Dr Yusuf Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Teaching Hospital, P. O. Box 50001, Lusaka, Zambia
Dr Raj Baveja, Honorary Medical Superintendent, Kamala Nehru Memorial Hospital, Allahabad, India
Ms Frances Foord, Dunn Nutrition Group (Keneba), MRC Laboratories, Fajara, Nr Banjul, P.O. Box 273, The Gambia
Dr Ricardo Gonzales, Dr Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, Lope de Vega St. Sta Cruz, Manila, The Philippines
Mrs Stella Mpanda, Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, P. O. Box 65004, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Ms Azizah Musbah, Principal Nurse Midwife Tutor, School of Midwifery, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Jala Pahang, 50586 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dr Philip N. Mwalali, MSCI Chief Technical Adviser, Family Health Division, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Maseru, Lesotho
Miss Margaret Peters, Director, International Confederation of Midwives, Royal Womens Hospital, 132 Grattan Street, Carlton 3053, Victoria, Australia
Dr Ezzat H. Sayed, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, P. O. Box 174, Assiut, Egypt
Dr Ricardo Schwarcz, Director, Center for Perinatology and Human Development (CLAP), Hospital de Clinicas, Casilia de Correo 627, Piso 16, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay
Ms Delia S. Veraguas Segura, Avenida Gomez Carreño, 3443, V Sector, DTO 4, Viña del Mar, Chile
Professor Ulla Waldenstrom, La Trobe University, RWH Campus, Royal Womens Hospital, Kathleen Syme Education Centre, 132 Grattan Street, Carlton 3053, Victoria, Australia
Ms Jeanne McDermott, MotherCare Project, John Snow Incorporated, 1616 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1100, Arlington, Virginia 22209, United States of America
Ms Susan F. Murray, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Child Health, 30 Guildford Street, London WCIN IEH, United Kingdom
Dr Susan Holck, Director, Reproductive Health
Mrs Carla AbouZahr, Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood
Dr Agostino Borra, Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme
Ms Karen Christiani, Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme/Human Resources for Health
Dr Richard Guidotti, Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme
Dr Suman Mehta, Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme
Sister Anne Thompson, Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme
Dr José Villar, Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction
Dr Jelka Zupan, Maternal Health and Newborn Care
Mrs Petra ten Hoope-Bender, Temporary Adviser, Jac Van Vessemsingel 37, 3065 NH Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Professor Pieter Eric Treffers, Temporary Adviser, Henriette Bosmansstraat 4, 1077 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands