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Annex 1: Education SWA - A Bibliography

Documents not in the public domain
Country List of Programmes/Projects

There is a small but rapidly growing general literature on Sector Wide Approaches (SWA); likewise, but to a much smaller extent, for education SWA. As can be seen below, the majority of the literature is not in the public domain and is therefore not widely available. The authors wish to express their appreciation to the many people who generously shared documentation. The small 'archive' listed below ensured that the study was much better informed than it might otherwise have been.

Documents in the public domain (or soon to be)

Asian Development Bank (June 1996)
Review of the Bank's Programme Lending Policies, ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (1997)
Emerging Asia, ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (1998)
Medium Term Strategic Framework: First Draft, ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (1998)
Support for Human Development, ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (1999)
Progress Report: Education Reform, Papua New Guinea, ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (1999 in press)
Key Governance Issues, ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (1999 in press)
Social Sector Profiles (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Thailand), ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (1999 in press)
Social Sector Profiles: Overview Paper, ADB, Manila

Asian Development Bank (various years)
Loan Documentation: Kyrgyz, Mongolia, Indonesia, Manila, ADB, Manila

Association for the Development of Education in Africa, (1998)
"ADEA Working Groups", ADEA Newsletter, Vol. 10, No 4, Oct-Dec 1998

Cassels, Andrew (1997)
A Guide to Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development: Concepts, Issues and Working Arrangements, World Health Organisation (with DANIDA, DFID, EC), Washington

Commonwealth Secretariat (1997)
The Role of Professionally Managed Government: Action for Human Resource Development, Commonwealth Secretariat, London

Department for International Development (November 1997)
Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century: A Summary, DFID, London

Department for International Development (May 1999)
Learning Opportunities for All: A Policy Framework for Education, DFID, London

Department for International Development Co-operation, (1998)
Finland's Development Policy 1997, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki

Department for International Development Co-operation, (1998)
Finland's Development Assistance 1996 and 1997, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki

Department for International Development Co-operation, (1998)
Guidelines for Programme Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki

Dollar, David and Pritchett, Lant (1998)
Assessing Aid: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why, Oxford University Press for World Bank, Oxford and Washington

Education Division, ODA (1990)
Into the Nineties: an Education Policy for British Aid, ODA, London

Education Division, ODA (January 1994)
Aid to Education in 1993 and Beyond: an ODA Strategy Paper, ODA, London

Gould, Jeremy, Takala, Tuomas and Nokkala, Marko (1998)
How Sectoral Programs Work, Policy Papers 1/98, Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki, Helsinki

Government of Uganda (1998)
Education Strategic Investment Plan 1998 - 2003, Ministry of Education and Sports, Kampala

Government of Uganda (1998)
ESIP Work Plan, Education Planning Department, Ministry of Education and Sports, Kampala

Harrold, Peter and Associates (1995)
Sector Investment Programs, World Bank, Washington

Heyneman, Stephen P. (1999)
"The sad story of UNESCO's education statistics". International Journal for Educational Development, Vol. 19, No 1, 65 - 74

Jones, Phillip W., (1999)
"Globalisation and the UNESCO mandate: multilateral prospects for educational development", International Journal for Educational Development, Vol. 19, No 1, 17 - 25

Middleton J. and Rondenelli D., (1987)
Managing Change in Education Projects, World Bank, Washington

Mundy, Karen (1999)
"Educational multilateralism in a changing world order: Unesco and the limits of the possible". International Journal for Educational Development, Vol. 19, No 1, 27 - 52

Republic of Mozambique (April 1998)
"Education Sector Strategic Plan 1997 - 2001: Reviving Schools and Expanding Opportunities", Ministry of Education, Maputo

Secretary of State for International Development (1997)
Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century, White Paper on International Development, Stationery Office, London

Short, Clare (28 May 1997)
"The role and functions of the Department for International Development", Speech at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, DFID, London

Short, Clare (26 June 1997)
"Eliminating Poverty - A Challenge for the New Millennium", Speech at the Commonwealth Institute, DFID, London

Short, Clare (30 June 1997)
"Democracy, Human Rights and Governance", Speech at the University of Manchester, DFID, London

