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Volume I: Introduction, cross-sectoral planning, infrastructure

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Documentation on monitoring and evaluating environmental impacts

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)


Wide-ranging and indepth specialized knowledge is needed in order to professionally evaluate the environmental relevance of a project or individual technical plans in the scope of cooperation activities, for example plans for locating industrial sites. The sixty environmental briefs in Volumes I and II provide an overview of potential environmental impacts and known environmental protection measures, they are a working aid when preparing and reviewing a project's environmental aspects and can be used during the planning phase, and also for the final evaluation. The areas covered : cross-sectoral planning, infrastructure, agriculture, mining and energy, trade and industry, are pertinent to all cooperation activities and planning work. Volume III gives an overview of the many environmental parameters and standards applicable in different countries, and facilitates the evaluation of individual environmental impacts. The handbook has been compiled in close cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).





Guidelines for conducting a comprehensive study of a project's environmental aspects

1. Definition of the area(s) affected
2. Existing stresses and stability/stress resistance of ecosystems
3. Description of stresses originating from the project
4. Assessment of future overall stresses and their impacts
5. Recommendations for environmentally sound options
6. Overall assessment and decision-making aids

Cross-sectoral planning

1. Spatial and regional planning

1. Scope and purpose of spatial and regional planning in developing countries
2. An Outline of Area Planning on Environmental Lines

3. Approaches
4. Summary
5. References

2. Planning of locations for trade and industry

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

3. Overall energy planning

1. Scope
2. Energy installations and fuels - Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

4. Water framework planning

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

5. Transport and traffic planning

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

6. Tourism

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and assessment of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

7. Analysis, diagnosis, testing

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References


8. Provision and rehabilitation of housing

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

9. Public facilities - schools, health care, hospitals -

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

10. Urban water supply

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

11. Rural water supply

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

12. Wastewater disposal

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

13. Solid waste disposal

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

14. Disposal of hazardous waste

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

Annex 1 - Categories of wastes to be controlled under the basel convention
Annex 2 - List of hazardous characteristics in accordance with the basel convention
Annex 3 - Disposal operations under the basel convention
Annex 4 - List of toxic or dangerous substances and materials
Annex 5 - Summary 1
Annex 6 - Summary 2
Annex 7 - A proposed waste classification scheme
Annex 7a - Waste types according to the specimen classification scheme
Annex 8 - Table: Classification of substances presenting problems for particular sectors

15. Erosion control

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

16. Road building and maintenance, building of rural roads

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

17. Road traffic

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the Analysis and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

18. Railways and railway operation

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

19. Airports

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

20. River and canal engineering

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

21. Rural hydraulic engineering

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

22. Large-scale hydraulic engineering

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

23. Inland ports

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

24. Shipping on inland waterways

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References

25. Ports and harbours, port construction and operations

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
5. Summary Assessment of Environmental Relevance
4. Interaction with other sectors
6. References

26. Shipping

1. Scope
2. Environmental impacts and protective measures
3. Notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts
4. Interaction with other sectors
5. Summary assessment of environmental relevance
6. References