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8. Pest control using insecticides

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8.1 Insecticides
8.2 Application techniques
8.3 Calculating the dosage of insecticides in stored product pest control
8.4 Precautionary measures
8.5 Equipment
8.6 Further literature

In pest control there are two kinds of treatment which complement each other: preventive and curative measures. The preventive measures, which consist above all in suitable storage buildings and the careful observance of all hygiene measures, form the basis of all pest control. Without these, any other measures are bound to be of no effect arid uneconomic. Preventive pest control is described in detail in section 5.2; section 3.3 also contains relevant information.

The most important curative measure in stored-product pest control is the application of chemicals. A distinction is made between insecticides and fumigants (see chapter 9).

The parts of this chapter concerned with the use of insecticides apply only to central storage. section 4.4.3 deals with the application of insecticides in small farm storage. The remaining parts of this chapter are equally relevant for both types of storage.

8.1 Insecticides

General Principles

8.1.2 Scope of Application in Central Storage

Good store management and high standards of hygiene are the basic requirements for successful pest control.

In central storage, i.e. in warehouses, the following scopes of application for insecticides apply:

Surface treatment of empty warehouses

This is an efficient curative control method to clean up warehouses before intake of new stocks. Attention must be paid to the use of suitable insecticide formulations. On surfaces the activity of EC formulations is generally very poor. WP formulations tend to perform better. All insecticides are more persistent on smooth, concrete surfaces than on rough and alkaline (white washed) ones. In extensive laboratory tests conducted in Germany the active ingredients tetrachlorvinphos, deltamethrin and phoxim showed the best overall performance.

During the last years it has been proven in several tests that residual spraying of surfaces like store walls and floors is not economic because the residual activity of most insecticides is very short under these circumstances. On absorbent surfaces like limewash, whitewash, cement, and bricks the activity of insecticide residues tends to be very short, irrespective of the active ingredient or formulation. Pyrethroids form an exception, being considerably more persistent. For residual surface protection inert dusts seem to offer considerable potential (cf. section 10.2).

It goes without saying that insecticides are much more effective on clean surfaces than on dirty ones. The cleaning of empty stores before any surface spraying should be an indispensable standard practice.

Surface treatment of bag stacks

For a long time it has been common practice to protect bag stacks from becoming infested by means of treatment with long-term contact insecticides. However, this method is unsatisfactory as the pesticides decompose too rapidly. On non-absorbent bag surfaces like polypropylene insecticide activity is better than on the highly absorbent jute bags.

As a conclusion it can be recommended to practice surface spraying of bag stacks only as non-residual application at the time of stack fumigation. Continued surface spraying could multiply resistance because of the repeated exposure of stored product insect populations to sublethal dosages.

It would be more effective to treat the individual layers of bags during stacking. Anyway, this is regarded as being less practicable.

An alternative to surface treatment consists in covering the stack of bags with light cotton or nylon sheets which provide a barrier to crawling or flying insects. Impregnation of the sheets with repellent substances (e.g. neem oil, see section increases the effect of keeping the stored commodity uninfested. However, regular observation of the stack becomes more difficult and the costs must be considered.

Space treatment of warehouses

Space treatment is best done by fogging. It requires a tightly sealable store. This method is particularly suited for curative control of flying pests.

Evaporation strips hanging up in a well closed store serve for preventive moth control.

All kind of treatments in stores must be followed up in order to check the success.

8.1.3 Formulations

The insecticides sold on the market by manufacturers are referred to as commercial products. They contain one or more active ingredients as well as carriers and special additives. The latter improve the adhesion of the active ingredient on the surface treated and the stability, act as synergists or simply colour the insecticide as a warning agent.

Depending on the formulation, the commercial products either have to be mixed with a liquid, which is generally water, to form a spraying mixture or are sold ready for use.

The most common formulations are listed below. Abbreviations are in accordance with the FAO specifications.

8.1.4 Requirements for insecticides in Storage

While there is a great number of products against agricultural pests there are only few products available which meet the special requirements of pest control in storage.

Insecticides for stored product protection should meet the following requirements. None of the existing products, however, will entirely fulfil all of them:

It is pan of the user's responsibility to select the correct insecticide meeting most of his specific requirements. The following information is intended as an aid for the right choice.

