Listing by country AND in-service
Listing by country AND teacher development
Listing by country AND teacher training
Journals carrying BEI cited articles
Country + in-service
Citations for: in-service 1023; in service 917; inset 171.
Citations for sub-Saharan country + in-service/in service/inset: 27.
Africa NOT South
Didillon, H. & Vandewiele, M. (1991) Interventions pedagogiques des psychologiques au service de l'enfant d'age prescolaire en Afrique Noir. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis, 28(1): 19-26.
Harber, C. (1987) The West Midlands-West Africa Project. British Journal of In-Service Education, 13(2): 86-90.
Mugisha, R.X. & Mwamwenda, T.S. (1991) Vocational training, in-service courses and higher education for graduates in Botswana. Studies in Higher Education, 16(3): 343-354.
Kahn, M. (1990) Teachers, tutors and inspectors: views of pre-service teacher education in Botswana. Educational Review, 42(1): 3-12.
Burkina Faso
Kouraogo, P. (1987) Curriculum renewal and INSET in different circumstances. ELT Journal, 41(3): 171-178.
Kitavi, M.W. & Westhuizen, P. C. van der. (1997) Problems facing beginning principals in developing countries: a study of beginning principals in Kenya. International Journal of Educational Development, 17(3): 251-263.
Daniels, K.R. & Halamandaris, P.G. (1992) In-service training in Swaziland and Malawi: application of a process model for development education. International Journal of Educational Management, 6(5): 27-31.
Brown, M. & Reid, D.J. (1990) Black for the people: green for the land: red for the blood of the martyrs: a case study of INSET in Malawi. Research in Education, 44:93-107.
Peacock, A. (1993) The in-service training of primary teachers in science in Namibia. British Journal of In-service Education, 19(2): 21-26.
Ogundare, S.F. (1995) Correlates of perspectives: Nigerian pre-service social studies teachers and human rights education. Education Today, 45(3): 25-30.
Akpe, C.S. (1991) Choice of teaching subjects in pre-service teacher education in Nigeria. Journal of Education for Teaching, 17(2): 213-219.
Adigwe, J.C. (1991) Problem-solving processes of pre-service chemistry teachers in Nigeria. Research in Science and Technological Education, 9(1): 107-120.
Esu, A E.O. (1991) Inservice teacher education in Nigeria: a case study. Journal of Education for Teaching, 17(2): 189-199.
Onocha, C. & Okpala, P. (1990) Classroom interaction patterns of practising and pre-service teachers of integrated science. Research in Education, 43: 23-31.
Shaibu, S. (1990) Centralized/support service as a cost-effective way out of the school library chaos in Gongola State of Nigeria. Education Libraries Journal, 33(2): 23-33.
Dienye, N.E. (1987) The effect of inservice science education. British Journal of In-Service Education, 14(1): 48-51; 55.
Sierra Leone
Carey, J. & Dabor, M. (1995) Management education: an approach to improved English language teaching. ELT Journal, 49(1): 37-43.
South Africa
Bourne, R. (1995) Where the real work begins. Education, 185(10): 12-13.
Walker, M. (1993) Developing the theory and practice of action research: a South African case. Educational Action Research, 1(1): 95-109.
Wal, R.W.E. & van der. Linde, H.J. van der. (1991) Computer-assisted science instruction: an experience in developing communities within the South African context. Educational and Training Technology International, 28(3): 189-195.
Ballantyne, R.R. & Tooth-Aston, P.J. (1989) In-service environmental teacher training in an apartheid education system. Environmental Education and Information, 8(1): 1-10.
Vries, P. de. (1989) South African black teachers and the academic paper chase. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 10(4): 449-458.
Berg, O van den. & Todes, M. (1986) In-service teacher education in the Cape Teachers' Professional Association: educational innovation in apartheid society. Cambridge Journal of Education, 16(3): 163-170.
Sheen, J. (1986) Disputed territory. Youth in Society, 115: 10-11.