Short, Clare (8 July 1997)
"Development and the Private sector: a Partnership for Change", Speech at the Institute of Directors, DFID, London

Short, Clare (10 July 1997)
"World Population Day Address", Speech at the World Population Day Reception in the House of Lords, DFID, London

Social Development Division, DFID (1998)
Social Development: Factsheet, DFID, London

UNESCO (1998)
Inception Report: Monitoring of Education Reform: Kazakhstan, UNESCO, Paris

Watson, Keith (1999)
"UNESCO's vision for education in the twenty-first century: where is the moral high ground?". International Journal for Educational Development, Vol. 19, No 1, 7-16

World Bank (1998)
Review of Public Finances, World Bank, Washington

World Bank (1998)
Public Expenditure Review: Tanzania, World Bank, Washington

Documents not in the public domain

[The following documents comprise seminar papers, official reports, internal memoranda, letters, e-mail communications and booklets, most of which originate from Governmental and agency sources. We are grateful to have received permission to use these papers, which, so far as we are aware, are not generally available.]

Alexis, Marline (18 December 1997)
"Next Steps in the Common Implementation Arrangements" E-mail to Mick Foster and others. World Bank

Al-Samarrai, S., Colclough, C., and Bennell, P. (1998)
An Evaluation of British Aid to Primary Schooling 1988 - 1998, DFID, London

Andersen, Ole Winckler and Christensen, Olav Rex (June 1997)
"Financial Accountability Aspects of Sector Programme Support: Danish Policies and Experience", Technical Advisory Services, DANIDA, Copenhagen

Antoniou, Jim and Associates (undated, 1998?)
The Sector Study, OHP Presentation, UNESCO

Asamoa-Baah, A and Nabarro, D (1998)
"Theme Group 1: How are the Development Partner (Donor) Agencies Changing their Practice?", International Technical Working group on Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development

Bhatia, Anita and Okidegbe, Nwanze (May 1997)
"Sector Investment Programs", SPA Donors Meeting June 1997, Africa Region 16 May 1997, World Bank

Bird, Bella (March 1999)
"Will the Poor Benefit? Some Key Questions to have Answered in a SWAp Process", DFID East Africa, unpublished

Cassels, A and Janovsky, K (May 1998)
"Sector Wide Approaches, Priority Programmes and Health Outcomes: An attempt to clarify (some of) the debate". Working Note, Geneva

CEC (UK) and FTP (Finland) (June, 1998)
"Proposal for learning and reflection process on the Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP) preparation in Ethiopia"

Clarke, David J (19 August 1998)
"Education Sector Wide Approach Study: (Notes on Bangladesh, Kiribati, Vanuatu)", Letter to M Seath DFID, unpublished

Cunningham, Roger (16 July 1998)
"Sector Wide Approaches: Notes on the Caribbean", E-mail to M. Seath, DFID, unpublished

DAC Working Party on Gender Equality (May, 1998)
"Workshop Document No 4: Sector Programme Support and Gender Analysis", Workshop on Integrating Gender Issues in Programme Aid, Sector Investment Programmes, Market Reform and other forms of Economic Policy Assistance, Paris

Demery, Lionel and Walton, Michael (Draft, December, 1997)
"Are Poverty and Social Targets for the 21st Century Attainable?", Paper prepared for DAC/Development Centre Seminar on Key Elements in Poverty Reduction Strategies, Paris, 4-5 December 1997, World Bank

Department for International Development (1998)
Education Sector Support, Programme Submissions (Ghana, Uganda), DFID, London, unpublished

Department for International Development (March 1998)
SAPPII Indicator Workshop 18-20 March 1998: Report, DFID, London

Department for Policy and Legal Issues (July 1995)
Sector Programme Support: Background Document to SIDA Policy, SIDA, Stockholm

Dublin Theme Group 4 (D4) (9 June 1998)
"SWAps and Intersectoral Dimensions of Health: Feedback on Geneva Brainstorming Workshop", Geneva

Education and Culture Bureau, Gambela (1998)
Gambela Peoples' Regional State Five-Year Educational Plan 1988-1992, Gambela, Ethiopia

Education and Culture Bureau, Gambela (March 1998)
Education Sector Development Program 1990-1994 E.C. (1997/98 - 2001/02), The Gambela Peoples' National Regional State, Gambela, Ethiopia