8.1.5 Groups of Active ingredients in Storage Pest Control

There are two main groups of active ingredients used in stored product protection, organophosphorous compounds and pyrethroids:

Organophosphorous compounds

They are effective against most storage pests, although less against the Bostrichidae (Rhyzopertha dominica, Prostephanus truncates, Dinoderus spp.). Some of these compounds are sensitive to hot and moist conditions. The following products are commonly used:

Active Ingredient Brand names
Pirimiphos-methyl Actellic
Fenitrothion Folithion, Sumithion
Chlorpyrifos-methyl Reldan
Methacrifos Damfin
Dichlorvos (DDVP) Nuvan, Vapona
lodofenphos Nuvanol
Tetrachlorvinphos Gardona
Phoxim Baythion
Malathion Malathion, Malagrain etc.


They are very effective against Bostrichidae, though less against other species of beetles. They also provide a good moth control. The most common are:

Active ingredient Brand names
Deltamethrin K-Othrin
Permethrin Permethrin
Fenvalerate Sumicidin
Cyfluthrin Baythroid

Combined products

Combined products, also known as "cocktails", containing an organophosphorous compound and a pyrethroid have been used as broadspectrum insecticides for some years and have performed very well in cases of mixed infestation. The following preparations are commonly found on the market:

Active ingredients Brand names
Pirimiphos-methyl + Permethrin Actellic Super
Pirimiphos-methyl + Deltamethrin K-Othrine Combi
Fenitrothion + Cyfluthrin Baythroid Combi
Fenitrothion + Fenvalerate Sumicombi

Other groups of active ingredients

Chlorinated hydrocarbons which were used for a long time in storage pest control are today no longer admissible due to their high persistence and health hazard.

In the group of carbamates, carbaryl ("Sevin") is used to a limited degree in storage pest control. It is quite effective against Rhizopertha dominica.

8.1.6 Choice of insecticide with Respect to the Species and the Properties of the Surfaces to be Treated

In the following two tables results of laboratory tests on the persistence of stored product insecticides under tropical climate conditions are presented. These tables provide information for the choice of appropriate insecticides according to climatic conditions. For each pest insect species the maximum period with at least 90% control effect is indicated. Under practical conditions we have to suppose a shorter residual effect.

Effect Or Stored Product insecticides under Arid Conditions (Temperature: 36°C; relative humidity: 50%)

Active ingredient
Trade name
Effect on Cryptolestes ferrugineus Effect on Oryzaephilus surinamensis Effect on Rhyzopertha dominica Effect on Tribolium castaneum Effect on Trogoderma granarium
Reldan E2
5 ml (10 ppm a.i.)
9-12 months 9 months 3 months 9-12 months more than
12 months
Decis Dust 0.1
100 g (1 ppm a.i.)
9-12 months 9-12 months 24 months less than
1 month
less than
1 month
Folithion 1%DP 24
100 g (10 ppm a.i.)
24 months 24 months 18 months 12 months 18 months
Nuvanol N2P
100 g (20 ppm a.i.)
24 months more than
18 months
3 months 9-12 months more than
18 months
Damfin 2P
50 g (10 ppm a.i.)
4 months 18 months1 3 months 3 months 9 months
Actellic 25 EC
4 ml (10 ppm a.i.)
more than
18 months
12 months no effect 12 months more than
18 months
Pyrethrum +
Dusturan Dust
100 g
(1.7 + 26.6 ppm)
less than
1 month
no effect no effect no effect no effect

* per 100 kg of grain (according to manufacturers' instructions)
1only on offspring; no effect on adults

100 % effect during at least 12 months; product suitable for long-term storage
efficient between 6 and 12 months; suitable within the limits indicated
efficient from 3 to 5 months; only to be used for short-term protection
no or very short effect; application useless

Effect of Stored Product insecticides under Humid Conditions (Temperature 28°C: relative humidity: 75%)

Active ingredient
Trade name
Effect on Oryzaephilus surinamensis Effect on Prostephanus truncatus Effect on Rhyzopertha dominica Effect on Sitophilus zeamais Effect on Tribolium castaneum
Reldan E 2
5 ml (10 ppm a.i.)
3 - 5 months no effect no effect 4 months 9 months
Baythroid EC
2 g (2 ppm a.i..)
3-4 months 24 months 24 months no effect no effect
Decis Dust 0.1
100 g (1 ppm a.i.)
24 months 24 months 24 months no effect 6 months
Decis EC
6.8 g (1 ppm a.i.)
more than

