Pastizales |
abundancia | abundance |
acrecentador | increaser |
acubilar | to gather cattle |
acui | aguic |
adaptación | adaptation |
agronomía | agronomy |
alambre de paras | barbed wire |
albuhera, amanal | pond, stock tank |
almarjal | marshland, swamp |
alpestre, alpino, na | alpine |
álveo | streambed |
ambiental | environmental |
ambiente | environment |
amnícola | riparian, terrestrial |
amplitud | amplitude |
análisis | analysis |
análisis cualitativo | qualitative analysis |
análisis cuantitativo | quantitative analysis |
analítico, ca | analytic, analytical |
añojal | fallow land |
anojo | yearling calf or lamb |
arbustivo, va | shrub-like |
apacentadero | pasture, grazing area |
apacentar | to graze |
aparcería | sharecropping |
aprovechamiento | use, utilization |
arboleda | orchard |
arbolado | woodland |
arbusto | shrub |
arcabuco | dense woodland or brush thicket |
arcabucosa | densely wooded |
área basal | basal area |
área de exclusión | enclosure |
árido | arid |
arrodillar | to pen or corral |
arroyar | to form gullies |
arroyo | ephemeral watercourse |
arroyuelo | brooklet |
ártico, ca | arctic |
aspecto | aspect |
asocies | associes |
asociación de plantas | plant association, community |
atmosfera | atmosphere |
autecología | autecology |
auto fertilización | self-fertilization |
autogamia | autogamy |
autopolinización | self-pollination |
avaluar | assess |
badina | small shallow pond |
barbechada | plowing of |
barbechar | to plow |
becerra | female yearling calf |
becerro | yearling bull calf |
bioma | biome |
biomasa | biomass |
biota | biota |
biótico, ca | biotic |
biótico, potencial | biotic potential |
biotipo | biotype |
bioclimatología | bioclimatology |
biógeno, na | biogenic |
biogeografía | biogeography |
boalaje | pasture (area) for cattle |
bode | male goat |
bodón, estanque | ephemeral pond that dries in summer |
boñiga | cattle dung |
borregada | flock of yearling sheep |
borrego, ga | yearling lamb, ewe |
borreguero, pastor | shepard |
borrica | female donkey |
borusca | dry, fallen leaves or brushwood |
boscaje | thicket |
boscoso | densely wooded |
bosque | woods, forest, woodland |
bosta | horse, cow dung |
bovino | bovine |
brote | sprout, bud, shoot |
brotadura | budding, sprouting |
brotar | to sprout, bud |
broza | litter, (leaves, branches) |
brozoso, sa | brushy with undergrowth |
burra | female ass |
borrada | herd of donkeys, asses |
burro | donkey, ass |
caballada | horse herd |
caballo | horse |
cabezo | high hill, peak |
cabra | female goat |
cabrito, ta | young goat |
caducifolia | deciduous |
calverizo, za or calvero | with many open areas in the woods or forest |
campiña | countryside |
campo | field (the field) |
cañada | gulch, ravine, big gulley |
capa freática | groundwater |
capacidad de pastoreo | grazing capacity |
carnerada | flock of sheep |
carnero | sheep, ram |
carvajal | oak grove or wood |
catadura | sampling |
cebada | barley |
cercado, cercamiento | enclosure |
césped | sod |
chamicera | area of burnt woodland |
chamizo | half-burnt tree or log |
chamuscar | to singe, sear, scorch |
cienaga | marsh |
clase de altura | height class |
clase de cobertura de follaje | canopy class (foliage) |
clase de condición del agostadero | condition class |
clase diamétrica | diameter class |
clase de edad | age class |
clase vitamorfológica | life-form class |
clasificación | classification |
clasificación de pastizales | range classification |
clima | climate |
climático, ca | climatic |
clímax | climax |
coacción | coaction |
cobertura vegetante | vegetative cover |
cobertura cerrada | closed canopy |
cobertura de follaje | canopy (herbaceous) |
cobertura del pastizal | cover, range plant |
cobertura del subsuelo | ground cover |
coeficiente de aprovechamiento | proper use factor |
cohorte | cohort |
colladía | range of small hills |
collado | mountain pass or small |
competición | competition |
comunidad | community |
comunidad clímax | climax community |
condición del pastizal | range condition |
consoción | consociation |
consocies | consocies |
constancia | constancy |
consumidor, ra | consumer |
continuo | continuum |
cosecha de forraje | forage crop |
crianza | breed |
cuadrato | quadrat |
cuenca | watershed |
cuesta | summit |
cuesta, pendiente | slope, gradient |
curso superior | headwaters |
deciduo | deciduous |
defecar | to defecate |
defoliación | defoliation |
defoliar | to defoliate |
densidad | density |
densidad de masa | stand density |
densitómetro | densitometer |
denso, sa | dense |
derecho de pastoreo | grazing right |
desarraigar, desenraizar | to pull up by the roots |
desembocadura | mouth of river |
desenraizar | plant uprooting |
desierto | desert, wasteland |
desmonte | felling or clearing of trees |
dioicas | dioecious |
dique de consolidación | check dam |
dispersión | dispersal |
dominante | dominant |
ecología | ecology |
ecológico | ecologic, ecological |
ecólogo, ga | ecologist |
ecotipo | ecotype |
ecotono | ecotone |
edáfico | edaphic |
efectos del fuego | fire effects |
embrosquilar | to gather cattle into a fold |
empotrerar | to put cattle out to graze |
encender | to ignite, set afire |
encerradero | pen, sty or corral |
encorralar | to corral cattle |
endémico | endemic |
enebral | patch or thicket of juniper trees |
enraizar | to grow roots |
entallecer | to grow shoots, sprout |
entrecriarse | to grow among other plants |
equilibrio | equilibrium |
erosión | erosion |
escabroso | rugged, rough terrain |
especie | species |
espécimen | specimen |
estancado | stagnant |
estanque | pool, pond, reservoir |
estéril | barren |
estiércol | manure |
estrato | stratum |
estrato inferior | understory |
eutrófico | eutrophic |
exposición | exposure |
faciación | faciation |
facies | facies |
fachinal | marshland, marsh |
fenología | phenology |
fidelidad | fidelity |
finquero | farm owner |
fisonomía | physiognomy |
fístula | fistula |
fitogeografía | phytogeography |
fitosociología | phytosociology |
follaje | foliage |
foresta | forest, wood, grove |
forestación | forestation |
forestal | related to forests or |
forastero | forester, forest keeper forestry |
forma biológica | life-form |
forma de pastar | grazing habit |
forraje | forage |
forrajear | to forage |
fotosíntesis | photosynthesis |
fragoso, escabroso | rugged, rough terrain |
frecuencia | frequency |
fresquedal | area that remains green during dry season |
fuego | fire |
fuente, manantial | spring (water) |
ganadería | cattle ranching or breeding |
ganado | cattle |
ganado caballar | horses |
ganado caprino | goats |
garma | steep slope, ravine |
gradiente | gradient |
graminívoro | grass-eating |
granja | grange, farm |
granjería | farming |
granjero, ra | farmer |
habitat | habitat |
halófilo | halophytic |
halófita | halophyte |
haza | tract of arable land |
hazuella | small tract of land |
hemisferio | hemisphere |
heno | hay |
herbáceo | herbaceous |
herbajar | to put cattle out to graze |
herbaje | herbage |
herbario | botanist, herbarium |
herbazal | paddock, grassland |
herbicida | herbicide |
herbívoro | herbivore, herbivorous |
hidrófito | hydrophytic |
hidrología | hydrology |
hidrometría | water current gauging |
hidrosere | hydrosere |
hiemación | winter blooming |
hierba | forte, weed |
hierba de césped | sod grass |
hojarasca | litter |
homogéneo, a | homogenous |
horizonte | horizon |
humedad | humidity |
humus | humus |
incendio | fire |
incendio de bosques | forest fire |
incendio del pastizal | range fire |
inclinación de la pendiente | inclination, slope |
índice | index |
inventario | inventory |
invernadero | wintering place |
investigación | investigation |