Education Department, Punjab (undated, 1998?)
"Restructuring, Strengthening and Decentralisation of Elementary Education in Punjab", Seminar Notes, Government of the Pubjab

Education Experts Group of the Commission and Member States (21 April 1998)
"The Birth of a Code of Conduct", EU Horizon 2000 Meeting, Brussels

Education Sector Development Program (11 - 29 May 1998)
"Ethiopia Revised Aide-Memoire: Joint Donor Technical Assistance Mission for Support of the Ethiopian ESDP", Addis Ababa

Education Sector Development Program (18 February 1998)
"Ethiopia Aide-Memoire: Third Joint Donor Technical Assistance Mission for Support of the ESDP: Revised Draft", Addis Ababa

Education Sector Development Program (19 February 1998)
"Annex 3 - Implementation Arrangements for ESDP - Revision of the PAP: Draft", Addis Ababa

Education Sector Development Program (1998?)
"Annex 4 - Economic Assessment", Addis Ababa

Education Sector Development Program (1998?)
"Annex 7 - ESDP Key Performance Indicators", Addis Ababa

Education Sector Development Program (2-20 February 1998)
"Annex IIb - Comments on Regions' Plans: Capacity Building", Addis Ababa

Education Sector Development Program (9/10/98)
"Ethiopia Aide-Memoire: Second Joint Donor Technical Assistance Mission for Support of the ESDP: Draft", Addis Ababa

Eeckhout, Marion (1996)
Sectoral Budget Support, Economic Structure and Employment Department, Macro-economic Analysis Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague

Elkjaer, Kjeld (March 1997)
"Sector Programming", UNDP Accountability Initiative, Harare

EU Development Council (1993?)
"Resolution on Education and Training", Development Council Resolution, Brussels

EU Development Council (November 1996)
"Human and Social Development and EU Development Cooperation", Development Council Resolution, Brussels

EU Horizon 2000 (April 1998)
"The birth of a Code of Conduct", Meeting of Education Experts of the Commission and Member States, Brussels

EU Horizon 2000 (November, 1997)
"Establishing an Education Sector Development Programme: Provisional Guidelines", Meeting of Education Experts of the Commission and Member States, Brussels

EU Horizon 2000 (October 1996)
"Sectoral Development Programmes for Education: 'Platform' for SDPs", Meeting of Education Experts of the Commission and Member States, Brussels

Foster, Mick (1994?)
"Seminar on Deepening Structural Reforms and Policies for Growth in Africa: The Broad Sector Approach", ODA

Foster, Mick (1998?)
"What have we Learnt from Application of Sector Approaches in Africa?", Talk to Asia Regional Officers, DFID

Foster, Mick (February 1999)
"Seminar on Sector-Wide Approaches: Linking Macro-Economic Concerns with Sector Strategies and Objectives, Oslo 9-11 Feb 1999", Report circulated within DFID, unpublished

Foster, Mick (October 1998)
"Africa Division Economists Meeting, Wed 30th Sept 1998", Report on Meting, DFID, unpublished

Foster, Mick and Merotto, Dino (1998?)
"Partnership for Development in Africa: A Framework for Flexible Funding", DFID, unpublished

Government of Ethiopia (November 1996)
"Education Sector Review: Synthesis and Summary", Ethiopia Social Sector Studies, PHRD Project Office, World Bank and Government of Ethiopia, Washington and Addis Ababa

Government of Mozambique/Donor Agencies Group (Oct 1998)
PROAGRI Mozambique: First review of Workplans and Budgets, Aide Memoire, Government of Mozambique, Maputo

ITWG on Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development (1998)
"Draft Programme of Work", International Technical Working Group on Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development

ITWG on Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development (1998)
"Terms of Reference", International Technical Working Group on Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development

ITWG on Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development (1998)
"Theme Group 2: Draft Scope of Work", International Technical Working group on Sector Wide Approaches for Health Development

Lister, Stephen (January 1998)
"Implementing Sector Development Programmes in Ethiopia: Draft", DFID, Government of Ethiopia

McGurk, Deborah (31/12/97)
"Tanzania: SPA Focal Cases for Common Implementation Arrangements", letter to Mick Foster, DFID, unpublished

Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda (1997-1999)
Numerous Papers generated by Uganda ESIP (Source: Murray Macrae)

Ministry of Education, Ethiopia (December 1997)
Program Action Plan for the Education Sector Development Program, Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa

Ministry of Education, Ghana and DFID (June 1998)
"Ghana: Education Sector Support", Accra and London

Ministry of Education, Tanzania (1996-1999)
Numerous Papers generated by Tanzania ESDP (Source: Mike Ratcliffe)

Ministry of Finance, Ethiopia (8 July 1998)
Financial Reporting Systems on the Use of Donor Funds: Interim Report, Ministry of Finance, Addis Ababa

Morris, Ian P. (March 1998)
"Education Reform in Pakistan: Pushing the Envelope: A review of Priorities and Strategies for Education under Pakistan's Social Action Program", Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, University of Buffalo, NY State

Oksanen, Riita and Lonnqvist Anders (18 May 1998)
"Harmonising Requirements and Procedures among Potential Funding Agencies Supporting Education and Health Sector Development Programmes in Ethiopia: Final Report", FTP International Ltd

Operations Evaluation Department, World Bank (1990)
"The Sustainability of Investment Projects in Education", World Bank internal document, unpublished

Orbach, Eliezer [?] (1997?)
"Improving the Quality of Basic Education under the Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa", World Bank

Oromia Education Bureau (March 1997)
"Oromia Regional State Education Sector Five Year Plan (1998-2002)", Oromia Education Sector, Ethiopia

Oromia Education Bureau (May 1998)
"Oromia Regional State Education Sector Development Program (ESDP): Five Year Plan 1997/98 - 2001/02", Ethiopia

Oromia Education Bureau (September-October 1997)
"Oromia Region Workshop: Attachment 2", Ethiopia

Oxford Policy Management (January 1997)
"Sector Investment Programmes in Africa: Issues and Experience - Evidence from Case Studies", UK-ODA, Oxford

Oxford Policy Management (January 1997)
"Sector Investment Programmes in Africa: Issues and Experience - Final Report", UK-ODA, Oxford

Penrose, Perran (January 1998)
"Sector Development Programmes: Definitions and Issues", British Council, unpublished

Pepperall, Jane (June 1998)
"International Technical Working Group on Sector-Wide Approaches for Health Development, Helsinki, 8-9 June 1998", Health and Population Division, DFID, London

SPM Consultants (October 1998)
Is there an ideal SWAp? Findings of two case studies in Zambia, SIDA/Swedish Embassy (Lusaka), Stockholm

Swift, Digby (1998)
"New Modalities of Development Assistance: Sector Approach" [Powerpoint Presentation], DFID, London

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (November 1996)
Education Sector Development Programme (1997-2001), Consultative Group Meeting, Addis Ababa

Thornton, Paul (October 1998)
"Pakistan Social Action Programme: DFID Background Note", DFID, unpublished

Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment Project (April 1999)
"Perspectives of Communities on Education: A Briefing Paper for the Education Sector Review, April 1999", Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Government of Uganda, Kampala

Vereker, John (28 June 1998)
"Can Poverty be eliminated through Development Co-operation?", Address to North South Roundtable, DFID, London

Ward, Michael (October 1998)
"Education Sector Planning in Pakistan - an Historical and Cultural Perspective", Discussion Paper for DFID SAPP Conference October 1998, DFID, unpublished

Weissman, S (23 October 1997)
"Common Implementation Arrangements Pilot", E-mail to SIPS Group, World Bank

Worku, Shimeles (October 1998)
"Education Sector Investment Program: an Ethiopian Experience", Paper presented to Ministry of Education and Sports (Uganda), Prime Minister's Office, Addis Ababa

World Bank (27 February, 1998)
Ethiopia Social Sector Note: Report No 16860-ET, World Bank, Washington

Zoller, Peter (15 June 1998)
"World Bank Policy Research Report: Rethinking Aid", Internal communication, Aid Policy and Resources Department, DFID, unpublished

Country List of Programmes/Projects

[The following country papers, reports and studies (some relating to non education sectors) also informed the development of the study. They are presented in country order. Those marked with * are programmes or loan agreements that broadly take either a sector wide or sub sectoral approach to education development.]

