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abundancia abundance
acrecentador increaser
acubilar to gather cattle
acui aguic
adaptación adaptation
agronomía agronomy
alambre de paras barbed wire
albuhera, amanal pond, stock tank
almarjal marshland, swamp
alpestre, alpino, na alpine
álveo streambed
ambiental environmental
ambiente environment
amnícola riparian, terrestrial
amplitud amplitude
análisis analysis
análisis cualitativo qualitative analysis
análisis cuantitativo quantitative analysis
analítico, ca analytic, analytical
añojal fallow land
anojo yearling calf or lamb
arbustivo, va shrub-like
apacentadero pasture, grazing area
apacentar to graze
aparcería sharecropping
aprovechamiento use, utilization
arboleda orchard
arbolado woodland
arbusto shrub
arcabuco dense woodland or brush thicket
arcabucosa densely wooded
área basal basal area
área de exclusión enclosure
árido arid
arrodillar to pen or corral
arroyar to form gullies
arroyo ephemeral watercourse
arroyuelo brooklet
ártico, ca arctic
aspecto aspect
asocies associes
asociación de plantas plant association, community
atmosfera atmosphere
autecología autecology
auto fertilización self-fertilization
autogamia autogamy
autopolinización self-pollination
avaluar assess
badina small shallow pond
barbechada plowing of
barbechar to plow
becerra female yearling calf
becerro yearling bull calf
bioma biome
biomasa biomass
biota biota
biótico, ca biotic
biótico, potencial biotic potential
biotipo biotype
bioclimatología bioclimatology
biógeno, na biogenic
biogeografía biogeography
boalaje pasture (area) for cattle
bode male goat
bodón, estanque ephemeral pond that dries in summer
boñiga cattle dung
borregada flock of yearling sheep
borrego, ga yearling lamb, ewe
borreguero, pastor shepard
borrica female donkey
borusca dry, fallen leaves or brushwood
boscaje thicket
boscoso densely wooded
bosque woods, forest, woodland
bosta horse, cow dung
bovino bovine
brote sprout, bud, shoot
brotadura budding, sprouting
brotar to sprout, bud
broza litter, (leaves, branches)
brozoso, sa brushy with undergrowth
burra female ass
borrada herd of donkeys, asses
burro donkey, ass
caballada horse herd
caballo horse
cabezo high hill, peak
cabra female goat
cabrito, ta young goat
caducifolia deciduous
calverizo, za or calvero with many open areas in the woods or forest
campiña countryside
campo field (the field)
cañada gulch, ravine, big gulley
capa freática groundwater
capacidad de pastoreo grazing capacity
carnerada flock of sheep
carnero sheep, ram
carvajal oak grove or wood
catadura sampling
cebada barley
cercado, cercamiento enclosure
césped sod
chamicera area of burnt woodland
chamizo half-burnt tree or log
chamuscar to singe, sear, scorch
cienaga marsh
clase de altura height class
clase de cobertura de follaje canopy class (foliage)
clase de condición del agostadero condition class
clase diamétrica diameter class
clase de edad age class
clase vitamorfológica life-form class
clasificación classification
clasificación de pastizales range classification
clima climate
climático, ca climatic
clímax climax
coacción coaction
cobertura vegetante vegetative cover
cobertura cerrada closed canopy
cobertura de follaje canopy (herbaceous)
cobertura del pastizal cover, range plant
cobertura del subsuelo ground cover
coeficiente de aprovechamiento proper use factor
cohorte cohort
colladía range of small hills
collado mountain pass or small
competición competition
comunidad community
comunidad clímax climax community
condición del pastizal range condition
consoción consociation
consocies consocies
constancia constancy
consumidor, ra consumer
continuo continuum
cosecha de forraje forage crop
crianza breed
cuadrato quadrat
cuenca watershed
cuesta summit
cuesta, pendiente slope, gradient
curso superior headwaters
deciduo deciduous
defecar to defecate
defoliación defoliation
defoliar to defoliate
densidad density
densidad de masa stand density
densitómetro densitometer
denso, sa dense
derecho de pastoreo grazing right
desarraigar, desenraizar to pull up by the roots
desembocadura mouth of river
desenraizar plant uprooting
desierto desert, wasteland
desmonte felling or clearing of trees
dioicas dioecious
dique de consolidación check dam
dispersión dispersal
dominante dominant
ecología ecology
ecológico ecologic, ecological
ecólogo, ga ecologist
ecotipo ecotype
ecotono ecotone
edáfico edaphic
efectos del fuego fire effects
embrosquilar to gather cattle into a fold
empotrerar to put cattle out to graze
