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Adeyemi, I.A. 1983. Dry-milling of sorghum for ogi manufacture. J. Cereal Sr i. 1: L221 -227.

Akingbala, J.O., Rooney, L.W. & Faubion, J.M. 1981. Physical, chemical and sensory evaluation of ogi from sorghum of differing kernel characteristics. J Food.Sci..46: 15321516.

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Braham, J.E., Flores, M., Ehas, L.(,., de Zaghi, S. & Bressani, R. 1969. Mejoramiento del valor nutritivo de dietas de consumo humano. II. Suplementacion con mezcla vegetal INCAP 9 y leche. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr., 19: 253-264.

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Bressani, R., Ellas, L.G., Scrimshaw, N.S. & Guzman, M.A. 1962. Nutritive value of Central American corns. Vl. Varieta1 and environmental influence on the nitrogen, essential amino acids and fat content of 10 varieties. Cereal Chem., 39: 59-67.

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Brown, R.B., Fulford, G.N., Daynard, T.B., Meiering, A.G. & Otten, L. 1979. Effect of drying methods on grain corn quality. Cereal Chem., 56: 529-533.

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Feria-Morales, A.M. & Pangborn, R.M. 1983. Sensory attributes of corn tortillas with substitutions of potato, rice and pinto beans. ./. Food Sci.,48 1124-1134,

Fernandez, J.J., Guerra, M.J. & Racca, E.1991. Precoccion de harina de soya y maiz por microonda y SU uso en la preparacion de arepas. Arch. Latinoam Nutr., 41(3).

Fields, M.1,., Hamad, A.M. & Smith, D.K. 198 1. Natural lactic acid fermentation of corn meal. J. Faacl Sc i.. 46: 900-902.

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Garcia-Lopez, S. & Wyatt, C.J. 1982. Et'tect of fiber in corn tortillas and cooked beans on iron availability. J. Agric. Faacl Chem. 30: 724-727.

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Graham, G.(,., 1,embcke, J. & Morales, E. 1990. Quality-protein maize as a sole source ot' dietary protein and t`at for rapidly growing young children. Pediatrics 85: 8591.

Green, J.R., Lawhon, J.T., Cater, C.M. & Mattil, K.F. 1976. Protein fortification of com tortillas with oilseed flour. J. Food Sci., 41: 656-660.

Green, J.R., Lawhon, J.T., Cater, C.M. & Mattil, K.F. 1977. Utilization of whole undefatted glandless cottonseed kernels and saybeans to protein tortify corn tortillas. J. Food Sci i.. 42: 790-794.Crogan, C.O. & Blessin, C.W. 1968.

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Joao, W.S.J., Elías, L.G. & Bressani, R. 1980. Efecto del proceso de coccionextrusion ( Brady Crop Cooker) sobre el valor nutritivo de mezclas elaboradus a base de frijol campi ( Vigna sinensis) maiz y de frijol caupi-yuca. Arch. Lutinuam. Nutr., 30 539-550.

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Smith, O., De Buckle, T.S., de Sandoval, A.M. & (,onzalez, A.E. 1979. Production of precooked corn flours for arepa making using an extrusion cooker. J. Food Sci., 44:816-819.

Squibb, R.L., Braham, J.E., Arroyave, G. & Scrimshaw, N.S. 1959. A comparison of the effect of raw corn and tortillas (lime-treated corn) with niacin, tryptophan or beans on the growth and muscle niacin of rats. J. Nutr., 67: 351-361.

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Viteri, F.E., Torun, B., Arroyave, G. & Pineda, O. 1981. Use of corn-bean mixtures to satisfy protein and energy requirements of preschool children. In B. Torun, V.R. Young & W.M. Rand, éds. Protein-energy requirements of developing countries: evaluation of neu data, p. 202209. Tokyo, Université des Nations Unies.

Watson, S.A. & Yahl, K.R. 1967. Comparison of wet milling properties of opaque-2 high-lysine corn and normal corn. Cereal Chem., 44: 488498.

Wolzak,,A., E1ias, L.G. & Bressani, R. 1981. Protein quality of vegetable proteins as determined by traditional biological methods and rapid chemical assays. J. Agrit . Food Chem.,29: 10631068.

Yamaguchi, J. 1974. Varietal traits limiting the grain yield of tropical maize. IV. Plant traits and productivity of tropical varieties. Soil St'i. Plant Nutr., 20: 287304.

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