12 months

24 months 24 months no effect 6 months
Folithion 1% DP
100 g (10 ppm a.i.)
24 months no effect 3- 4 months more than

12 months

more than

12 months

Nuvanol N2P
100 g (20 ppm a.i.)
12 months no effect no effect 6 months 6 months
Damfin 2P
50 g (10 ppm a.i.)


no effect no effect 3-4


less then

1 month

Actellic Dust
50 g (10 ppm a.i.)
12 months no effect no effect 6 months 6 months
Actellic 50 EC
2 ml (10 ppm a.i.)
6 months no effect no effect 6 months 6 months
Pyrethrum +
Dusturan Dust
100 g
(1.7 + 26.6 ppm)
9 months less than
1 month
less then
1 month
less than
1 month
no effect

* per 100 kg of grain (according to manufacturers' instructions)

100 % effect during at least 12 months; product suitable for long-term storage
efficient between 6 and 12 months; suitable within the limits indicated
efficient from 3 to 5 months; only to be used for short-term protection
no or very short effect; application useless

The following pages provide a summary of the most commonly used insecticides in storage pest control and their properties, as well as notes on their application. For each active ingredient, the following data are provided (for definitions refer to sections 8.1.7 and 8.1.8):

- Organophosphorous compounds:


LD50: 1630 - 2140 mg/kg
MRL: 10 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 10 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.5 - 1%


Insecticide with contact, stomach and vapour action it has a moderate persistence and controls a wide spectrum of stored product pests (except

Rhyzopertha dominica). Resistances have been repotted repeatedly for several insect species.

Dichlorvos (DDVP)

LD50: 56 - 108 mg / kg
MRL: 2 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 2 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.250/D
Space treatments: dilute with diesel to up to 1% (I - 2//1 000 m³); preventive: 1 strip/30m³


Insecticide with a high vapour pressure and strong "knock down" effect. It is efficient against most stored product pests; especially against larval stages within the grain (high penetrating effect) and also against moths. Short residual stability. Recent tests proved DDVP to be potentially carcinogenous, so that restricted use or ban can be expected for the future.


LD50: 800 mg / kg
MRL: 10 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 10 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.5%


Fenitrothion has a broad-spectrum effect against all species, though it is not fully effective against Rhyzopertha dominica Good stability for more than 12 months. Suitable for use under traditional storage conditions as dustable powder.


LD50: 2 100 mg/kg
MRL: no recommendation
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 1 - 2%


lodofenphos is only used for surface treatments. It has a wide range effect against stored product pests, though less effective against Rhyzopertha dominica and Trogoderma granarium. It is often used for pest control on cement surfaces in warehouses as it shows relative good stability under alkaline conditions. The persistence is lower than that of fenitrothion.


LD50: 2 800 mg/kg
MRL: 8 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 8 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 2%


Malathion has been widely used for over 20 years what has led to marked resistances of stored product pests world-wide. In the United States the production has been stopped since 1991, partly in consequence of studies proving that intolerably high residues are very common in foodstuff in countries, where this cheap and generally efficient insecticide has not been intensively applicated in the past and resistances are not usual, it can still be used in small farmers' storage as dustable powder. Malathion has a weaker effect than most other organophosphorous insecticides and degrades comparatively quickly under hot and humid and alkaline conditions.


LD50: 678 mg/kg
MRL: 10 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 10 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.5%
Space treatments: 5% as fog-solution (1l/1 000 m³)


Methacrifos acts as contact, vapour and stomach poison against all important storage pests and their larval stages within the grain. It is effective against many malathion-resistant insects. It has a pronounced "knock-down" effect and controls also Rhyzopertha dominica. It degrades significantly at high temperature and humidity.


LD50: 1975 mg / kg
MRL: no recommendation
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.2% in empty stores
Space treatments: 5% as fog-solution (I - 2//1 000 m³)


Phoxim is mainly used for surface and space treatments in empty warehouses and concrete silos. It has a broad spectrum of activity with stomach and contact action. Phoxim is a short-term insecticide with a "knock-down" effect. It shows cross resistance to malathion-resistant insects.


LD50: 2050 mg/kg
MRL: 10 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 10 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.5%

Space treatments: dilute with diesel to up to 5% (1 - 2 l/1 000 m³)


Pirimiphos-methyl is a fast acting wide range insecticide with contact and vapour action. It has long lasting effect to a wide range of stored product pests, but it is not sufficiently effective against Rhyzopertha dominica. The effect is comparable to that of fenitrothion and chlorpyrifos-methyl, but pirimiphos-methyl appears more potent to malathion-resistant strains. In the last years pirimiphos-methyl-resistances have already been occasionally reported.


LD50: 4 000 mg/kg
MRL: no recommendation
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 15 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 1 - 2%


This insecticide has shown to be effective against many species stored product pests. It has a good persistence on alkaline surfaces and is therefore used for structural treatments of warehouses and concrete silos.

- Pyrethroids:


LD50: 500 mg / kg
MRL: 2 ppm (in Australia)
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 1 - 2 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.4 - 0.8%


Cyfluthrin provides reliable protection of stored products against crawling and flying insects. It controls insect strains resistant to organophosphorous compounds. It has a long residual activity also on alkaline surfaces.


LD50: 135 - 5 000 mg / kg
MRL: 1 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 1 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.1 - 0.1 5%

Space treatments: dilute with diesel to up to 1% (1 l/1 000 m³)


Deltamethrin is one of the most potent active ingredients of the synthetic pyrethroids. It is effective against most storage pests (exception: Sitophilus spp.), in particular against all species of the family of Bostrichidae such as Rhyzopertha dominica and Prostephanus truncates. It shows a delayed but long lasting action.


LD50: 451 mg/kg
MRL: 2 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 2 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.5%


Fenvalerate has shown to be effective against Rhyzopertha dominica It acts as a contact and stomach poison against most insect species and has an adequate stability.


LD50: 430 - 4 000 mg/kg
MRL: 2 ppm
Dosage rate (admixture to cereals): 2 ppm
Dosage rate (surface treatment): 0.25%


Permethrin is effective against a wide range of stored product pests, particularly against Rhyzopertha dominica and Prostephanus truncates, but it has only weak action on species of Tribolium. It is most valuable when used in combination with organophosphorous insecticides and has a long stability.

- Combined products:

The following dosages apply for the admixture of combined products formulated as dustable powders to stored cereals:

Fenitrothion + Cyfluthrin: 8 + 0.2 ppm
Fenitrothion + Fenvalerate: 5 + 1 ppm
Pirimiphos-methyl + Deltamethrin: 5 + 0.5 ppm
Pirimiphos-methyl + Permethrin: 8 + 1.5 ppm

For combined products MRL are not yet defined by FAO/WHO, as it is difficult to assess synergistic effects which may occur.

8.1.7 Toxicity of Insecticides

Insecticides are not only poisonous to the target organisms but also in varying degrees to humans, animals and the environment.

The "LD50" of an insecticide is used to assess its potential danger. LD stands for Lethal Dose. The LD50 is stated in milligrams (mg) of the relevant insecticide per kilogram body weight of test animals, usually rats. The LD50 is the amount of an active ingredient which will lead to the death of 50% of a group of test animals after a single application. As the toxicity of an insecticide also varies according to the kind of contact with the body, a distinction is made between LD50 (oral) and LD50 (dermal).

Insecticides are classified according to their toxicity as follows:

Classification LD50 for rats (mg/kg body weight)
  oral dermal
Extremely hazardous under 25 under 50
Highly hazardous 25 - 200 50 - 400
Moderately hazardous 200 - 2 000 400 - 2 000
Slightly hazardous over 2 000 over 2 000

The LD50 applies to the pure active ingredient of an insecticide although the concentration as well as the type of formulation and application also play a role. Insecticides with a high LD50 have a relatively low acute toxicity. This does not affect, however, possible long-term (chronic) dangers to health.

In order to estimate the long-term effects of an insecticide, the "no effect dose" is used. This dose is generally referred to as NOAEL (no observed adverse effect level). This refers to the highest concentration of an active ingredient in mg kg body weight of test animals administered daily in long-term tests without causing any symptoms of poisoning.

