., (1974). Attacking rural poverty: How Non-education can help. Baltimore, John Hoskins University Press, p8.

Daily News, (1989). 3rd, May Tanzania Printing Press, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Dandi, D.S., (1989). Policies, Constrains and Programmes for the Informal Sector in Tanzania (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

DANIDA/SIDA, (1992). Policy Framework Development Regarding Vocational Training in Tanzania in Preparation of a Strategic Plan of Action 1992-2002. Third and Final Quarterly Progress Report, March 1992. (unpublished) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Dore R., (1976). The diploma disease: Education, qualifications and development, George Alien and Unwin, London, pp.113

Economic Recovery Programme II, (1990). Economic and Social Action Programme. 1989/90-1991/2, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, (1990). CEDEFOP-Berlin.

Harding, P & Jenkins R., (1989). The Myth of the Hidden Economy: Towards a new Understanding of Informal Economic Activity. Open University Press.

Hyden, G., (1980). Beyond Ujamaa in Tanzania. Underdevelopment and an Uncaptured Peasantry. Heinemann, London.

FORUM, (1994). The Voice ofJua Kali. Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations, April/May 1994, Nairobi.

Hodder, M. et al., (1994). Vocational Education in Quebec in The McGill Journal of Education. Vol. 29. No. 3., Faculty of Education, McGill University, Canada.

ILO, (1981). Measuring Employment. Unemployment and Under-employment, doc. MEHS/1981/D. I.Geneva,

ILO/JASPA, (1986). Employment Promotion in Tanzania: Prospects in the Rural and Informal Sectors. Addis Ababa.

ILO, (1991). Tanzania Meeting the Employment Challenge -Report of an ILO/UNDP Employment Sector Review Mission. March 1991 (unpublished), JASPA, Addis Ababa.

ILO/UNDP, (1994). Employment Promotion in the Informal Sector: National Policy for Informal Sector Promotion (revised draft), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Ishumi, A.G. et al., (1985). The Problem of Primary School Leavers in Tanzania. Research Report, Department of Education, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Ishumi, A.G., (1990). Educational Development in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Critical Review of Policy and Practice. 1960s-80s. Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo.

James, J., (1983). "Bureaucratic, Engineering and Economic Man. Decision-Making for Technology in Tanzania's State Owned Enterprises", World Employment Programme. Working Paper No. 125, 1983, ILO, Geneva.

Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania-TUME, (1983). Ripoti ya Tume ya Uchunguzi wa Utekelezaji wa Miradi ya Wizara ya Elimu ya Taifa (unpublished), Wizara ya Elimu ya Taifa, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Kahama, et al., (1986). The Challenges of Tanzania's Economy. Tanzania Publishing House, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Katabaruki, D., (1989) Rural Technology Developments in Tanzania: Constrains and Prospects (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Katende, S. (ed.) (1983). Ripoti ya Tathmini ya Mpango wa Vituo vya Ufundi Stadi (unpublished), Taasisi ya Elimu, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Kent D.W. (1994), "Encouraging Relevance in the Curriculum Through Education Business Partnership Activities," paper presented to the International Conference, 'Science and Mathematics Education for the 21st Century: Towards Innovatory Approaches'. Concepcion, Chile.

Kim, K.S. et al., (eds.) (1979). Papers on the Economy of Tanzania, Heinemann Education Books Ltd, London.

King, K., (1989). An Evaluation of Research and Policies on Informal Sector Employment in Developing Countries. PHREE Background Paper Series, The World Bank.

Komba, J.M., (1989). Labour Market Information for Employment Planning Informal Sector Data Deficiency (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Labour Commissioner, (1993). Report on the Employment Challenge Facing Tanzania to Hon. Hassan Diria, Minister of Labour and Youth Development (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Lafay J. & Lecaillon, (1993). The Political Dimension of Economic Adjustment. Paris.

Leonor, M.D., (1976b). Education and Productivity: Some Evidence and Implications, World Employment Programme Research Working Paper. ILO, Geneva.

Leonor M.D., (ed) (1985). Unemployment. Schooling and Training in Tanzania. Egypt, the Philippines and Indonesia, A study prepared for the ILO, World Employment Programme, Croom Helm, London.

Lynch, K., (1990). The Problem of Women Teachers in Kenya. Tanzania and Zambia: An Exploratory Report. ILO, Geneva.

Malekela, G.A., (1991). Educated Youth Unemployment in Tanzania, Social Problems in Eastern Africa. Dar es Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Malima K., (1992). 'Opening Address to the ATE/FNF Seminar on Privatisation', Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Maliyamkono, T.L., (1985). "Ulanguzi": Emergence of Second Economy in Tanzania. ERB Seminar Paper, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Maliyamkono, T.L. & Bagachwa M.S.D., (1990), The Second Economy in Tanzania. ESAURP, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mansfield, B. (ed.) (1991). Values in Education and Training: Symposium Proceedings. BSD R&D Ltd., Wakefield.