* Non-Formal Education Loan, ADB (1995)
* Primary Education Development Programme, DFID (1997)
* Primary Education Sector Development Loan, ADB (1990)
* Primary Education Sector Development Loan, World Bank (1990)
* Secondary Education Development Loan, ADB (1994)
Education Sector Support Strategy Documents, UNICEF/UNPD (various years)
Effective Schools through Enhanced Education Management (ESTEEM), DFID (1997)
Expansion of Non-Formal Primary Education/BRAC, DFID (1994)
Fourth Education (Primary Education) Project, World Bank (1992)
Secondary Education Development Strategy Study, ADB (1993/4)

* Primary Education Development Loan, World Bank (1990)
Primary Education Development Project, DFID (1990)
Primary Education Development Project, Mid-term Review, DFID (1995)

* Basic Education Investment Plan 1994/1999, ADB (1994)
Basic Education Support Programme, Annual Reviews, UNICEF/SIDA (various years)
Higher Education Policy and Strategic Framework Study, World Bank/USAID/AUSAID (1996/7)
Programme Management/monitoring System Development TA, ADB (199516)
Social Sector Strategy Study: Cambodia, ADB (1999)
Support for Primary Education Project, European Union (1995)

* Antigua: Secondary Education Support Programme, DFID (various years)
* Dominica: Secondary Education Support Programme, DFID (1998)
* Guyana: Education Sector Support Programme, World Bank/IADB and Various Funding Agencies (various years)
* Jamaica: All Age Primary Schools Programme (draft), DFID (1998/9)
* St Vincent: Secondary Education Support Programme, DFID (1988)
Anguilla: Education Sector Review Studies, DFID (1998)
Jamaica: Education Sector Strategic Reviews, World Bank/IADB/DFID (199819)

Central America
Inter America Development Bank Staff Appraisal Reports (various reports)

Cote D'Ivoire
Social Sector Development Strategy Papers, Government of Cote D'Ivoire (various years)

* Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP), Government/Funding Agencies (1998)
* ESDP Ethiopia: Strategic and Programme Framework, Government of Ethiopia (1999)
Basic Education System Overhaul (BESO), USAID (1994)
ESDP Ethiopia: Capacity Building Strategy Study, DFID (1999)
ESDP Ethiopia: Internal Adviser's Reports, DFID (1998/9)
ESDP Ethiopia: Project Implementation Manual, Government of Ethiopia (1999)
ESDP Ethiopia: Staff Appraisal Report, World Bank (1998)

* Education Sector Development Programme, World Bank (1998)
* Education Sector Strategic Plan 1998/2003, Government of Ghana (1997/8)
* Education Sector Support Programme, DFID (1998)
First Education Sector Adjustment Credit: Audit, World Bank (1994)

Andhra Pradesh Primary Education Project, Review/Evaluation Reports, DFID (various years)
West Bengal District Primary Education Project, DFID (1996)

* Social Protection Sector Loan, ADB (1998)
Active Learning and Professional Support Project (ALPS), DFID (various years)
Private Junior Secondary Education Project, ADB (1995)
Social Sector Programme Monitoring TA, World Bank/ADB/DFID (1998/9)

Primary Education Strengthening through Management (PRISM), DFID 1995/6
Strengthening of Primary Education (SPRED), Phases I and II 1993/6, DFID (1996-)
Support for Primary Education, World Bank (various years)

* Basic Education (Girls) Development Programme, ADB (1998)
* Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP) TS, ADB (1999)
* Higher Education Development Programme, ADB (1995/6)
* Primary Education Investment Programme, World Bank (1994)
Basic Education Support Programme, UNICEF (various years)
Social Sector Strategy Study: Lao PDR, ADB (1999)

* Education Sector Support Programme, World Bank (1994)
* Policy and Investment Framework (PIF) for Education 1995/2005, Government of Malawi (1995)
Girls Attainment in Basic Literacy and Education (GABLE), USAID (1991)
Malawi School Support Systems Project (MSSSP), DFID (19995)
MSSSP Mid-term Review Reports, DFIF (1998/9)

Urban Development and Decentralisation Programme, World Bank (1995/6)

