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THE COCHRANE PREGNANCY and CHILDBIRTH DATABASE (issue 1995-1) CCPC reviews used in this report:
Elbourne DR
- Prophylactic oxytocics in third stage of labour. Review 02974
- Prophylactic syntometrine vs oxytocin in third stage of labour. Review 02999
- Prophylactic oxytocin vs ergot derivatives in third stage of labour. Review 03000
- Prophylactic syntometrine vs ergot derivatives in third stage of labour. Review 03001
- Early umbilical cord clamping in third stage of labour. Review 3818
- Cord traction vs fundal pressure in third stage of labour. Review 03004
- Active vs conservative third stage management. Review 05352
- Active vs conservative third stage management-low risk women. Review 05353
Fraser WD
- Amniotomy to shorten spontaneous labour. Review 04134
- Early amniotomy and early oxytocin for delay in labour compared to routine care. Review 06949
Grant AM
- EFM vs intermittent auscultation in labour. Review 03884
- EFM and scalp sampling vs intermittent auscultation in labour. Review 03297
- EFM alone vs intermittent auscultation labour. Review 03298
- Fetal blood sampling as adjunct to heart rate monitoring. Review 07018
- Liberal vs restricted use of EFM in labour (low risk labours). Review 03886
- Liberal vs restricted use of EFM in labour (all labours) Review 03885
Hodnett ED
- Support from caregivers during childbirth. Review 03871
- Birth room vs conventional delivery setting. Review 05735
- Continuity of caregivers during pregnancy and childbirth. Review 07672
Howell CJ
- Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) in labour. Review 05253
- Transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) vs pethidine in labour. Review 05254
- Systematic narcotics for analgesia in labour. Review 03398
- Diazepam in labour. Review 03401
- Methoxyflurane vs nitrous oxide/oxygen for analgesia in labour. Review 03400
- Epidural vs non-epidural analgesia in labour. Review 03399
Nikodem C
- Upright vs recumbent position during first stage of labour. Review 03334
- Upright vs recumbent position for second stage of labour. Review 03335
- Birth chair vs recumbent position for second stage of labour. Review 04735
- Lateral tilt vs dorsal position for second stage of labour. Review 03402
- Sustained (Valsalva) vs exhalatory bearing down in second stage of labour. Review 03336
Renfrew MJ
- Routine perineal shaving on admission in labour. Review 03876
- Liberal use of episiotomy for spontaneous vaginal delivery. Review 03695
Renfrew MJ, Hay-Smith J
- Routine enema on admission in labour. Review 03877
Sinclair JC
- Intubation and suction in vigorous meconium-stained babies. Review 05946
Special acknowledgment is made to the following publications to which frequent reference is made:
Chalmers I, Enkin M, Keirse MJNC (eds). Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth. Oxford, Oxford University Press 1989.
Enkin M, Keirse MJNC, Renfrew MJ, Neilson J. A Guide to Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, 2nd ed. Oxford, Oxford University Press 1995.