irrigación | irrigation |
isla | island |
isotermo, isotérmico | isothermal |
jardín botánico | botanical garden |
jehuite | weeds |
jerarquía | hierarchy |
lamedero | salt lick |
látame | mulch, compost |
lecho de inundación | floodplain |
linio, hilera | row of tree, plants |
llano | prairie, plain |
lodoso | muddy, boggy |
loma | hill |
lote de pastos | range or grazing allotment |
macho cabrio | male goat |
maleza | weed (noxious) |
malsano, na | noxious, harmful |
manada | herd of cattle |
manantial | spring (water) |
manejo de cuencas | watershed management |
manejo de fauna silvestre | wildlife management |
masa | stand of trees |
materia orgánica | organic matter |
materia seca | dry matter |
médano | sand dune, dune |
mejoramiento | range improvement |
mensuración | mensuration |
mesófito | mesophyte |
método | method |
metodología | methodology |
microclima | microclimate |
monoica | monoecious |
montaña | mountain |
Montañas Rocosas | Rocky Mountains |
montañoso, sa | mountainous |
monte | woodland |
montículo | knoll, mound (small) |
montuosidad | ruggedness, wilderness |
mosaico | mosaic |
muestra | sample |
nativo | native, indigenous |
naturaleza | nature |
natural | natural |
nicho | niche |
nocible, nociva | noxious, harmful |
novilla | heifer |
novillada | drove of young cattle |
novillo | young buck |
nutrición | nutrition |
nutriente | nutrient |
oligotrófico | oligotrophic |
onda, ola | wave on water |
ordenación de montes | forest management |
ordenación de la ganadería | livestock management |
ordenación de pastos | range management |
arqueta | tree fork |
otero | hill, knoll, butte |
oveja | ewe |
ovejuela | small or young ewe |
pacer | to put out to graze |
parcela de ensayo | study plot |
parcela experimental | experimental plot |
parcela de muestra | transect plot |
parición | parturition time of cattle |
paridera | parturition place of cattle |
parque | to give birth |
paso de ganado | a park |
pastadero | stock driveway |
pastadero libre | pastureland |
pastadero permanente | open range |
pastizal | yearlong range |
pasto | pasture, pastureland |
pastorear | hay, fodder, grass feed |
pastoreo diferido | to graze |
pastoreo en | deferred grazing |
rotación pastoreo | rotation grazing |
excesivo pastoreo | overgrazing |
limitado pastoreo | conservative grazing |
prematuro pastoreo | premature grazing |
selectivo | selective grazing |
pastura patullar, | pasture, fodder |
pisotear | to trample |
peñascal | rocky terrain |
peñasco | steep rugged rock, crag |
pendiente | slope, gradient |
perfil periódico, | profile |
ca período de | periodic |
pastoreo periodo | grazing period |
vegetativo | growing season |
picacho | sharp peak or summit |
pie-acre | acre-foot |
piedra | rock, stone |
planta indicadora | indicator plant |
plantar | to plant |
plantario, cama de siembra | seedbed, plant nursery |
plasticidad | plasticity |
pluviómetro | rain gage |
población | population |
podar | to prune/trim a tree |
poliandra, ra | polyandrous |
polígamo, ma | polygamous |
polímero, ra | polymerous |
polinización | pollination |
polución | pollution |
potencial del pastizal | range condition |
potrero | pasture, paddock |
pradal, prado | meadow |
pradejón | small meadow |
presencia | presence |
productor | producer |
química | chemistry |
químico | chemical, chemist |
radiación | radiation |
ramita | twig |
ramón | browse, forage cut for fodder |
ramonear | to browse |
rancajada, | plant uprooting |
ranchero | rancher |
rancho | ranch |
raso | clearing |
rebano | flock of sheep |
recolección | collection |
recomidas | hedged |
reconocimiento | reconnaissance |
redecilla | reticulum (ruminant) |
reforestación | reforestation |
regadero | irrigation ditch |
regadura | irrigation |
regona | irrigation caner |
relación | relationship |
reliquia | relic |