* Education Sector Development Programme, ADB (1997)
Employment Generation Sector Loan, ADB (1993)
Health Sector Development Programme, ADB (1997)

* Education Sector Strategic Plan 1997/2001, Government of Mozambique (1998)
* Education Sector Investment Programme Appraisal Reports, Various Funding Agencies (1998)

* Basic and Primary Education Master Plan 1997/2002, Government of Nepal (1997)
* Basic and Primary Education Programme (BPEP), Government of Nepal (1997)
BPEP Joint Appraisal Mission, World Bank/Funding Agencies (1998)

Health, Nutrition and Development Plan and Programme, World Bank (1995/6)

* Fiji: Primary Education Development Programme, World Bank (various years)
* Kiribati: Primary/Secondary Education Development Programme, World Bank/DFID/NZODA/AusAID (1994 onwards)
* Papua New Guinea: Primary Education Development Programme, World Bank (various years)
Cook Islands Education Development Programme, ADB/NZODA (1995 onwards)
Pacific Regional: Human Development in Small Island States, ADB (1995)

* Second Girls Primary Schools Sector Loan, ADB (1996)
* Second Social Programme Sector Loan, ADB (1996)
* Social Action Programme (SAP) Appraisal Reports, World Bank (various years)
* Social Action Programme Sector Loan, ADB (1994)
Education Reform under SAP, Some Priorities, World Bank (1998)
Support for Primary Education, Lessons of Experience, NORAD (1998)
Support for Primary Education, Mid-term Review, NORAD (1993)

* Education Sector Investment Programme (draft), UNESCO/UNICEF (1999)
Education Sector Review Studies, DFID (1997/9)
Public Expenditure Review Studies: Social Sectors, DFID/World Bank (1998/9)

Population and Health Plan and Programme, Government of Senegal (1995/6)

Sierra Leone
Health Development and Action Plan, World Bank (1993)
Health Sector Development Programme, World Bank/Other Funding Agencies (1994)
Transport Sector Development Plan, World Bank (1994/5)

South America
Human Development Reports (various years)
World Bank Development Reports (various years)

* Basic Education Investment Framework, Government of Tanzania (1997)
* Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP): Programme and Strategic Framework, Government of Tanzania (1998)
Education Sector Support Programme, Concept Note, DFID (1998)
ESDP Joint Government/Donor Appraisal Reports, Government of Tanzania (1999)
Fourth/Fifth/Seventh Education Project: Performance Audit Report, World Bank (1995)
Secondary Education Issues and Options, Government of Tanzania (1997)
Support for Higher and Technical Vocational Education, Annual Reviews, World Bank/NORAD (various years)

* Higher Education Sector Development Loan, ADB (1996/7)
* Social Sector Development Programme Loan (SSDPL), ADB (1997/8)
Basic Skills Improvement Loan, ADB (1997/8)
Social Sector Strategy Study: Thailand, ADB (1999)
SSDPL Monitoring/Review Reports, ADB (1998 onwards)

* Education Sector Assistance Programme (EDSAC), World Bank (1997/8)
* Education Strategic Investment Plan (ESIP), Government of Uganda (1998/9)
Education Sector Support Programme, DFID (1998)
Education Sector Support Programme, USAID (1995/8)

* Education Development Programme (Secondary) TA, ADB (1999)
* Education Sector Development Programme, ADB (1996/7)
Education Sector Monitoring TA, ADB (1998)

* Primary Education Development Programme, World Bank (various years)
* Primary Schools Support Programme, European Union (1999)
Primary Schools Support Programme, European Union (1993)

* Primary Education Development Programme, World Bank (1994/5)
* Secondary Education Development Programme, ADB (1996/7)
Country Assistance Plan: Social Sectors Component, World Bank (1998)
Secondary Teacher Training Project TA, ADB (1998)
Social Sector Strategy Study: Vietnam, ADB (1999)

* Basic Education Sub-sector Investment Programme (BESIP), World Bank (1998)
Action to Improve English/Maths/Science (AIEMS) Project, DFID (1997)
Education Sector Investment Programme: Appraisal Report, World Bank (1997)
Health Sector Investment Programme, Various Funding Agencies (various years)