Mascarenhas, A.C. & Skutch, M., (1976). Tanzanian Country Study on Rural Employment Promotion. Research working Paper, ILO, Geneva,

Mbilinyi, M. et. al., (1990). Education in Tanzania with Gender Perspective. SIDA Report, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Middleton, J., Demsky, T., (1989). Vocational Education and Training: A Review of World Bank Investment. The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Middletor, et al., (1990). Policy Options for Vocational and Technical Education and Training in Developing Countries (unpublished), Turin Holy.

Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children, (1992). A Comprehensive Study Report of the FDC programme (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Ministry of Education and Culture/Ministry of Science Technology and Higher Education, (1993). Tanzania Integrated Education and Training Policy. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Ministry of Labour and Youth Development and the Planning Commission, (1993). Vocational Training. Technical Education and Informal Sector Development in Tanzania (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Morrison, D. R., (1976). Education and Politics in Africa: The Tanzania case. Heinemann, London. p265.

Mosha, H.J. (ed.), (1985). The Progress and Impact of Folk Development Colleges on National Development: The Tanzanian Experience. Ministry of Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mosha, H.J., (1991). The Overall Objectives of the Vocational Training System in Tanzania (Mimeograph), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Moshi H.P.B & Maenda A.T., (1994). Socio-economic Transformation in Tanzania The Role of Employers. Association of Tanzania Employers, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Msambichaka, L.A. & Bagachwa, M.S.D., (1989). The Informal Sector in Tanzania. Conceptualisation. Methodology. Constrains and Data Gaps (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Msoffe M.U., (1984). Vocational Training. M.A. (Ed.) Dissertation (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mushi, P.S.D., (1992). Technology: The Perception of Teachers and Students and its Place in the Secondary School Science Curriculum. M.Ed. Dissertation (unpublished). University of Leeds.

Musoke, I.S., (1991). The Social Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes on the Working Class: Implications for Employers and Industrial Relations in Tanzania. Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung.

Mwita G.G., (1987). The Factors Affecting the Enrolment and high Drop-Out Rates in Post-Primary Technical Centres. M.A. (Ed.) Dissertation (Unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

National Vocational Training Council, (1990). Motor Vehicle Mechanics Syllabus. Approved by the Automotive Trades Training Committee in 1978 and Revised in 1986, N.V.T.D., Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Nganunu M., (1988), "An Attempt to Write a Science Curriculum with Social Relevance for Botswana", International Journal of Science Education. 10(4), 441-448.

Nyerere, J.K., (1967). Education for Self-Reliance. Oxford University Press, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Nyerere, J.K., (1968). Essays on Socialism. Oxford University Press, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Nzioka, B.K., (1989). The Youth Unemployment in Kenya (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Omari, C.K., (1981). Youth Development (unpublished). National Council of Social Welfare Services. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Omari, C.K. & Shaidi, L.P., (1991). "Some Youth Problems In Tanzania: General Trends", in Social Problems in Eastern Africa, Dar es Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Omari, et. al., (1983). Universal Primary Education in Tanzania. IDRC, Canada.

Omolo, O.V., (1989). Informal Economy (Miradi ya Nguvu Kazi) and the Next Pace of Economy Recovery and Growth of Tanzania-Towards a National Policy and Programme of Action (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Orsini, D. M., (ed.) (1989). Report on the East and Southern African Regional Conference on The Informal Sector: Issues in Policy Reform and Programs Sponsored by U.S. Agency for International Development Africa Bureau. Office of Technical Resources Nairobi, Labat-Anderson Incorporated, Kenya.

Perkins, F.C., (1983). "Technology Choice, Industrialisation and Development Experiences in Tanzania", The Journal of Development Studies. Vol. 19, No. 2, January 1983.

Ray, R.S., (1966). Labour Force Survey of Tanzania. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planning, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, (1993), United Nations Development Fund for Women: Project of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar. Project Document. January 1993, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

Riedmiller, S., (1989). Polytechnic Education Support Programme (PESP). End of Mission Report (unpublished), GTZ, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Royal Society, (1978). Some Observations on the Role of Science and Technology in Developing Countries. Heinemann Education Books Ltd, London.

Rwetabura, B. M., (1992). The Utilisation of Vocational Skills Acquired from Folk Development Colleges and Post-Primary Technical Centres M.A. (Ed.) Dissertation (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Schadler, K., (1968). Crafts. Small-Scale Industries and Industrial Education in Tanzania. Munchen, Weltforum Verlag

** Schott K., (1982). The Rise ofKeynesian Economics: Britain 1940-64

Schumacher E.F., (1973). Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered. Abacus.

Sethuraman, S.V., (ed.) (1981). The Urban Informal Sector in Developing Countries. ILO, Geneva.

