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Fauna silvestre

Fauna Silvestre

abiótico abiotic
abomaso abomasum
abazón cheek pouch
accípitre accipiter
actividad activity
acuático aquatic
aguardadero, aguardo hunter's blind
águila eagle
aguilera eagle's nest
alanés species of large deer
alavanco wild duck
alce elk, moose
alero buck, immature
alicante viper
alimaña predator
alimañero predator control specialist
alimenticio food value
alimentación nourishment
alpinismo mountain climbing
alzapié snare
amaitinar to stalk
anadeja, anadino, na duckling
anaeróbico anaerobic
añagaza decoy/lure
anatomía anatomy
anfibio amphibian
anidar to nest
anillo annulus
anta elk
aovar to lay eggs
apitonar to break out of egg shell using the bird's beak
área superpoblada concentration area
artrópodo, da arthropod
asaeteador archer, bowman
asta antler
astado horned, with horns
atóxico non-poisonous
atrapar to trap
autopsia autopsy
ave acuática waterfowl
ave cantora songbird
ave de caza game bird
ave de presa bird of prey
aves insectidarias insectivorous birds
aves migratorias migratory birds
avispa wasp
balido bleating sound of deer, sheep, goats
bandada covey of birds
barba beard
bifurcado, da bifurcate
biológico, ca biological
biólogo biologist
biometría biometry
bioquira rattlesnake
bípedo, da biped
bisulco, ca cloven hoofed
bóvido bovid
bovino, na bovine
brama mating season of animals (rut)
bramadero rutting or mating place
cacería hunt, hunting
cachillada litter of animals
cadañera giving birth annually
cagarruta deer, rabbits or sheep fecal pellets
camada litter, brood of animals
cánido canid
canino canine
cantidad permitible bag limit
capacidad de caza kill ratio
capacidad de carga cinegética carrying capacity
caprípedo, da split-hoofed, like goats
carnada bait
carnicol toe of clovenfooted animal
carnívoro, ra carnivorous
cascabel, serpiente de rattlesnake
cascudo, da big-hoofed animal
caudimano having a prehensile tail
cavernícola cave dwelling
caza to hunt
caza mayor big game
caza menor small game
caza menor deportiva upland game
cazar to hunt
cazadero hunting ground
cazador, ra hunter
cazador de alforja trapper
cazador de cabezas head hunter
cazador furtivo poacher
cazar to hunt
cebo bait
celo heat (female in season)
censo de caza game census
cerceta fawns first growth of antlers
cervato fawn
cérvidos cervidae
cetrería falconry/hawking
chifle bird call
chillido decoy call
cíclico cyclic
ciclo cycle
ciclo vital life cycle
cisípedo digitate
cobijo game cover
coeficiente de digestibilidad digestion coefficient
cohorte cohort
cola tail of an animal
colmillo canine tooth
comportamiento behavior
connatural innate, inherent
connaturalización acclimatization, adaptation
conservar to conserve
control biológica biological control
coto de caza game preserve
cría brood of chicks
criadero breeding place
crótalo rattlesnake
cuadrupedo quadruped
cuerno horn of animals
cuero skin, hide
culebra small snake
culebrón large snake
densidad density
depredación depredation
descogotar to cut off the antlers
descubridero lookout post
desemplumar to pluck feathers off
desencarnar to debone meat
desentrañar to disembowel
deserción desertion
desmogar to shed horns
desmogue shedding of horns
destripar to eviscerate
diente tooth, tusk, fang
dieta diet
digestibilidad digestibility
digitado digitate
dispersión dispersion
distribución distribution
diversidad diversity
dócil docile
echadura de pollos brood of chicks
ectoparásito ectoparasite
embrión embryo
encenagarse to wallow
encodillarse to hide in an inaccessible portion of a burrow
encogollarse to tree
endogamia inbreeding
enjundia animal fat
entrañas entrails
entremezcladura interspersion
equilibrio equilibrium
equino equine
escape escape, flight
escodadero place where bulls, bucks, rub the velvet from their antlers
escondedero hiding place
especialista specialist
especie species
especie indicador indicator species
espécimen specimen
esplique bird snare
estético aesthetics
estimación de pastizales range reconnaissance
exótico exotic
explayada display with outstretched wings (birds)
extinción extinction
extincto extinct
falcónidos falcons, eagles, birds of prey
fardacho lizard
fauna fauna
fecundidad fecundity
fecundizar to impregnate, inseminate
fenotípico, ca phenotypic
fenotipo phenotype
feral feral
fertilización fertilization
fetal fetal
feto fetus
fiera wild animal or beast
filogenia phylogeny
gallináceo gallinaceous
gallo cock, rooster
gamezno small or young deer
gamitar to sound a deer call (as with a deer call)
gamítido call of deer (bleet)
garra claw, talon
gata, o cat
genotipo genotype
gestación gestation
gorrín piglet, suckling pig
graznar to cackle, caw, croak
graznido caw, cackle, croak
gregario, a gregarious
guácharo, ra, guacharro, ra fledgling
guajolote wild turkey
guardabosque game warden, ranger
