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This Environmental Handbook is a revised version of the 1987 publication "Materialien zur Erfassung und Bewertung von Umweltwirkungen in Vorhaben der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit" (documentation on monitoring and evaluating the environmental impacts of economic cooperation projects). It takes particular account of new technical developments in the environmental protection sector and the experience gained during use of the original publication. The handbook is intended to provide those engaged in examining the environmental relevance of specific sectors or activities with assistance in identifying and evaluating potential environmental impacts.

Depending on the nature of a project, investigation of its environmental impacts may entail varying degrees of complexity. Where complicated issues are involved it will be essential to bring in experts to elaborate the necessary basis for decision-making. In other cases it will be sufficient to consult a suitable standard work, particularly where less problematic projects are concerned, in order to obtain initial guidance (guidelines) during the project development phase and to provide awareness-enhancing background information for persons whose involvement in the project does not pertain to this particular field. Volumes I and II of the Environmental Handbook contain sixty environmental briefs, each of which covers the typical fields of activity in a specific sector and their potential impacts on the natural and social environment. The authors have endeavoured to compile them in such a way that additional aids are unnecessary to begin with; references to further literature are included. Each environmental brief is structured in the same way; only in the case of those relating to master (framework) planning was it essential to modify this structure in line with the nature of the field covered. In addition to outlining the scope of the sector and the related activities, each environmental brief sets out the potential environmental impacts of these activities, appropriate protective and monitoring measures, and known alternatives or means of preventing undesirable impacts. The notes on the analysis and evaluation of environmental impacts which are included in each of the environmental briefs are supplemented by Volume III, the Compendium of Environmental Standards, which gives an overview of common parameters having environmental relevance, their impacts and the standards laid down in various countries.

The intention was to set out the most important information on environmental relevance in a highly concentrated form and to provide decision-makers and experts with a rapid overview of individual sectors. The handbook was prepared in consultation with the environmental coordinators of the organisations engaged in realising German development cooperation activities, thereby making it possible to draw upon the experience of these organisations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH [GTZ], Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau [KfW], Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources [BGR], German Finance Company for Investments in Developing Countries [DEG], Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology [PTB]). The Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environmental Agency) in Berlin and the Deutsche Naturschutzring (German Nature Conservation Society) also contributed their opinions. GTZ Division 402 will be happy to receive any suggestions for improvements and additions to the handbook. The publisher hopes that the Environmental Handbook will provide all users with valuable assistance in environmentally sound project planning.


Dr. Hans Peter Schipulle
Head of Division
Environment, Resource Protection and Forestry

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

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