Abortion: A tabulation of available data on the frequency and mortality of unsafe abortion. WHO/FHE/MSM/93.13
Achieving reproductive health for all. The role of WHO. WHO/FHE/95.6.
Antenatal care and maternal health: How effective is it? A review of the evidence. WHO/MSM/92.4. Available in English and French. Sw fr 15; in developing countries Sw fr 10.50.
Care of mother and baby at the health centre: a practical guide. WHO/FHE/MSM/94.2. Available in English and French. Sw fr 10.
Clinical management of abortion complications: a practical guide. WHO/FHE/MSM/94.1 Sw fr 10.
Coverage of maternity care: A tabulation of available information (third edition). WHO/FHE/MSM/93.7.
Detecting pre-eclampsia: A practical guide - Using and maintaining blood pressure equipment. WHO/MCH/MSM 92.5. Sw f 10.
Essential elements of obstetric care at first referral level. WHO 1991. ISBN 92 4 1544244. Sw fr l4 or US$ 12.60: in developing countries US$ 9.80. Order number 1150364. Available in English, and French. Spanish in preparation.
Essential newborn care. Report of a Technical Working Group. Trieste. April 1994. WHO/FRH/MSM/96.13. Available in English. French in preparation.
Home-based maternal records: Guidelines for development, adaptation, and evaluation. WHO 1994 ISBN 92 4 154464 3 Sw fr 20; in developing countries Sw fr 14. Available in English and French.
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: Report of the WHO/MCH Interregional Collaborative Study, February 1991. WHO/MCH/91.4.
Management of the sick newborn. Report of a Technical Working Group. Ankara. June 1995. WHO/FRH/MSM 96.12.
Maternal and perinatal infections: a practical guide. WHO/MCH/91.10. Sfr 15.
Maternal mortality: Ratios and rates - A tabulation of available information (third edition). WHO/MCH/MSM/91,6. This edition includes WHOs regional estimates.
Measuring reproductive morbidity: Report of a technical working group, August 1989. WHO/MCH/90.4.
Midwifery education: Action for Safe Motherhood - Report of a collaborative pre-congress workshop, Kobe, Japan, October 1990. WHO/UNICEF/International Confederation of Midwives (ICM). WHO/MCH/91.3.
Midwifery practice: measuring, developing and mobilizing quality care. Report of a collaborative WHO/ICM/UNICFF pre-congress workshop. Vancouver, 1993. WHO/FHE/MSM/94.13.
Mother-Baby Package: Implementing safe motherhood in countries. A practical guide. WHO/FHE/MSM/94.11. Available in English and French. Sw fr 15.
Obstetric and contraceptive surgery at the district hospital: A practical guide. WHO/MCH/MSM 92.8. Available in English and French.
Perinatal mortality. A listing of available information. WHO/FRH/MSM/96.7
Preventing prolonged labour: a practical guide. The Partograph. Parts I - IV. WHO/FHE/MSM 93.8 - 93.11.
Revised 1990 estimates of maternal mortality. A new approach by WHO and UNICEF. WHO/FRH/MSM 96.11 Available in English and French.
Social and cultural issues in human resources development for maternal health and safe motherhood: Report of a working group meeting, Stockholm, 30-31 May 1991. WHO/MCH/MSM/91.4.
The prevention and management of puerperal infections. Report of a Technical Working Group. Geneva, May 1992. WHO/FHE/MSM/95.4
The prevention and treatment of obstetric fistulae: Report of a technical working group, April 1989. WHO/FHE/89.5.
The risks to women of pregnancy and childbearing in adolescence: A selected annotated bibliography. 1989. WHO/MCH/89.5.
Womens Groups, NGOs and Safe Motherhood. WHO/FHE/MSM/92.3
Womens health and safe motherhood: The role of the obstetrician and gynaecologist - Report of a WHO/FIGO workshop prior to the FIGO congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1989. WHO MCH/89.3.
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