reserva | reserve |
reservación | reservation |
revegatación | revegetation |
riberano, na, ribereño, na | riparian |
rocalloso, sa | stony, rocky |
Rocallosas Montana | Rocky Mountains |
rocoso, sa | stony, rocky |
rumen | rumen |
rumia, rumiadura | rumination |
rumiante | ruminant |
rumiar | to ruminate |
sabana | savanna |
sacamuestra | sampler |
salega | salt lick |
salgar | to feed salt to livestock |
salinidad | salinity |
salino, na | saline |
salobre | saline ground |
seca, sequía | dry season, drought |
secadal | dry barren land |
secaral | dry barren soil |
sedimentación | sedimentation |
sedimentario, ría | sedimentary |
sedimento | sediment |
selva | forest, woods |
selvático, ca | of the woods |
sembradora de hileras | seed drill |
semiarbusto | half shrub |
semiárido, da | semi arid |
serrijón, serranía | short mountain range |
sierra | rugged mountain range |
sigmoideo, a | sigmoid |
sillada | flat tract of land on mountain slope |
sistema | systems |
sistemático, ca | systemmatic |
sitio | site |
sobre pastoreo | overgrazing |
sociabilidad | sociability |
subafluente | tributary |
subalpino, a | subalpine |
subespecie | subspecies |
substrato | substratum |
subterráneo, a | subterranean |
subtropical | subtropical |
subvuelo | ground cover |
sucesión | succession |
sucesión primaria | primary succession |
suelo | soil, earth |
suelos, apeo de | soil survey |
tastaña | hard soil crust |
técnica | technique |
tecnología | technology |
temporada | season, period |
tenada | cattle barn |
teoría | theory |
terracillas de sobrepastoreo | cattle terraces |
terraplén | backfill |
terrestre | terrestial |
terrateniente | landholder |
terreno, na | tract of land |
terreno abarrancado | clay loam badland |
terrón | pea, clod of earth |
tierra | earth, soil |
tipo de vegetación | vegetative cover |
tocan | tree stump |
tolerancia | tolerance |
toriondez | rut of cattle |
toriondo, da | in rut (cattle) |
toro | bull |
transpiración | transpiration |
transecto | transect |
trófico | trophic |
tundra | tundra |
ungulado | ungulate |
vaca | cow |
vacada | cow herd |
vacuno, na | bovine |
valor forrajero | forage value |
valoración del pastizal | range appraisal |
vaqueril | pasture for cattle |
vaquero, ra | cowhand |
varga | steepest part of hill or slope |
vecera | heifer |
vega | fertile lowland |
vegetación | vegetation |
vegetativo, va | vegetative |
vequeril | pasture for cattle |
veranada | summer season |
veranadero | pasture used in summer |
verano | summer |
verdasca, ramita | twig |
vigor | vigor |
vitalidad | vitality |
xerofita | xerophyte |
xerofítico | xerophytic |
yerbas | weeds, fortes |
yermo | wasteland, barren land |
zacatal | pasture land |
zacate | grass |
zacate amacollado | grass, bunchgrass |
zona | zone |
zona amortiguada | buffer zone |
zonificación | zonation |
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U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
The Rocky Mountain Station is one of eight regional experiment stations, plus the Forest Products Laboratory and the Washington Office Staff, that make up the Forest Service research organization.
Research programs at the Rocky Mountain Station are coordinated with area universities and with other institutions. Many studies are conducted on a cooperative basis to accelerate solutions to problems involving range, water, wildlife and fish habitat, human and community development, timber, recreation, protection, and multiresource evaluation.
Research Work Units of the Rocky Mountain Station are operated in cooperation with universities in the following cities:
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona
Fort Collins, Colorado*
Laramie, Wyoming
Lincoln, Nebraska
Rapid City, South Dakota
Tempe, Arizona
*Station Headquarters: 240 W. Prospect St., Fort Collins, CO 80526