Shommo, Mahasin I. (1995) Teaching home economics by a problem-solving approach in Sudanese secondary schools for girls. British Journal of In-service Education, 21(3): 319-329.
Daniels, K.R. & Halamandaris, P.G. (1992) In-service training in Swaziland and Malawi: application of a process model for development education. International Journal of Educational Management, 6(5): 27-31.
Lubben, F. (1994) The convergence of teachers' and providers' views on INSET needs: the case of the non-specialist physics teacher in Swaziland. International Journal of Educational Development, 14(1): 43-49.
Diatan, S. (1988) Teaching in Tanzania. Links, 13(3): 40-41.
Miti, M. & Herriot, A. (1997) Action to improve English, mathematics and science (AIEMS): a case study in Zambia - the start-up process. International Journal of Educational Development, 17(2): 163-172.
Country + teacher development
Citations for: teacher development 682; teacher change 6.
Citations for sub-Saharan country + teacher development: 12.
Duffy, A. (1993) Steps towards new horizons. International Journal of Early Childhood, 25(1): 49-53.
Bobda, A.S. (1993) English pronunciation in Cameroon: conflicts and consequences. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 14(6): 435-445.
Crowther, S. (1995) Lesotho bound. Modus, 13(4): 113-115.
Sebatane, E.M. (1994) Enhancement of teacher capacities and capabilities in school-based assessment: Lesotho experience. Assessment in Education, 1(2): 223-234.
Peacock, A. (1992) Developing science teaching in Namibian primary schools. Primary Science Review, 24: 6-8.
Adara, O.A. (1996) Impact of an outdoor educational strategy on teacher profile in environmental education. International Journal of Educational Development, 16(3): 309-317.
South Africa
Adler, J. (1997) Professionalism in process: mathematics teacher as researcher from a South African perspective. Educational Action Research, 5(1): 87-103.
Maher, S. (1995) Building a better conscience. Child and Man, 29(2): 10-12.
Kachelhoffer, P.M. (1995) Teacher enrichment programmes in Kwa Ndebele, South Africa. Higher Education Policy, 8(2): 19-22.
O'Neill, T. (1995) Implementation frailties of Guba and Lincoln's "Fourth generation" evaluation theory. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 21(1): 5-21.
Walker, M. (1994) Professional development through action research in township primary schools in South Africa. International Journal of Educational Development, 14(1): 65-73.
Moja, T. (1992) Teacher education from classroom broadcasts for the new South Africa. Educational Media International, 29(3): 171-174.
Country + teacher training
Citations for teacher training: 354.
Citations for sub-Saharan country + teacher training: 6.
Honig, B. (1996) Multilingual educational reform and teacher training in Ethiopia. Language and Education, 10(1): 1-12.
Carr, R. (1987) The modular teacher training programme, Ghana. Open Learning, 2(3): 50-51.
Akpe, C. S. (1988) Using consumer evaluation to improve college curricula in Nigerian teacher training. Journal of Education for Teaching, 14(1): 85-90.
Osuala, J.D.C. (1987) ABE teacher training in Anambra State of Nigeria. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 6(3): 215-225.
South Africa
Ballantyne, R.R. & Tooth-Aston, P.J. (1989) See BEI Country + in-service
Msanjila, Y.P. (1990) Problems of teaching through the medium of Kiswahili in teacher training colleges in Tanzania. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 11(4): 307-317.