encender to ignite, set afire
encerradero pen, sty or corral
encorralar to corral cattle
endémico endemic
enebral patch or thicket of juniper trees
enraizar to grow roots
entallecer to grow shoots, sprout
entrecriarse to grow among other plants
equilibrio equilibrium
erosión erosion
escabroso rugged, rough terrain
especie species
espécimen specimen
estancado stagnant
estanque pool, pond, reservoir
estéril barren
estiércol manure
estrato stratum
estrato inferior understory
eutrófico eutrophic
exposición exposure
faciación faciation
facies facies
fachinal marshland, marsh
fenología phenology
fidelidad fidelity
finquero farm owner
fisonomía physiognomy
fístula fistula
fitogeografía phytogeography
fitosociología phytosociology
follaje foliage
foresta forest, wood, grove
forestación forestation
forestal related to forests or
forastero forester, forest keeper forestry
forma biológica life-form
forma de pastar grazing habit
forraje forage
forrajear to forage
fotosíntesis photosynthesis
fragoso, escabroso rugged, rough terrain
frecuencia frequency
fresquedal area that remains green during dry season
fuego fire
fuente, manantial spring (water)
ganadería cattle ranching or breeding
ganado cattle
ganado caballar horses
ganado caprino goats
garma steep slope, ravine
gradiente gradient
graminívoro grass-eating
granja grange, farm
granjería farming
granjero, ra farmer
habitat habitat
halófilo halophytic
halófita halophyte
haza tract of arable land
hazuella small tract of land
hemisferio hemisphere
heno hay
herbáceo herbaceous
herbajar to put cattle out to graze
herbaje herbage
herbario botanist, herbarium
herbazal paddock, grassland
herbicida herbicide
herbívoro herbivore, herbivorous
hidrófito hydrophytic
hidrología hydrology
hidrometría water current gauging
hidrosere hydrosere
hiemación winter blooming
hierba forte, weed
hierba de césped sod grass
hojarasca litter
homogéneo, a homogenous
horizonte horizon
humedad humidity
humus humus
incendio fire
incendio de bosques forest fire
incendio del pastizal range fire
inclinación de la pendiente inclination, slope
índice index
inventario inventory
invernadero wintering place
investigación investigation
irrigación irrigation
isla island
isotermo, isotérmico isothermal
jardín botánico botanical garden
jehuite weeds
jerarquía hierarchy
lamedero salt lick
látame mulch, compost
lecho de inundación floodplain
linio, hilera row of tree, plants
llano prairie, plain
lodoso muddy, boggy
loma hill
lote de pastos range or grazing allotment
macho cabrio male goat
maleza weed (noxious)
malsano, na noxious, harmful
manada herd of cattle
manantial spring (water)
manejo de cuencas watershed management
manejo de fauna silvestre wildlife management
masa stand of trees
materia orgánica organic matter
materia seca dry matter
médano sand dune, dune
mejoramiento range improvement
mensuración mensuration
mesófito mesophyte
método method
metodología methodology
microclima microclimate
monoica monoecious
montaña mountain
Montañas Rocosas Rocky Mountains
montañoso, sa mountainous
monte woodland
montículo knoll, mound (small)
montuosidad ruggedness, wilderness
mosaico mosaic
muestra sample
nativo native, indigenous
naturaleza nature
natural natural
nicho niche
nocible, nociva noxious, harmful
novilla heifer
novillada drove of young cattle
novillo young buck
nutrición nutrition
nutriente nutrient
oligotrófico oligotrophic
onda, ola wave on water
ordenación de montes forest management
ordenación de la ganadería livestock management
ordenación de pastos range management
arqueta tree fork
otero hill, knoll, butte
oveja ewe
ovejuela small or young ewe
pacer to put out to graze
parcela de ensayo study plot
parcela experimental experimental plot
parcela de muestra transect plot
parición parturition time of cattle
paridera parturition place of cattle
parque to give birth
paso de ganado a park
pastadero stock driveway
pastadero libre pastureland
pastadero permanente open range
pastizal yearlong range
pasto pasture, pastureland
pastorear hay, fodder, grass feed
pastoreo diferido to graze
pastoreo en deferred grazing
rotación pastoreo rotation grazing
excesivo pastoreo overgrazing
limitado pastoreo conservative grazing
prematuro pastoreo premature grazing
selectivo selective grazing
pastura patullar, pasture, fodder
pisotear to trample
peñascal rocky terrain
peñasco steep rugged rock, crag
pendiente slope, gradient
perfil periódico, profile
ca período de periodic
pastoreo periodo grazing period
vegetativo growing season
picacho sharp peak or summit