SIDO, (1993). Support to Your Small Enterprise Small Industries. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Skartstein, R., Wangwe, S., (1986). Industrial Development in Tanzania: Some Critical Issues, Tanzania Publishing House, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

TADREG, (1993). Parents Attitudes Towards Education in Rural Tanzania, Research Report No. 5., Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

TADREG, (1995). Science Teaching in Government Secondary Schools: A Situation Analysis for Mainland Tanzania (unpublished), September 1995. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

TANGO, (1994). Directory of Non-Governmental Organisations in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

TANGOV & SIDA, (1986). Education and Vocational Training (unpublished). Annual Review of Swedish Support, SIDA 1986, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Thomas, R.L., (1965). Survey of the High-level Manpower Requirements and Resources for the Five-Year Development Plan 1964-65 to 1968-69. Directorate of Development Planning, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Thomas J.J., (1992). Informal Economic Activity. Harvester Wheatsheaf. London

Tripp A.M., (1988). Defending the Right to Subsist: The State vs. The Urban Informal Economy in Tanzania. A Paper Presented at the African Association Annual Meeting, 28-31 October 1988, Chicago, Illinois.

UNDP, (1990). Pakistan Employment and Manpower Strategies and Policies Project: Evaluation of Technical and Vocational Education Systems and its Impact on Manpower Development in Pakistan. Vol. I., Emmay Associates (Pvt) Ltd.

UNDP/TLO (1991). Tanzania The Informal Sector. Planning Commission and Ministry of Labour and Youth Development, Government Printers, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

UNDP, (1993). Development Co-operation Tanzania 1991. Report, October 1993. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

UNESCO, (1981). Congress on Science and Technology Education and National Development 1981, Paris.

UNESCO, (1987). Education in Tanzania. Report, March 1987, Paris, Vol. I & II.

UNESCO, (1991). World Education Report 1991. Paris.

UNESCO, (1993). Worldwide Action in Education 1993. Paris.

UNESCO, (1993). Education for All: Status and Trends. Paris.

UNESCO, (1994). Approved Programme and Budget for 1994-1995. Paris.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1969). 'The Education Act. 1969'. Bill Supplement of the Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania (November, 1969) No. 51 p. 3.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1969). Tanzania Second Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. Vol. 1., p. 156.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1973). 'National Examinations Council of Tanzania Act. 1973 (No. 8 of 1973)'. Bill Supplement to the Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania, LIV (26th October, 1973) No, 43., p. 4.

URT/DANIDA/SIDA/GTZ, (1978.) Progress Report on Primary Technical Education In Tanzania (unpublished). Ministry of National Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1986). Economic Recovery Programme 1986/87. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1987).National Accounts of Tanzania 1976-1986. Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Finance, Economic affairs and Planning, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1988).Economic and Social Action Programme 1989/90-1991/92. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1988). Education in Tanzania. Vols. I and II., UNESCO, Paris.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1989). Education and Training Statistics; 1989. Bureau of Statistics, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1990). Education and Training Statistics. Bureau of Statistics, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1991). Education and Training Statistics. Bureau of Statistics, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1992). Industrial Census 1989. Volume 1.. Directory of Industries (50+) Industrial Establishments. Bureau of Statistics, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1992), Women and Men in Tanzania. Bureau of Statistics, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.,

United Republic of Tanzania, (1992). A Comprehensive Study Report of the FDC Programme. Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Community Development, Woman Affairs and Children, (1993). Sector Policy Paper. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1993). The National Employment Council. National Program of Action for Sustainable Income Generation, the United Nations Development Programme. March 1993. Consultant: International Management & Development Group Ltd., Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1993). The Labour Force Survey 1990/91 Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Labour and Youth Development, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1993). Vocational Training. Technical Education and Informal Sector Development in Tanzania. Ministry of Labour and Youth Development and the Planning Commission, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1993). Tanzania Integrated Education and Training Policy. Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Science, Technology & Higher Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1994). Vocational Education and Training Act 1994. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1994). National Policy for Microenterprise and Informal Sector Promotion (March 1994, Revised Draft), Ministry of Labour and Youth Development, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

United Republic of Tanzania, (1995). Proceedings of the Government - Donors Meeting on Primary Education in Tanzania, Ministry of Education and Culture, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Unsicker, J.G., (1987). Adult Education. Socialism and International Aid in Tanzania: The Political Economy of the Folk Development Collages. Ph.D. Dissertation (Unpublished), Stanfbrd University CA, USA.

Wagao, H.J., (1989). National Workshop on the Informal Sector: Informal Sector Activities in Developing Countries (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Weeks, J., (1975). "Policies for Expanding Employment in the Informal Urban Sector of Developing Economies," International Labour Review. Ill, pp.1-13.

Wizara ya Elimu, (1983). Ripoti ya Maendeleo ya Vituo Vya Ufundi Stadi-Tanzania Bara (unpublished), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Women's National Commission (WNC), (1984). An Advisory Committee to Her Majesty's Government "The Other Half of Our Future". Report of the WNC's Ad hoc Working Group on Training Opportunities For Women, Cabinet Office, London.

World Bank, (1988). Parastatals in Tanzania: Towards a Reform Programme. Report No 7100-TA.

World Bank, (1991). Vocational and Technical Educational and Training, a World Bank Policy Paper.