British Education Index
BEI searched in May 1998
Journals carrying articles cited (40)
Journal titles |
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B |
C |
D |
Adults learning |
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1 |
Assessment in Education |
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British Journal of In-service Education |
4 |
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British Journal of Sociology of Education |
1 |
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1 |
Cambridge Journal of Education |
1 |
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Child and Man |
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Compare |
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Education |
1 |
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Education Libraries Journal |
1 |
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Education Today |
1 |
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Educational and Training Technology International |
1 |
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Educational Action Research |
1 |
1 |
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Educational Media International |
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1 |
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Educational Review |
1 |
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ELT Journal |
2 |
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Environmental Education and Information |
1 |
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1 |
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Gender and Education |
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1 |
Higher Education Policy |
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1 |
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International Journal of Early Childhood |
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1 |
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International Journal of Educational Development |
3 |
2 |
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3 |
International Journal of Educational Management |
2 |
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1 |
International Journal of Lifelong Education |
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1 |
1 |
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education |
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1 |
International Review of Education |
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3 |
Journal of Community Education |
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3 |
Journal of Education for Teaching |
2 |
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1 |
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Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development |
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1 |
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Language and Education |
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Links |
1 |
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Modus |
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1 |
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Open Learning |
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1 |
1 |
Primary Science Review |
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1 |
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Prospects |
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3 |
Research in Education |
2 |
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Research in science and technological Education |
1 |
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Scientia Paedogogica Experimentalis |
1 |
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Studies in Educational Evaluation |
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1 |
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Studies in Higher Education |
1 |
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System |
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1 |
World Development |
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1 |
Youth in Society |
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A |
- country + in-service or inset |
B |
- country + teacher development |
C |
- country + teacher training |
D |
- country + basic education |
Listing by country AND in-service
Developing nation AND in-service teacher training
Journals carrying CIJE cited articles
Country + inservice teacher education
Citations for inservice teacher education: 2,731.
Citations for sub-Saharan country + inservice teacher education: 65.
Africa NOT South
Carey, J. & Dabor, M. (1995) Management Education: An Approach to Improved English Language Training. ELT Journal, 49(1): 37-43.
Hawkridge, D. (1991) see Kenya and Zimbabwe
Tambo, L.I. (1991) Primary Health Care in Africa: Implications for Teacher Education. Action in Teacher Education, 13(3): 48-52.
Wong, Charles. et al. (1985) Special Issue: Training of Trainers and Adult Educators. Part 2: Regional Reviews. Convergence: an International Journal of Adult Education, 18(3-4): 23-115.
Burkina Faso
Kouraogo, P. (1987) See BEI + country + in-service
Guariento, W. A. (1997) Innovation Management Issues Raised by a Distance-Learning Project in Eritrea: Can Such Projects Be Successfully Transplanted from One Developing Country to Another? System, 25(3): 399-407.
Wood, A. et al. (1996) Environmental Education in Suffolk. Environmental Education, 51: 4-12: 21-25.
Hawkridge, D. (1991) Computers in Third World Schools: African Advances. Educational & Training Technology International, 28(1): 55-70.
Gitau, B.K. (1987) Achievement Motivation in Distance Education: An Experimental Study to Measure Students' Achievement Motive as Elicited by Achievement Arousal Conditions Given in Reference to, and with Emphasis on Written Assignments. International Council for Distance Education Bulletin, 14: 37-47.
Holmberg, Borge. (1985) Applications of Distance Education in Kenya. Distance Education, 6(2): 242-47.
Esu, A,E.O. (1991) Inservice Teacher Education in Nigeria: A Case Study. Journal of Education for Teaching, 17(2): 189-99.
Oladejo, J. (1991) The Teacher Factor in the Effective Teaching and Learning of ESL in Developing English Speaking Countries: The Case of Nigeria. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 12(3): 195-204.
Adeyemi, M. B. (1989) Preparing Secondary School Teachers of Social Studies in Nigeria. Social Studies, 80(5): 203-04.
Abolaji, G. & Reneau, F.W. (1988) Inservice Needs and Problems of Agricultural Science Teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of the American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture, 29(3): 43-49.
Akinyemi, K. (1986) A Study of Technophobia among Primary School Teachers in Nigeria. Programmed Learning & Educational Technology, 23(3): 263-69.
Olukoya, A. (1986) Teaching Medical Teachers How to Teach in Lagos, Nigeria. Medical Teacher, 8(2): 145-48.