pie-acre acre-foot
piedra rock, stone
planta indicadora indicator plant
plantar to plant
plantario, cama de siembra seedbed, plant nursery
plasticidad plasticity
pluviómetro rain gage
población population
podar to prune/trim a tree
poliandra, ra polyandrous
polígamo, ma polygamous
polímero, ra polymerous
polinización pollination
polución pollution
potencial del pastizal range condition
potrero pasture, paddock
pradal, prado meadow
pradejón small meadow
presencia presence
productor producer
química chemistry
químico chemical, chemist
radiación radiation
ramita twig
ramón browse, forage cut for fodder
ramonear to browse
rancajada, plant uprooting
ranchero rancher
rancho ranch
raso clearing
rebano flock of sheep
recolección collection
recomidas hedged
reconocimiento reconnaissance
redecilla reticulum (ruminant)
reforestación reforestation
regadero irrigation ditch
regadura irrigation
regona irrigation caner
relación relationship
reliquia relic
reserva reserve
reservación reservation
revegatación revegetation
riberano, na, ribereño, na riparian
rocalloso, sa stony, rocky
Rocallosas Montana Rocky Mountains
rocoso, sa stony, rocky
rumen rumen
rumia, rumiadura rumination
rumiante ruminant
rumiar to ruminate
sabana savanna
sacamuestra sampler
salega salt lick
salgar to feed salt to livestock
salinidad salinity
salino, na saline
salobre saline ground
seca, sequía dry season, drought
secadal dry barren land
secaral dry barren soil
sedimentación sedimentation
sedimentario, ría sedimentary
sedimento sediment
selva forest, woods
selvático, ca of the woods
sembradora de hileras seed drill
semiarbusto half shrub
semiárido, da semi arid
serrijón, serranía short mountain range
sierra rugged mountain range
sigmoideo, a sigmoid
sillada flat tract of land on mountain slope
sistema systems
sistemático, ca systemmatic
sitio site
sobre pastoreo overgrazing
sociabilidad sociability
subafluente tributary
subalpino, a subalpine
subespecie subspecies
substrato substratum
subterráneo, a subterranean
subtropical subtropical
subvuelo ground cover
sucesión succession
sucesión primaria primary succession
suelo soil, earth
suelos, apeo de soil survey
tastaña hard soil crust
técnica technique
tecnología technology
temporada season, period
tenada cattle barn
teoría theory
terracillas de sobrepastoreo cattle terraces
terraplén backfill
terrestre terrestial
terrateniente landholder
terreno, na tract of land
terreno abarrancado clay loam badland
terrón pea, clod of earth
tierra earth, soil
tipo de vegetación vegetative cover
tocan tree stump
tolerancia tolerance
toriondez rut of cattle
toriondo, da in rut (cattle)
toro bull
transpiración transpiration
transecto transect
trófico trophic
tundra tundra
ungulado ungulate
vaca cow
vacada cow herd
vacuno, na bovine
valor forrajero forage value
valoración del pastizal range appraisal
vaqueril pasture for cattle
vaquero, ra cowhand
varga steepest part of hill or slope
vecera heifer
vega fertile lowland
vegetación vegetation
vegetativo, va vegetative
vequeril pasture for cattle
veranada summer season
veranadero pasture used in summer
verano summer
verdasca, ramita twig
vigor vigor
vitalidad vitality
xerofita xerophyte
xerofítico xerophytic
yerbas weeds, fortes
yermo wasteland, barren land
zacatal pasture land
zacate grass
zacate amacollado grass, bunchgrass
zona zone
zona amortiguada buffer zone
zonificación zonation


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U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service

Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station

The Rocky Mountain Station is one of eight regional experiment stations, plus the Forest Products Laboratory and the Washington Office Staff, that make up the Forest Service research organization.


Research programs at the Rocky Mountain Station are coordinated with area universities and with other institutions. Many studies are conducted on a cooperative basis to accelerate solutions to problems involving range, water, wildlife and fish habitat, human and community development, timber, recreation, protection, and multiresource evaluation.


Research Work Units of the Rocky Mountain Station are operated in cooperation with universities in the following cities:

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona
Fort Collins, Colorado*
Laramie, Wyoming
Lincoln, Nebraska
Rapid City, South Dakota
Tempe, Arizona

*Station Headquarters: 240 W. Prospect St., Fort Collins, CO 80526

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