This value is divided by a safety factor, usually of 100. The result is the maximum amount of an active ingredient (in mg/kg body weight) which a person can consume daily over the complete lifespan without any damage to her or his health according to the present state of knowledge. This value is called the ADI (acceptable daily intake). Regrettably, adequate data are still lacking today in many respects, particularly as far as the combined effect of a number of chemicals is concerned.

8.1.8 Residues

Contamination with insecticide residues takes place first and foremost by eating contaminated produce. Insecticides and their decomposition products can still be found as residues in the produce treated a fairly long period ago. If the insecticide concerned has a high acute toxicity, immediate illness may result (see section 8.4.3).

Active ingredients which are chemically very stable and thus decompose slowly (i.e. which have a high persistence) may have a long term effect. Even with lower acute toxicity they may lead to chronic poisoning as a result of their accumulation, particularly in fatty tissue. This is the case, for example, with DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons. Regrettably, these are still used in stored product pest control, even though they are no longer officially permitted in most countries.

"Maximum residue limits" (MRL) have been laid down for all insecticides to protect consumers. MRL refer to the relevant foodstuff As a large amount of the insecticide is decomposed in processing, higher residue limits are permitted in primary products (e.g. raw grain) than in processed products (e.g. flour). it is assumed that people eating foods containing insecticide residues not exceeding the MRL will not reach the amount stated in the ADI value (see section 8. 1.7).

As it may occur that produce treated, e.g. grain, will be eaten soon after treatment, the amount of insecticide applied must not exceed the admissible maximum residue limits. Attention is paid to this requirement in the recommendations of the FAO/WHO Joint Codex Committee and in national legislations.

In the last years preoccupation with human health has brought forth new approaches to the toxicological evaluation of insecticides. Therefore the TMDI (theoretical maximum daily intake) has been introduced, which is based on the multiplication of the MRL of staple items of national diets by their estimated daily consumption.

As it is practically impossible to predict the TMDI it has been proposed by FAO/WHO to use the estimated maximum daily intake (EMDI) for a more realistic assessment of health hazards for consumers. A further refinement is the estimated daily intake (EDI). Calculation of these factors is, however, only possible for countries with reliable databases, so that their practical value is rather limited.

In order to keep the intake of insecticides as low as possible, the following measures should be taken:

8.1.9 Resistance

Resistance means that the target pests are no longer controlled by the originally recommended application rate of an insecticide. Resistance develops as a result of a selection process. In a pest population there are always individuals which react less sensitively than the majority to any insecticide treatment. They have a chance of surviving and of reproducing. If they succeed they pass on their insensibility to the next generation. Thus, over a period of time, a process of selection of resistant insects takes place.

Insect species with a high rate of reproduction (short generation periods, large number of offspring) build up resistance more rapidly than others. The climate in the tropics and the resulting short generation periods are particularly favourable to the development of resistance. The process of resistance development is speeded up, if

An insect population may become resistant to two different insecticides, even if they have only been treated with one of them. I his phenomenon is called cross resistance and may even occur if the two insecticides belong to two different chemical groups.

When insects show resistance against different active ingredients as well as against different groups of insecticides multi-resistance exists.

A distinction is made between various forms of resistance:

Increasing the amount of insecticide is no solution as it promotes further resistance. I his approach is also uneconomical and not permitted because of let al stipulations of maximum residue limits.

Note: As a result of the intensive application of malathion in recent years, resistance to this insecticide has developed world-wide. It is therefore no longer possible to generally recommend it for pest control in storage. Malathion-resistant insects frequently exhibit cross resistances to newer organophosphorous compounds.

Attention should be paid to the fact, that resistances against chorpyrifos-methyl are already rather widespread and first resistances against pirimiphos-methyl have already appeared in countries, where it is applied frequently. Resistant insect strains may be world-wide distributed by the trade.

8.2 Application techniques

8.2.1 Surface Treatment Using Sprays

Sprays for storage pest control are prepared of EC- and WP-formulations (see section 8.1.3). They are used for surface treatment of both storage rooms and stacks of bags. They may also be used to spray produce during its transportation on conveyor belts into silos. Sprayers

Depending on the height and size of the area being treated, manually operated or motor-driven knapsack or mobile pump sprayers with a capacity of between 10 and 100 litres are used The latter are particularly recommendable for the treatment of the roof area in large stores illustrations of some of the most

The operating instructions must be carefully observed when using the sprayers in order to avoid any incorrect treatment, health damage or damage to the sprayers. Regular care and maintenance of the sprayers is a matter of course. Thorough cleaning after use is particularly necessary.