Sierra Leone
Carey, J. &. Dabor, M. (1995) Management Education: An Approach to Improved English Language Training. ELT Journal, 49(1): 37-43.
South Africa
Van der Wal, R.W.E. & Pienaar, A.J. (1996) Bringing Computers to Qwaqwa, South Africa. Learning & Leading with Technology, 24(4): 12-14.
Bax, S. (1995) Principles for Evaluating Teacher Development Activities. ELT Journal, 49(3): 262-71.
Von Kotze, A. (1995) Contending Models of Learning and Teaching in the Ministry. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 14(1): 23-37.
Potgieter, D. & Olen, S. (1994) The Holdall Lectern and Prompt Poster. International Information & Library Review, 26(3): 181-93.
Soudien, C. & Colyn, W. (1992) The Safety of Theory: Working with Educators in a Squatter Community. Journal of Educational Thought, 26(3): 258-71.
Taylor, R. (1992) The Production of Training Packs in In-Service Teacher Training. ELT Journal, 46(4): 356-61.
Laridon, P.E. (1990) The Role of the Instructor in a Computer-Based Interactive Videodisc Education Environment. Educational & Training Technology International, 27(4): 365-74.
Ballantyne, R.R. & Tooth-Aston, P.J. (1989) See BEI + country + In-service
Olivier, A.A. (1987) Correspondence Based Model for Training Teachers of the Gifted. Gifted International, 4(2): 59-63.
MacDonald, M.A. &. Rogan, J.M. (1988) Innovation in South African Science Education (Part I): Science Teaching Observed. Science Education, 72(2): 225-36.
Crossley, M. & Guthrie, G. (1987) Current Research in Developing Countries: INSET and the Impact of Examinations on Classroom Practice. Teaching & Teacher Education, 3(1): 65-76.
Macdonald, M.A. et al. (1985) Teacher Reaction to Innovation: A Case Study in a South African Setting. Journal of Education for Teaching, 11(3): 245-63.
Venter, J. (1985) Developing an Enrichment Programme in a Junior Primary School. Gifted Education International, 3(1): 59-62.
Rogan, J.M. & Macdonald, M.A. (1985) The In-Service Teacher Education Component of an Innovation: A Case Study in an African Setting. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 17(1): 63-85.
Kogoe, A. (1986) Perceived Administrative Needs of School Executives in Togo. Comparative Education, 22(2): 149-58.
Zaire (CDR)
Koivukari, A.M. (1987) Question Level and Cognitive Processing: Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Questions and Answers. Applied Psycholinguistics, 8(2): 101-20.
Crossley, M. & Guthrie, G. (1987) Current Research in Developing Countries: INSET and the Impact of Examinations on Classroom Practice. Teaching & Teacher Education, 3(1): 65-76.
Betts, S.C. & Norquest, J. (1997) Professional Development for Educators through Travel to Zimbabwe: One-Year Follow-up. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 89(1): 50-53.
Hawkridge, D. (1991) Computers in Third World Schools: African Advances. Educational & Training Technology International, 28(1): 55-70.
Nziramasanga, C. (1989) A View from Zimbabwe. Citizenship for the 21st Century: The Role of Social Studies, Third in a Series. Social Education, 53(1): 25-28.
Developing nation + inservice teacher education
Guariento, W.A. (1997) see Eritrea
McLaughlin, D. (1996) Who Is to Retrain the Teacher Trainers?: A Papua New Guinea Case Study. Teaching & Teacher Education, 12(3): 285-301.
Jones, T.W. (1993) International Special Education Inservice Training: Challenges and Solutions. Teacher Education & Special Education, 16(4): 297-302.
Vlaardingerbroek, B. (1992) Integrated Primary Schooling of Blind Children in Papua New Guinea. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 15(2):162-65.