guarida den, lair
guarnigón young quail
guión the leading bird of a migratory flock, or leading dog in a pack
habitación, habitat habitat
haiconería falconry, hawking
hemacrimo cold-blooded
hematermo warm-blooded
hembra female
herbívoro herbivorous, herbivore
heterogeneidad hetererogeneity
hibernación hibernation
híbrido, da hybrid
homeotermo, ma homeothermal
huella animal track
huevo egg
hurera, huronera, hole, burrow
husero straight antler of a deer
huta hunters blind, hut
ijada flank of an animal
incubación incubation
incubar to incubate
inmaturo, ra immature
inseminar to impregnate, inseminate
innato, ta innate
interacción interaction
inventario inventory
invertebrado, da invertebrate
jabado, da mottled
lactancia lactation
lagartija lizard
lagartija cornudo horned lizard
lepóride leporid
ley de caza game law
licencia license
longevidad longevity
macho male
madriguera hole, burrow
mamario, ría mammary
mamífero mammalian, mammal
manada herd, flock
marsupial marsupial
medidas en bruto strip count
metabólico metabolic
migración migration
mimetismo mimicry
mogote budding antler
monogamia monogamy
montería big game hunting
montero hunter
mortalidad mortality
movilidad mobility
marta pack of dogs
mutualismo mutualism
mutualista mutualist
natal natal
natalidad nasality
nativo, va native, indigenous
natural natural
neutralismo neutralism
neutralista neutralist
nidada brood nest of eggs or newly hatched birds
nidal nesting place, box
nidificar to nest
nido nest
niego newborn falcon
nutrición nutrition
observador de pájaros bird watcher
omnívoro, ra omnivorous, omnivore
ornitología ornithology
orzuelo bird snare, or animal trap
osera bear's den, lair
oveja female sheep
ovíparo oviparous
pájara, ro bird
pajarear to hunt birds
pajarera aviary
palmeado palmate
palmípedo webfooted
paludoso, su, pantanoso swampy, boggy
pantano swamp, bog
panza stomach
paradislero hunter lying in wait
paranza hunter's blind, hut
parasítico, ca parasitic
parasitismo parasitism
parásito, ta parasite
parvada flock of birds
pastizal tipo key area
pata paw, foot
patihendido, da cloven-hoofed
pato duck
patón big-footed
pava, pavo turkey
pavada flock of turkeys
pechuga breast of a fowl
pelaje peleage, hair
pelechar to grow a new coat of hair, feathers
pelicano, na gray-haired
pelicorto, ta short-haired
pelo hair, fur
pellejo skin, hide
perdigana, perdigón young partridge
perdiz partridge, ptarmigan
peregrino, na migratory (birds)
periódico, ca periodic
pesticida pesticide
pesuña, pezuña hoof (cloven-hoofed animal)
pico bill, beak of bird
pista track, trail of an animal
pitón budding horn of goat, deer
plaga climactic zone
plumaje plumage
plumón bird down
plumoso, sa feathery, downy
población population
polla pullet
pollada covey, brood
ponzoña poison, venom
predator predator
preñada pregnant
prensil prehensile
quiste cyst
rabicán, no white-tailed
rábico rabid
rabo tail
radio radius
raleón, na bird of prey
raposera fox hole, burrow, den
rapaces raptors
raspa beard
ratonera nest of mice
rebaño flock
recepto shelter, refuge
reclamar to decoy, lure/call with decoy whistle
reclamo bird decoy, decoy whistle or call
reclutamiento recruitment
recreación recreation
recursos naturales natural resources
redecilla reticulum of a ruminant
refugio refuge
refugio de caza game refuge
reglamentación de caza caza game management
remoto, ta remote
repoblar to repopulate
reptil reptile
reserva primitiva primitive area
resguardo natural escape cover
respiración respiration
restauración restoration
revolcadero wallowing place of animals
ritmo rhythm
ronca rut, rutting season
roncar to call the doe (as a buck in rut)
rostro rostrum
rumen rumen
rumia, rumiadura rumination
rumiante ruminant
rutina routine, habit
saco aéreo air sac, cell
saco vitelina yolk sac
salvaje wild, untamed
salvajina, no game meat
secreción secretion
señuelo decoy, lure
silbo hiss, hissing
simbiosis symbiosis
simbiótico symbiotic
solitario solitary
tectriz covert
tejonera badger burrow
telemetría telemetry
temporada abierta open season
temporada cerrada closed season
tendencia trend
terrestre terrestrial
terrícola earth dwelling
territorial territorial
torca cave, cavern
trampa trap, snare
trampero, ra trapper
triangulación triangulation
tullidura bird of prey scats, droppings
ungulado ungulate
vampiro vampire
venado deer
venado, carne de venison
veneno venom
vereda path, trail
verriondez estrus of swine and sheep
verriondo, da rutting in swine or sheep
vertebrado vertebrate
víbora viper
víbora de cascabel rattlesnake
vivíparo viviparous
volateo to shoot birds on the wing
vuelo escape, flight
zanca long leg of bird
zarpa paw of large felines
zona climática climatic zone
zona selvática wilderness area
zorrera fox hole
zurear to coo (doves)
zureo cooing (doves)


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