Figure 107 Preparing the Spraying Liquid

The spraying liquid should always be prepared in a bucket and not directly in the sprayer. This ensures a thorough mixing.

For the preparation of EC formulations pour the required amount of water in a bucket (1), add the calculated amount of insecticide with a measuring cup (2) and thoroughly mix using a stick (3). The mixture should then be filled into the sprayer through the filter located on the insecticide tank (4) in order to avoid the clogging of the nozzle by din. EC liquids for spraying are stable mixtures (emulsions) which do not separate even after longer periods.

Figure 108

For the preparation of WP formulations weigh the necessary amount, mix it to a thick paste with a little water and then dilute by slowly adding the remaining water. Stir thoroughly with a stick. WP mixtures for spraying are instable suspensions and must be continually stirred while being applied to avoid the powder settling on the bottom of the spray tank. Application of the Spray

Treatment should start immediately after the mixture is ready. If any liquid is left in the sprayer for a while, it should be mixed again before being applied.

It is important that the amount calculated and prepared for the area being treated (see section is applied evenly. This requires some experience on the part of the user. In case of remaining or not sufficient spraying liquid quicker or slower operation should be performed the next time in order to treat the intended area.

When treating surfaces it is important to proceed systematically. On walls, even distribution is achieved by proceeding like shown in the following illustration:

In doing so, markers such as joints, beams or patches should be used as orientation points to avoid leaving any spaces or treating other parts twice. The standing distance from the wall should be chosen so that the spray covers the wall with the smallest possible droplets. This means in practice that it is necessary to stand closer to the wall when treating the upper parts and further away when treating the bottom:

Standing too far away from the wall will mean that the insecticide spray only partly reaches the surface of the wall. Standing too near to the wall means that a large amount of insecticide will be concentrated on a small area, causing the liquid to run down the wall. Both of these faults must definitely be avoided. The roof can be best treated from the bag stacks if no motor operated high pressure pump sprayer is available.

Figure 109

Figure 110

When treating bag stacks, the upper surface should be treated first, followed by the sides. Particular attention should be paid to the spaces between the bags in order to prevent untreated places.

The area underneath the pallets should be sprayed as far as the range of the sprayer being used permits.

The floor of a store is treated last working from the back of the store towards the doors.

Any remaining spray can be used for areas of particular risk, such as edges and gaps or empty pallets where insects may hide.

After treatment, the sprayer must be rinsed immediately using clean water. Special care should be given to the nozzle.

Figure 111

8.2.2 Fogging

Fogging is performed using FOG (HN) formulations which are ready-for-use or suitable (heat resistant) EC-formulations mixed with diesel oil. They are applied using a thermal fogger. This method is particularly suited for dealing with flying pests, particularly with moths.

FOG formulations do not penetrate the stored produce. Therefore, fogging is of no use against infestation with beetles or larvae.

It is advisable to repeat fogging after about a fortnight in order to deal with any moths which have hatched in the meantime. The necessity of this procedure has to be checked before doing so.

The basic requirement for the success of fogging is that the active ingredient acts for at least 12 hours. This means that the store must be adequately sealed. If the fog is able to escape through holes, gaps, ventilation openings, doors etc. the treatment will not be very effective.

Application is simple. The FOG formulation has to be filed into the insecticide tank of the fogger. Place the machine in the ajar door of the store and start it.

Figure 112

Switch off any electric lights in the store before treatment as explosion might occur. Keep attention that the tube of the fogging machine is not too close to the bag stack as fire is possible. When fogging stops remove the machine and lock the door. Remember to put up warning signs!

In very large halls, it is advisable to enter the store with the fogger, switch it on and slowly move backwards to the exit in front of the cloud of fog. Wear a mask!

It is advisable to fog during the weekend when nobody is working. After treatment, ventilate the store well for several hours before entering.

Commercial smoke cartridges may be used if no thermal fogger is available.

Figure 113

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