Esu, A.E.O. (1991) see Nigeria
Hawkridge, D. (1991) see Kenya and Zimbabwe
Oladejo, J. (1991) see Nigeria
Robinson, B. (1991) Distance Education for Inservice Teacher Education in the United Kingdom. Action in Teacher Education, 13(3): 60-63.
Tambo, L.I. (1991) see Africa NOT South
Chadwick, C. (1990) Instructional Development and Third World Textbooks. Educational Technology Research & Development, 38(3): 51-59.
Khan, E. H. & Sharma, A.K. (1990) Implementation and Evaluation of Computer Science in an Indian Secondary School. Computers & Education, 14(4): 343-55.
Faraj, A.H. & Tarvin, W.L. (1989) Curricular Change and In-Service Teacher Training Programmes in Developing South Asian Countries. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 21(6): 567-71.
Nziramasanga, C.A. (1989) see Zimbabwe
Crossley, M. & Guthrie, G. (1987) Current Research in Developing Countries: INSET and the Impact of Examinations on Classroom Practice. Teaching & Teacher Education. 3(1): 65-76.
Gitau, B.K. (1987) see Kenya
Koivukari, A.M. (1987) see Zaire (CDR)
Kouraogo, Pierre. (1987) see Burkina Faso
Akinyemi, K. (1986) see Nigeria
Basu, C. K. (1986) In-Service Teacher Training as Part of the Universal Primary Education World Bank Project in Bangladesh. Performance & Instruction, 25(4): 17-18.
Chaudhri, M.M. (1986) India: From SITE to INSAT. Media in Education & Development, 19(3): 134-40.
Coldevin, G. & Amundsen, C. (1985) The Use of Communication Satellites for Distance Education: A World Perspective. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 14(1): 4-5; 20-23.
Crossley, M. et al. (1985) INSET: Prospects and Practice in Developing Countries. Journal of Education for Teaching, 11(2): 120-32.
Holmberg, B. (1985) see Kenya
In-service Teacher Education. (1985) Bulletin of the International Bureau of Education, n234-35: 7-103; 204-06.
Rogan, J.M. & Macdonald, M.A. (1985) see South Africa
Learning on Air. (1984) Media in Education & Development, 17(1): 36-39.
Harper, D.O. (1983) Using Computer Assisted Learning for Teacher Education in New Guinea. Teacher Education Quarterly, 10(4): 54-60.
Zurub, A.R. & Rubba, P. A. (1983) Development and Validation of an Inventory to Assess Science Teacher Needs in Developing Countries. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 20(9): 867-73.
CIJE searched in May 1998
Journals carrying articles cited (38)
Journal titles |
A |
Action in Teacher Education |
1 |
Applied Psycholinguistics |
1 |
Bulletin of the International Bureau of Education |
1 |
Canadian Journal of Educational Communication |
1 |
Convergence |
1 |
Distance Education |
1 |
Educational and Training Technology International |
2 |
Educational Technology Research and Development |
1 |
ELT journal |
5 |
Environmental Education |
1 |
Environmental Education and Information |
1 |
Gifted Education International |
1 |
Gifted International |
1 |
International Council for Distance Education Bulletin |
1 |
International Information and Library Review |
1 |
International Journal of Lifelong Education |
1 |
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research |
1 |
Journal of Curriculum Studies |
3 |
Journal of Education for Teaching |
3 |
Journal of Educational Thought |
1 |
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences |
1 |
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development |
1 |
Journal of Research in Science Teaching |
1 |
Journal of the American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture |
1 |
Learning and Leading with Technology |
1 |
Media in Education and Development |
2 |
Medical Teacher |
1 |
Performance and Instruction |
1 |
Programmed Learning and Educational Technology |
1 |
Science Education |
1 |
Social Education |
1 |
Social Studies |
1 |
System |
1 |
Teacher Education and Special Education |
1 |
Teacher Education Quarterly |
1 |
Teaching and Teacher Education |
4 |
A - Country + inservice teacher education